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About gtefox

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  • Interests
    DayZ Mod, DayZ Standalone, Generally Gaming, Video Editing, Music Creation, Running my own DayZ SA Server

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  • Bio
    Im just a ordinary Gamer living in Germany. Played DayZ Epoch before and switched to DayZ Standalone when it was released at Steam.

    Normaly, when im not playing Games, i spend a lot of Time making my own Music to release it on Youtube.

    If there is something you wanna know about me, just leave me a PN. Don't be shy to ask ;)
  1. gtefox

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Same Problem here. Can only find 3 0.60 Server. Server 1: THE TEST (Public) - Password Protected Server 2: THE TEST 10 (Public) - Password Protected Server 3: The last one is one of the officiall Exp. Servers, mostly one from the UK but he don't show up everytime. But also, if i try to connect i only get a connection failed error
  2. gtefox

    Can't find any Exp. Servers

    And this: is what? :x I know how to get the Exp. at Steam and so on. I tried it multiple times to play one of those patches, but as the patch gets released and i download it via Steam, i have the Problem from above..
  3. Hello Forum, i dunno if it belongs in here, but i think someone of the Forum Staff will move it into the right Forum if its wrong here. Since EVER, i tried to play one of the Experimental Patches i have this one f**** problem. My Serverbrowser don't find any Exp. Server. If im lucky, i eventually get one Exp. Server (Mostly a Server from the UK which fails to conntect me). Friends of mine get multiple servers in their list. - Reinstalling the Game and Exp. Patches didn't work on the Problem - Multiple refreshes on the Browserpage didn't work - Multiple Clicks on the Version Button in the Server Browser didn't work - Try to join via Remote to a Exp. Server didn't work - Seeing Friends who already playing on a Exp. Server in the "Freinds" Page of the Server Browser didn't work - Try to join a Game of a Friends when he's playing Experimental via Steam - Join Game didn't work - Uncheck Password in the Filter didn't work on the Problem - Set Max. Ping higher then 100ms didn't work (Instead, setting the Max Ping to over 500ms causes that the Game don't find any Servers) So, you see i tried alot to find any Exp. Server, but nothing of this works for me. Is there any Solution for this Problem? It start to f*** annoy me... Would love to get a Look on new Exp. Patches, but instead of having a Look on them im only searching for Servers, Hours and Hours...
  4. gtefox

    Scheduler don't show any Message

    Hi fellow Survivors and Admins, since the new Patch 0.57, we changed our Servertime-System to a Day/Night System. The Server starts at Dawn and shutdown at Dusk. We wanted to show our Players every Hoour which Time it is on our Server, but the Scheduler don't work at all. Since i editied the File, no single Servermessage showed up, not even those who have worked before. (The one who worked before the Edit was Job 0 - 5) So, i would like to ask if someone is here who can take a Look at the following Lines from my Scheduler.xml and eventually fix it that it will work: I know that #restart and #shutdown don't work at the Moment. But thats the only Error i see and i don't think that this is what the Problem causes. We host our Server at Fragnet. Would be absolutly thankfull if someone could look if he finds another Error that causes this hole Problem. Thx allot, S.M
  5. gtefox

    Server crashes and lock-ups

    We have the same Problems with our Server. The Server crashes the most Time if their are 40/40 Players or at least 38/40 Players. Than it is impossible to change Weapons, open Doors, pick up Loot, drink, eat and Players who want to join only see a endless "Waiting for Host". Most of the Time, we have to restart the Server manually (if its possible and we aren't at Work or anything else) otherwise the Server keeps running with 40/40 Players without them beeing on the Server for real and no Players can join (One time we had Players on our Server Activitylist who played for 9 Hours without disconnecting what is impossbile since Servers are force to Restart every 4 Hours) . Eventually the Script from our Hoster kills the Server if he crashes, but most of the Time it won't because the Script dosn't detects a Crash. We already contacted our Hoster with this Problem. They told us to re-install the Server (what we did) and delete the Storage File (what we also did) but even this Things didn't solve this Problem. Even they said that they can't see any Problem or "Crash" in the Servers Logfiles.. Our Server still keeps crashing alot and keeps 40/40 Players until one of us restart the Server manually.
  6. gtefox

    DayZ Colony (Whitelisting | PvP + RP + PvE | Advanced Role-Play)

    Would love to know how you keep your Server "Hacker Free" with the given Tools that Serveradmins from DayZ SA Server have at the Moment? I mean, no offense, but this is anything than near possible. You don't see Playernames, you can't spectrate Players to watch after them about suspicious behavior. You only have the same Tools like every other DayZ SA Admin at the Moment (Kick/Ban,Restart and eventually if you have a Private Shard Password Lock). So, from Admin to Admin, tell me how you keep your Server free from Hackers with this Tools. If you don't want to tell your secrets publicly, just PN me ;)
  7. gtefox

    other with server problems?

    Same Things here over at Fragnet. We entcounter the same Problems like you with our Server. But it seems, noone cares about it. Our Server is running all the Time like this since Patch 0.49
  8. gtefox

    other with server problems?

    When will Bohemia take action on the Restart Problem? Our Fragnet Server go down and i have to restart it manuall. All the fucking time.. Honestly, THIS SUCKS! Yeah, i know "Alpha blablabla" but this Problem is existing since 0.49. 0.48 worked absolutly fine. But it sucks to come home from Work and see 40/40 Players on the Server, most of them with over 9 Hours Gametime and know that the Server was fucked up again... In my Optinion, this is a gamebreaking Problem what deserves a Hotfix, but no...since Start of Patch 0.49 Admins waiting for that and nothing happens. [sarcasm-mode on] But yeah, we NEED new Weapons in 0.50. Thats something with priority... [sarcasm-mode off]
  9. gtefox

    Restarts or full server?

    I have a Server, hosted @ Fragnet and we got the same Problem. If the Server reaches the Restarttime it gets stuck and i have to login into my Fragnet Panel and restart it by myself. Also the Server gets stuck in a massive Lag (i think) when its reaches Full Player Limit. <--- (If the Server reaches the Playerlimit of 40/40 nothing's gonna work. You can't open Doors, switch Weapons, eat or drink something) Contacted Fragnet with this Problem and their Support said that this is a Problem came with the last Patch and the Persistence settings and that they can't do anything against it. Hope Bohemia will fix that soon.. Most People stay away from Fragnet Servers right now and its not funny at all to play on a empty Server...
  10. gtefox

    does anyone really fish?

    Thx Man :) Will keep my Eyes open after those Ashwood Trees :D
  11. gtefox

    does anyone really fish?

    Didn't found a Fishing Rod since yet. Either a Ashwood Stick to create one xD I think those Ashwood Sticks are myths o.O Only found one since their integrated into the Game
  12. gtefox

    No RCon Support anymore?

    This is your Opinion. My experiences and our Facebook Page for our Server tells me another Story. Almost Daily we get Requests to kick/ban or deal with Cheaters, Exploiter, Bugroom Users and so on. Fact is, we can't proof it without the right Tools and can't administer our server as we should do as Admins. It sucks so damn hard to tell this people who requesting that we can't do anything about it because we don't have the tools to investigate those players. Meanwile we switched to say to those people that they shouldn't blame us when we can't do anything about such garbage like Hackers and Cheaters. They should blame Bohemia for don't give us at least one or two Tools to administer our Server. Its ok that Bohemia want to test their Game and the Servers for it. But if i would work for this Company, i sure didn't would give a single fuck on Feedback from Cheaters or Hackers. Guys who using Third-Party Software should get banned from the game as soon as possible and that is my opinion.
  13. gtefox

    No RCon Support anymore?

    And why you don't want that Admins can use RCon Tools? What you say makes absolutly no sense.. Kick/Ban is allready in the Ingame Commands.. So whats the deal that you don't want them to use such Tools like DaRT etc.? It's like you buying a Car and some random Guy comes out of Nowhere and tells you, you only are allowed to open/close the door of it, but you aren't allowed to drive it. And yeah, just to come back to the Thread: When can we use RCon again?
  14. gtefox

    No RCon Support anymore?

    You can kick/ban People also with the Ingame Tool btw... just if you think that Admins can't kick/ban anymore without a RCon Tool and yeah, i think people what want to cheat, hack and exploit would be happy if Admins only could do the things you said. The only Thing that would make that Game better is when all those little bastards with no skill (thats what i call cheaters) would stop playing DayZ. And just for the notice, our Server is on the Public Hive...
  15. gtefox

    No RCon Support anymore?

    Hi there, just wanted to know why RCon isn't supported anymore? I tried to login with DaRT and it failed. Also we don't have any beserver.cfg in our Serverfiles anymore. I contacted our Hosting Company, but all they said was that RCon was stopped by the Devs. from DayZ. Why? It was the only Tool (besides the InGame Tool) that Admins had to administer their Servers and now we can't use it anymore :/ When will RCon return?