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About DreadGrunt

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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    Overlooking Cherno

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  1. DreadGrunt

    Oh sh*t... It's happend

    Literally all I need to stay interested is fully functioning persistence but we don't even have that. C'mon devs, I've playing DayZ since 2012. It's time to make this shit work.
  2. DreadGrunt


    Where do tents even spawn nowadays?
  3. DreadGrunt


    No luck here yet. My group has hit up damn near every spawn on our server and we haven't found anything.
  4. DreadGrunt

    Basebuilding & Vehicles Update

    What the hell is with the well removals? If you guys are gonna do some dumb shit like that you need to give us full water off the start so we have a chance to get going.
  5. Yeah this BS needs to be removed ASAP. Me and my squad lost connection to a server and now 2 of us can't connect to anything and can't play. Server hoppers aren't nearly a big enough issue to warrant this garbage.
  6. DreadGrunt

    General hints and tips

    Anybody know how to make an improvised bow? I have the stick and rope but can't combine.
  7. DreadGrunt

    Please reduce the need to drink and feed

    Yeah this needs to change ASAP or the game is going to die as quickly as our characters do. I didn't even have time to fully loot Komarova (which I spawned right next to) before my character starved to death. That's hundreds of times faster than the PC version and it's not a good change.
  8. DreadGrunt

    Most wanted feature?

    There isn't going to be a new engine broseidon. Base building for me.
  9. DreadGrunt

    Tents in persistence

    According to the devs yes they will stay, as will garden patches.
  10. DreadGrunt

    Barret 50. cal?

    I think it would be cool to see it as a really rare heli spawn, but I'm not sure it'll make it into the base game. I say wait for Workshop Integration, I'm sure someone will make it.
  11. DreadGrunt

    What do you want to see in .54

    More persistence.
  12. DreadGrunt

    How was your Day(Z)?

    I found my first tent :o Then got my legs broken trying to find an axe to make a fire.
  13. DreadGrunt

    Killed a combat logger...

    I fail to see how he was a combat logger, it sounds like he didn't even know you were there. Sometimes I have to log in bad spots because I need to go help family or the girlfriend with something. I've even had people find me right as I'm about to log out that I didn't even know were in the same area as me, so I don't really feel like he was combat logging. He might have been server hopping, but I'm not of those people who will sit there and scream about how they're ruining the game. If that's what they want to do then who cares, you can't stop it and it seems like the game will only become more dependent on it.
  14. DreadGrunt

    Where are the communist books?

    The game doesn't take place in Russia, just saying.
  15. DreadGrunt

    Not bad for the first 3 hours...

    Back in the mod days, my first few hours were terrible loot wise. When I first got Standalone it was much better, spawned by Berezino and made the trek to NEAF and got geared pretty fast.