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Everything posted by Vityuk

  1. Hi everyone! Here some of my thoughts you might haven't came up with about the game. As all we know, Chernarus is fictional post-Soviet country, but it's clearly sticks to eyes that it's an outskirt of Russia. The clothing (e.g. Ushanka, gasmask...), weapons (SKS, Mosin...), buldings (all of them) are exactly Russian. The only suspicious thing is it's almost impossible to find good amount of ammo for Russian guns like SKS, but it's extremly easy to find piles of clips for M4A1 which is American. Also there're no possibility to get Russian military uniform. Instead of this we have 'UK Assault vest' and 'Balistic helmet' (Russian troops of 90's didn't have balistic helmet in common). And what's strange, all of foreign equipment can be found in RUSSIAN military BASES. So, let's sum up. The country is Post-soviet, then the period of time there is about 1992 (almost the end of the Cold War). The Cold War is NATO vs OVD. Russia hasn't been buying american arming, so the only logical way of appearing of it in Russian bases is armed intervention of NATO (which as it seems is successful). Moreover, the main character is not able to drink in-game liquors which is not typical for russians. As a result, non-russian guy with NATO arming (even if the primary gun is Mosin or SKS, the pistol is anyway NATO's) walks in Chernorussia and kills inhabitants (rotten and animallike). What do you guys think of it? Isn't it strange a bit? That's all I've to share.
  2. Vityuk

    Motive of the Cold War in the game

    This story is invented by you. The map was taken from the game Arma II. There are NATO vehicles in Russian military bases.
  3. Vityuk

    Motive of the Cold War in the game

    Cut demagogy. P.S. I am not Jesus Christ, but thanks.
  4. Vityuk

    Motive of the Cold War in the game

    Dealers in military bases? LOL.
  5. Vityuk

    Suicide Animation + Idea

    It was a misprint. 'Than' instead of 'that'. :)
  6. Vityuk

    Suicide Animation + Idea

    It would be better than jumping off a roof. Or more realistic than waiting for zombies to kill yourself.
  7. Vityuk

    More WW2 guns?

    Not 'PSSH 41', but 'PPSH 41 (ППШ-41)
  8. Hi. To make the game more realistic, you, dear devs, should make placing a flask as in the real world. The thing is, nobody keeps canteens in a bag, pockets, etc. The actual place for it is your belt, where the object can be easily placed. The way of implementation the idea is to change canteen's object group to 'clothing' and let it be put along with T-shirt, helmet, etc. Futhermore, when the place for canteen is occupied, rest of them can be carried in your bag. If you found any mistakes in the post, please, let me know. I'm just a student from Russia and my dream is to carry out learning english up to the native speaker level. :)
  9. Vityuk

    I met a very lucky man ;)

    Didn't you forget to spit?
  10. Vityuk

    Canteen - what's wrong with it?

    Thanks! Fixed it up.
  11. Vityuk

    Clothing Ideas

    I'm a russian and to tell you the truth, the gasmasks which are in the game are really rare in the real life and only are used by troops. The type of the mask which is common is GP-5 (it was suggested to add by the author of the topic). It can be found in schools, hospitals, etc. P.S. The gas mask which is already added is literally called as a 'hamster' by russians.
  12. Vityuk

    GPS & Nightvision Feature Wishlist

    I'm not sure about the point where you are in map, because it's not actually realistic. With out any problems I can easily find out where I am just by spotting the village or the town where I am. It would be more interesting to navigate the terrain without such a deceptive addition.
  13. Imo, it's not a priority. if you wish to filter servers by the mod, just hit the sign 'Game mod' and here you are.
  14. Vityuk

    Locked doors

    It is ridiculous that all the doors are open. No realism at all. The idea is nice, thumb up.
  15. Vityuk


    Again, hi everyone! The actual suggestion is going to be short and hopefully clear. Why not to add a function which allows players to make their spawnplace (the place, where they will respawn after death, without their items), which clearer is a home? Like, after this you do not 'wake up' at a beach, but in your house, where you can hold some cache. And the point is not to save items (we can forget about the last thing), but the keypoint is to save your place. Restricted areas for making spawnpoint: airports, military objects (no one will take risks to sleep with sounds of gunshots, zombies, etc.) There also is a thing, that can prevent cheating with the ability - you can only once a day change your spawnpoint. This will help to make in-game clans, groups, etc. Thanks for reading!
  16. Vityuk


    Hi folks! I'm posting to suggest to add a 'loudspeaker' in the game. As you can think previously, it's a small thing which will not be that useful for the gameplay. In fact, this addition is going to deliver to us LOTS OF new ways of playing the game, of fighting wars, interacting with players, etc. Let me give you an example of usage... Imagine, you're on the roof of a tall building, which placed in a town. You have the best armor and weapons, so you feel like you're the owner of the town. So, to prevent acting like a deathmatcher in the game, we communicate with each other. How can we communicate, if nobody is able to hear you when you're 'technically' far from them? Nowadays, we cannot. So, we're forced to act like deathmatchers from a shooter-game. The way to fix the problem is to add loudspeaker in DayZ Standalone and let advanced players give their voice and not to exactly kill newbies. For example, you (with your mates) took a position on the roof with powerful guns - actually, the town is under your control. Using the loudspeaker, you can let everyone in the town know that they are not alone here, you can suggest strangers to get out or to get killed. The way to use it is: to pick up a loudspeaker, then to hit 'aim' button and finally just speak with your mic. The effect is: your voice is comprehensible at a big distance. That is all for now, thanks for reading. P.S. Comrades, do not take seriously any grammar mistakes in the text, because I am a student from Russia (with western mentality, I hope;Ъ) and I didn't use translator.
  17. Vityuk


    Yea, like 'This city is peaceable, feel free to enter. You will be under protection of our clan...' and then... the same, what was with mr. Kennedy. :(