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Everything posted by jesquik

  1. jesquik

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    Thank god, I thought I was going crazy. Was eating every change I could to make sure I would regenerate health but the colors never came back!
  2. No skill system for an MMO has ever been better than the Ultima Online system. You gained skills over time, you picked some tag skills to begin with, and there was a total skill point max that you had so you couldn't specialize in everything. A brief explanation can be found here: http://www.uoguide.com/Skills Having skills is the only thing that will really make you valuable to other players. Currently your equipment is your ability. This topic makes me think of the scene in The Road when they run into those highwaymen gang members on the road after their truck breaks down and Garret Dillahunt (in the movie) goes to take a piss in the woods. They have a mechanic, but they don't have a doctor (or so they say). He offers them safe passage if the father can come and help his sick friend. Likely it is a ruse, but maybe they do have a sick person that needs help. Having skills adds to the atmosphere, which is still sorely lacking in this game. I don't think that shooting ability should ever increase, that should be player skill alone, but stamina and skills that determine whether you do something successfully should definitely increase with use.
  3. Hey all, I was wondering if anyone had the experience of being hit by a zombie and then moaning like you are in pain every 20 seconds or so until death? I don't think I needed blood because I was seeing color and I didn't have any shakes like I was in pain. I tried logging and coming back but it didn't go away. Could I have been sick?
  4. jesquik

    Moaning after getting hit by Zed

    Sutinen, did it ever go away when it happened to you? I was alive for at least 30 minutes with full food/water and it didn't seem to go away. Or maybe you haven't survived that long ;)
  5. jesquik

    Moaning after getting hit by Zed

    Ok, that is helpful. I was moaning for a long time, and I was full food/water. Does you know how long it takes to regain blood?
  6. There are so many exciting changes coming down the line! I absolutely love seeing items spawning on tables and outside of loot piles. I want to have to SEARCH a house in order to know it's all clear! Every time I read a new feature I squee. It's true.
  7. Happened on US 5 Happened at 9:31p EST I was running towards Zelenogorsk and I was teleported to Skalka. I have included a list of the players that were on at the time. I left before everyone started shooting each other. My friend who stayed on was teleported again and then turned into a zombie. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/391905/2012-08-06_00001.jpg
  8. You're ridiculous. Grammar and paragraphs can be ignored when you are 14, certainly not as an adult, but it seems that you want to regress instead of progress - I feel sorry for you. I'm not sure where you get the idea that loot spawning on an emptied square is a bug. If this is a known bug, please show us all where it is so we can learn something. If loot didn't spawn on an emptied square then new loot would only happen on a server restart. If this were the case new loot would only come up every 8 hours. However you should be able to remember, if you have been playing this game for a while, that server restarting is necessary only because of broken cleanup code. The cleanup code is bad. The spawn code is not. People cleanup instead of waiting for a server restart. Server restarts are the result of bad cleanup code. Also, are you going to stop trying to pin 'disconnecting', 'anger', and 'server hopping' on me? They are off topic, contribute nothing to the conversation, and are infantile. Oh wait, you aren't able to. You are stuck on stupid.
  9. jesquik


    So it's getting to the point where I need to take a break from the game because hackers are making it so unenjoyable. I am not sure whether there are servers with advanced enough code to combat the seemingly constant scripting, but if there are I would love to hear from some server admins. I know that me and a bunch of friends are going to just take a break for a while. I wish this was more of a priority, because I'm sure that there are things that Rocket and others could do to help the admins solve these problems. Maybe it's unfixable... but I highly doubt it. I feel like it is up to the community to combat this epidemic, because it is clear that all the posts in the 'cheaters' forums equates to ZERO progress. If I had a server I would love to take a crack at solving these issues :)
  10. jesquik


    Do I? Does it matter? Are we going to address the content of posts or are we going to discuss the context? You make it sounds like you don't care about hacking.
  11. Vehicles can not show up on certain restarts. It happens at least once a day on the server I play on.
  12. jesquik

    Bus driver looking for server!

    Cool stuff man, I wish you the best of luck!
  13. jesquik


    I expect there will be more and more until the issue is dealt with.
  14. jesquik


    I'm honestly not interested in another 'powers' based game. I like games that rely on your skills, and only your skills, to get things done.
  15. jesquik


    You are correct that security is a constant struggle between those who wish to break a system and those trying to keep it together. There are a few sites that are easily googled, so I don't know why you can get banned for listing them, but you did the right thing by not explicitly stating the sites. I also have looked at them and realized that sinking 10+ hours per week into a game that is focusing on the small stuff is just not going to work for me. I'll wait until duping/cheating/disconnecting is fixed, servers are wiped, and then I'll give it another go.
  16. In the end it is all chance based and completely reliant on server resets to clear broken spawn points and set new crashed helis. Unlike you I have found many M4 SD and only one NVG. I guess that is just how the randomness works out :)
  17. You are a troll, and you cannot construct paragraphs, so it's probably best that you avoid instructing me on where to find the definition for a word. The point you make about finding a definition to suit an argument is EXACTLY what I was showing you. Sorry that I have to explain that for you, thinking is hard business. You tried to argue that loot cycling is unfair, and now you've just degraded to the point of telling me to 'do whatever I want' in a similar cop out to the way people handle free speech. It's sad that instead of realizing that you are wrong, and admitting that there is truth in what I said, you start throwing insults at me. You have not got me 'riled up' in any way, and no amount of lols or 'disconnector' accusations are going to get you where you want to be, under my skin. Also, responding to you isn't wasting my time. Reading your inane statements is. So please, stop wasting my time and say something useful. If you think that loot cycling is really unfair, clearly point out why it is. Educate us all on how it ruins the game experience.
  18. In reality, NVGs are very hard to find. I played for 3 months and only found ONE in the wild on a crashed heli. Currently EVERY item in the game is duped and we have INSANE item inflation. This will change once duping is fixed. My recommendations: 1) Wait for server reset and drive around in a vehicle to find crashes. 2) Lock down the airfield with a few people and loot cycle. 3) Find someones tent and take theirs. 4) Kill someone and take theirs.
  19. Not sure where you get your definition of exploit, but here's a different, and equally valid, definition for you: (noun) - a striking or notable deed; feat; spirited or heroic act. Words are liquid, and change meaning frequently and always within context. Please don't use some arbitrary definition of a word to prove me wrong, because it won't work. You are trying to say that loot cycling ANY spawn point is UNFAIR, and I'm saying you're wrong. Every loot spawn has a risk matched up with it's reward simply because players and zombies will be in higher numbers at the best loot areas. Oh I know how to fix this! We should get rid of server restarts because that causes new loot to spawn too! Oh wait, you know what, server restarts are fine because it's done on a schedule and it isn't player controlled. Is that what you're thinking? Well server restarts are exploited all the time, especially with heli crashes (it's news I know.) Oh wait.. I know what you're doing! You're just splitting hairs in order to feel better about yourself. Thanks for wasting my time.
  20. Looks like 'reaching' to try and 'save face' to me... Don't get all ass hurt when you try and make fun of someone and you get some joy thrown back at you. Say you were wrong and learn from your mistake. Or just edit your post and call the guy a liar... either way you're wasting screen space. Be A Useful Human Being
  21. That's fucking hilarious but it shouldn't be.
  22. Can you make it so a player's grass draw distance is equal to their player visibility distance to make grass useful for hiding?
  23. jesquik

    Karma for the hackers

    A decent hacker will just respawn near you after you kill him with all his equipment back on... Happened to some friends earlier today. Most hackers are NOT good players, that is likely why they are hacking, so I can believe your story. My friends killed the same two guys 4 times within 10 minutes as he kept teleporting back fully loaded!
  24. jesquik

    Best sniper rifle?

    If you have NVG you probably are better off getting used to the DMR. It's badass. SVD camo is the best for style. .50 caliber weapons are beast mode but night time play is going to be difficult!
  25. Agreed, atmosphere is everything in immersion gameplay.