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Everything posted by Bernie-DE1000

  1. Bernie-DE1000

    DE-1000 - Dayzmod - STAY CLEAR!

    As you can read in the chatlogs Commander never stated any of what reek told to Jokerjoe. There was no "I am friends with the Admin and can´t be banned" or similar. All he said was "go ahead and report me" Everything else is interpretation by reek or - you could say since he said it twice - a blatant lie.
  2. Bernie-DE1000

    DE-1000 - Dayzmod - STAY CLEAR!

    At least where I (and also [HS]Commander) live, monkey is a "neutral" insult and not a racist remark. Since neither him or other players ever stated that he is black, I don´t count this as racism. It was HIM who turned the mom=monkey into mum=black monkey. This is not North Korea insulting Obama, this is an anonymous text chat where the participants don´t know each other, so you can´t insinuate racism as you please like he did. And you let Non-Admins make these kinds of threats to your players? No, but this is not part of this topic. He did not "leave" the community as you said, he says he was Banned. I said I made my decision about him leaving the community. I'm sure you'd like to put this behind you and forget it, but that isn't going to happen. This is exactly what is going to happen.
  3. Bernie-DE1000

    DE-1000 - Dayzmod - STAY CLEAR!

    There was never any racism involved until kragz (=reek ingame) decided it to be racism. I am not here to discuss anything about that since I made my decision about him leaving the community, I just wanted you to be able to judge yourself. So here are the 15min of chatlog from the early 4th of April before reek left: http://pastebin.com/XaUBdNSE Have a good day.