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Everything posted by jesquik

  1. Is there a place where we can read up on the policies regarding building bases, how long upkeep is, what the deal with plot poles is, etc? Do you have a general writeup about that?
  2. jesquik

    The spawn time is outragios

    It was hacked in to make people stop complaining about combat loggers, and as far as I can tell the 30 second logout timer works great. I don't particularly like the 300 second timer when you are leaving a server because it keeps crashing or is really laggy but I don't mind that much. You run around in circles longer than 300 seconds in the game, people need to learn some patience. Go get a glass of water, or a beer, or do some pushups and shut the fuck up.
  3. jesquik

    DayZ after the CoD kids

    So your argument is that private servers made it hard for new players? Mods are going to happen and the game is going to expand beyond Dean's control... which is exactly why he isn't planning on staying with the project indefinitely. He has said he wants to get the basic game to his liking and then let the team take it from there without his input. That input will ultimately take the form of support for mods, which is what will keep people buying SA and participating in the community. You are mixing up a lack of development on the mod with the increase in the amount of mods, thanks to the source code being released on github. The mod moved a glacial pace because Dean was working on SA. The mods and servers that kept everyone playing just did whatever they had to do to get players on their servers. The mods kept this game alive while Dean climbed mountains and went to conferences while developing the SA.
  4. jesquik

    DayZ after the CoD kids

    I do realize that vanilla died, I left vanilla for redux as soon as it was available because I didn't like the AS50 being on every other person and I wanted something more difficult. Vanilla died out because people didn't enjoy it as much as the other mods, which made DayZ stronger, not weaker. The competition added life to the genre, and helps influence the ultimate product that we will see. I specifically said 'two years' because I understand mods are a long way out. I'm not out for a fight, I just don't agree with you.
  5. jesquik

    DayZ after the CoD kids

    There is a really simple solution to your whining. Don't play on private hives you don't like. Done. This game is going to be modified, there will be spin-offs, there will be private hives with varying amounts of loot, there will be a hundred variations on the game in two years time, if not more. Modability is how this game was made. It is how small developers create new experiences with limited budgets. Get off your high horse and just play where you find enjoyment.
  6. jesquik

    More Melee Weapons

    And what I really mean by that is there should be musical instruments in the game, such as the saxaphone, banjo, guitar, bongo that take up melee slots. I realized that this is critical feature after watching this video @ 2:08: That man needs a real saxophone not an extinguisher. Sure some monsters will use them as weapons, but we cannot design a society with only the monsters in mind. [edit] clarification
  7. jesquik

    More Melee Weapons

  8. jesquik

    Im at my breaking point

    Once gear is more scarce and zombies more numerous and dangerous prepare yourself to have even more difficulty doing EVERYTHING in the game without sweaty palms :D
  9. jesquik

    More Melee Weapons

    Yeah, I'm not really interested in the instrument making any real in game noise, I just think it should be a prop for direct chat fun-time. Also, I think that carrying a musical instrument should replace your fire axe. For most people that will be a hard decision, but for a bard, the decision is clear.
  10. Yeah, you clearly didn't appreciate the sarcasm in that one, too bad. Assumptions can be wrong, and in this case I was, but they have to be made to get through the day, especially when you don't know someone's position on a topic. Glad to hear you enjoy first person so much, and I'm happy to see your thoughtful explanation on why you like it, we definitely agree on many points. However, I am pretty certain rocket left 3rd person in the game to sell copies, not for any other reason. Also, no need to compare yourself with Sacriel, I wasn't saying he was a better player than you, I was being a sarcastic asshole to jab at those who play 3rd person. Why so serious?
  11. The only thing the immersion fundamentalists hate is people like you that have this brilliant idea for the ten millionth time and don't read up on the game enough to know this will NEVER happen. However, if you really want this, learn how to mod Arma and when they open DayZ up to mods you can create your own branch of DayZ with a happier name and a rose tinted filter on the screen. If you want to make something safe, find people and make it a no kill zone. Don't be surprised that you will need lots of GUNS to enforce this rule and that you will likely end up killing a lot of people before you can convince people to listen. The society we live in are safe because the governments of the world use violence on those that use violence on others, that is the ingrained reality that keeps you being a savage.
  12. LoL, he has a strong opinion on one form of gameplay AS a professional gamer, how is he arrogant about it? He clearly just understands better than you the better way to play the game.
  13. I want many more than 100, so I hope that is only the beginning. People that don't like the idea of 100 man servers, that say this will turn into 'realistic CS' are ignoring everything that is planned for this game - namely less military loot and more improvised weapons. I want to be able to hang out in a bush and watch some idiot with a sharpened stick running after a n00b for his beans. So many lulz are on their way.
  14. jesquik

    Correcting SA ballistics

    Thank you so much for sharing your insights, I found it quite fascinating to read and do further wikipedia research!
  15. jesquik

    Game really hard on high-pop servers

    How is this helpful in the slightest? He is clearly talking about the lack of loot because the servers do not restart. Ultimately no loot will spawn if the server doesn't restart because loot spawning is broken at this point. Just play on servers that have regular restarts in order to enjoy the game... or be really lucky and wait for a server restart on the experimental branches.
  16. jesquik

    List of Ideal Weapons for the SA

    I want to see many more small arms. While military items should be in the game, they should be exceedingly rare, especially in good condition. I would love to see shotguns of many kinds, pistols, flintlock rifles, and other improvised weapons before we add more military. Keep in mind, however, that there will likely be 100s of items that you can use (including a sharpened stick :)
  17. This. They are just starting to introduce this stuff, it will take a while. Good that you reported it, but this type of stuff should be on the bug site, not on the forums. Also make sure you search the bug site.
  18. jesquik

    Why can opener?

    I like the video, thanks for sharing, but don't worry there will be many ways to open cans in the future. Open with a rock, open with a shovel, open with a wrench... etc... Each will have a different chance of ruining a percentage of the food. Sometimes you have to ignore reality to make the game better.
  19. Could we get a way to see this information bound to a key in game? This could also be solved by having a fixed history so you could just see the servers you were on in order. As seen here: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/170518-favorites-history-server-id/#entry1742429
  20. jesquik

    favorites, history & server ID

    Yea, I throw my beans in for the first suggestion: History tab should add a 'Last Joined' date on there. It can get pretty confusing when you are trying to find the servers you played on.
  21. jesquik

    Improved Loot [SA]

    Definitely like the idea of crafting books, that would be awesome, especially if you find a really good survival book. I bet there are some publishers that would love to put their book in the game, along with the isbn number. People could read it in game and purchase it on Amazon when they realize it is quite useful. Also like the loot based off of the loot location / type of room. That would definitely help the atmosphere.
  22. Quite love the mockup! Good work sir. I would definitely love to see more variation in the map, but I know that future maps will be released like they were in the mod, so I'm not too worried about it. Although I do love Chernarus and would rather see some water instead of the zero-line.
  23. Wish that worked for me... Sounds works fine in the mod, but I don't get any love in the standalone.
  24. Even better, get involved with a good server with good admins that agree with you.
  25. jesquik

    Wall Hacker

    I experienced this just a little while ago. I was at the Police Station (camo building, tech building) at Balota and someone comes by, talks on direct and names each member of my group by our guns, "mosin guy, m4 guy, magnum guy" telling us we have 10 seconds to leave the police station or die. I know that there is no way they can get the drop on us, but they sounded really sure of themselves. I am playing on a hardcore server so I know they cannot see over walls or anything so I am getting very suspicious about the whole situation. We tell them to beat it or not live to tell about it. As we are preparing for an assault, the guy on direct says something like 'Initiate plan B' at which point a guy runs through the floor and walls and starts punching my friend. This offense was worthy of a shot in the back with my mosin, which caused him to fall down dead (underneath the floor.) At this point we know that they are either able to see through the walls or travel through walls or both so we decide to log out before we get killed by hackery. People clipping like zombies. Nice.