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Everything posted by jesquik

  1. jesquik

    Lag or Hacks

    No way to know for sure unless you have the server logs. Try and play on a good server with active admins and you will have more methods at your disposal to track down exploits, if there are any. Reality is that now the server decides if you hit someone, so lag definitely comes into play and right now there is a lot of optimization that still needs to happen.
  2. jesquik

    How to end kill on sight?

    Limiting ammo will make shooting someone more desirable if they have a gun because you will assume they have ammo. NOTHING WILL CHANGE KOS. People who KOS love it and likely will never change their mind. No amount of rules will ever change that. No amount of videos of role played gameplay will convince them. Asking to end KOS is like asking to stop war. It's pointless. It will never happen. People are too complicated and the reasons for violence too many. Can you do your part in stopping KOS? Yea. Don't KOS. Be prepared to pay for your decision, but maybe if you have enough conversations with people you might at least help stop KOS on the coast...
  3. jesquik

    Suggestion - disable VOIP during gameplay

    All you can do is either start your own server and ban people that don't use in game chat functionality or find a server that does that. As of now it doesn't make sense. In a year? I guarantee there will be servers with RP only rules. If you don't want to play on them you won't have to. Find a community that thinks the same way that you do and don't try and force your play style on other people. I understand your goal here, it is the same goal I have when I wish to myself that third person was abolished, but I realize that I cannot force that on anyone, I can just tell them how much better it is and see if they give it a shot.
  4. jesquik

    Bandits are NOT ruining DayZ

    Well we clearly can see he belongs in the 'stupid' camp. This game isn't even close to quake, in any way. Without bandits this game becomes animal crossing.
  5. jesquik

    Bandits are NOT ruining DayZ

    I agree that the hackers and combat loggers are the worst of the worst. Thanks for making that video, quite excellent.
  6. Good to know, thank you! Btw, the first place I saw mention of this was here: http://tmblr.co/Za7raufpTG9d
  7. While I like the idea of keeping people from looting themselves in theory to keep the concept of one life intact, ultimately you cannot stop people getting their loot back because people will get their friends to do it. I like the intention of the idea, however.
  8. Not really sure how that is relevant to what I was saying. Rocket has said that zombies are affecting the server FPS the most, having a significantly larger impact than adding more players to a server. This is why animals aren't currently being added, because they use the same AI as the zombies. I wasn't talking about client side performance, I was talking about server side. While I am not completely familiar with why the server functionality is measured in FPS, that seems to be how this engine (or team) does it.
  9. Actually, 'calculating decaying bodies' isn't really much of a calculation, although I will agree that this is more of a long term addition. Currently the zombies are the greatest FPS sink, which is why we have so few on servers. What I was suggesting is converting a dead player to a different type of object, that changes over time. I suspect they had to do something like this anyways to avoid corpses disappearing when people logged off the game. Once someone dies the body should no longer be connected with the player, it should become a lootable object.
  10. Yup! Although I would love to see it progress even further to the point where there are skeletons in the environment after days. I do love the photoshopping that the link does, it really shows the atmospheric impact. Thanks for the link, I will definitely add my two cents on that reddit!
  11. jesquik

    Murked a group of 7 yesterday

    Who gives a shit about a video, it's not like his picture causes your epeen some shrinkage if he doesn't have 'proof'... or does it? That being said, OP, your story sucks.
  12. M4 isn't hard to find, ever. The magnum ammo isn't spawning less, it is the magnum gun. It looks like he added boxes of ammunition for the magnum. Number of .357 Pythons spawning lowered.
  13. Yeah this makes me very disappointed. I don't know why we don't leave bodies on the server to rot and decay. After 10 minutes maybe it turns to a dessicated corpse or something, and after 30 minutes it is bones but I would love to see some lasting impression on the game world from dying. I don't understand how you cannot change a player body into another object, just like any other loot pile, that doesn't have any performance impact. Dead bodies should stay for hours, if not days, and attract zombies and cause disease. I would love to see a place like Balota after a couple of days with dead bodies everywhere!
  14. Yeah this makes me very disappointed. I don't know why we don't leave bodies on the server to rot and decay. After 10 minutes maybe it turns to a dessicated corpse or something, and after 30 minutes it is bones but I would love to see some lasting impression on the game world from dying. I don't understand how you cannot change a player body into another object, just like any other loot pile, that doesn't have any performance impact. Dead bodies should stay for hours, if not days, and attract zombies. I would love to see a place like Balota after a couple of days.
  15. jesquik

    Gunshots Could Damage Hearing

    I don't know why people always go back to KOS as the reason for adding things to the game. Nothing will ever be added to the game to make KOS no longer an option. How about you just introduce your idea, which has been posted multiple times btw, on it's own merits. There are plenty of excellent reasons to introduce tinnitus and deafening in this game, not to mention great improvements in the atmosphere of the game, but none of them involve KOS play styles. It's easy to tell when someone just started playing the game: see if they have posts about KOS.
  16. jesquik

    Character sounds hurt.. no messages

    Go watch Animatrix http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Animatrix That should help you understand the movie some more.
  17. jesquik

    Weird death at NWAF

    Did he get shot by a giant? That seems a bit high in the treeline don't you think? That area is completely flat, there are no hills over there... I saw what you all are referring to and I don't buy it!
  18. jesquik

    Have been looking for 4 days...

    The spawns are ridiculously high because spawns only happen on server restart and this is the start of the alpha. Relax and enjoy the ride because if Rocket is true to his statements, the game will be more like The Road than you probably want.
  19. jesquik

    [SA] Caffeine Mechanic

    Sure man, check these out: Pathfinder http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/mastery/drugsAndAddiction.html DND http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Beneficial_Drugs_(3.5e_Variant_Rule) There are a lot more that aren't available online, but there are tons of systems out there in the books. Also, I totally get what you are saying regarding the role playing aspect. That is why I would shoot someone up, not to grief, but because it would be really interesting to follow them and watch :D EDIT: Honestly, I don't think caffeine needs a withdrawal. My point is that some drugs are mostly beneficial and have very little drawbacks. Caffeine is one of those. You would have to drink a lot of caffeine over many days to become dependent, and then all you get is a headache. I suppose a headache should affect sound until you eat some aspirin?
  20. jesquik

    The M4 sound is very bad, along with the ballistics

    First off, it's not 'your' thread. Once you post on the forum it is open to everyone with an account, so please stop feeling so entitled. Second, I think you are lost in translation, assuming english isn't your first language, or you are lost in the context. I believe what people are saying regarding hearing damage is that they think the character you control should get hearing damage, not the player. Third, chill. These forums are for the community to discuss topics, and being explosive isn't helpful.
  21. jesquik

    The M4 sound is very bad, along with the ballistics

    Yeah, more things should affect your vision and hearing, and gun fire causing ringing and dampening of hearing would be excellent. Maybe you can add ear plugs as equipment too! When you are sick you should have hearing loss too that might go in and out. It would be really awesome if we had some ringing or something after a concussion (knocked out from melee hit in the head) as well.
  22. jesquik

    [SA] Caffeine Mechanic

    I think that some serious thought about a drug mechanics should be added, although I believe rocket has mentioned that he is looking into this currently. There are many systems, especially in pen and paper RPGs, that could lend some guidance on how to create those systems. Caffeine should be treated as a drug, with positives and negatives associated with it, although caffeine is mostly a purely beneficial drug with very few drawbacks (which is why it is legal.) Not being able to sprint when dealing with a caffeine withdrawal is just ridiculous, sorry. However, if they added harder drugs like heroin, then withdrawal would be a significant issue. I can't actually see a reason to use heroin on your own character, but it sure would be awesome to force addict someone to a drug and then let them loose just to fuck with them.
  23. The only thing that I want to see is the ability to increase the passage of time to 6 hour days. I want time to pass at a rate that makes the starvation mechanic believable and make the transitions to be a constant time pressure.
  24. jesquik

    [Tutorial] Recovering Blood

    Well that is particularly helpful. I'll give this a try next time I get the chance.
  25. jesquik

    Dayz Standalone server problems.

    You likely have an issue with your network. Could you please describe your network so that someone might have a chance at helping you troubleshoot? Are you at school? Are you on some large shared network? What country are you in? What kind of pings do you get to common websites? What is your download speed? It's hard enough to fix network problems with all the facts, but just saying 'it doesn't work, halp' won't get you very far.