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Everything posted by Mpact76

  1. Mpact76

    DayZ ghost?

    More sound environment madness.
  2. Can anyone else confirm if skinning cattle is broken in this build? I needlessly killed 4 cows trying to get a skinning option. Had both the kitchen knife and the machete. Never could get an option to skin.
  3. As I'm playing on a lower end system, I can say that I did notice a slight boost in FPS. I now how over 30 regularly. Before, I would see 20 and occasionally the teens.
  4. This is another small annoyance that my wife and I found today. We could run just fine for about an hour or so, but then the session would disconnect. No big deal, just jump back into the server...right? No. On reentry we would be fresh spawns. This could be server related as we were only on UK servers, but it was a little annoying to have to find each other repeatedly through a 4 hour play session. Can anyone else confirm the character wipe on session loss?
  5. Mpact76

    Trolling friends :)

    Yeah, I should have known he was up to something when he wasn't freakin' out too. In my defense, I was half a handle of whiskey in, while playing, so I probably would have believed anything at that point. Still funny as hell to watch. I'll have to find a creative way to pay him back for this one.