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TobyG (DayZ)

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Everything posted by TobyG (DayZ)

  1. TobyG (DayZ)

    The Community

    As a Mod Survivor I could not wait for Standalone to come out. I was constantly searching for it on google. Then one day I tried searching for it on Steam and there it was, it had only just come out the day before. In the beginning I died a couple of times getting back into the swing of things, but then I got used to it and ended up surviving for a good 40-50 hours. During this time I came across my fair share of Friendlies, Fresh Spawns and Bandits but even the Bandits were not at all testosterone filled toddlers, it was mutual when shit went down with a bandit. But since the Standalone Sales reached 1 million I don’t think I have come across any friendly players. Even the people who have everything decide to waste their ammo and gear on you. It is pointless and just a waste of everyone’s time. I know it’s supposed to be a Simulator, but in a Zombie Apocalypse would you really kill everyone you see? It’s a “Simulator” and therefore should not feel like a Free-For-All. So here is my question. Does anyone else think that the DayZ community has gone to shit? As the mod was about the community and surviving, but now everyone’s KOS way of playing has ruined what it once was. In some ways has it become a victim of its own success?
  2. TobyG (DayZ)

    Why wont people play in the night ?

    One of two reasons. 1.They are total bitch pussies that don't have any balls and just want to release their annoyance on those they can see. or 2. They believe that the game does not have enough content too cope with the dark, for example NVGs, chemligths, flares and some of the private hives had working street lamps. So i think when this all comes out the night life of Chernogorsk will become more popular to the real players of the Apocalypse.
  3. TobyG (DayZ)

    The Community

    But it wasn't until you and other people like you started playing.
  4. TobyG (DayZ)

    Did I just hit DayZ puberty?

    This is what i am talking about in my post The Community. Its the countless number testosterone filled KOS COD KIDs that just ruin everyone's experience. So you have not hit puberty you have given up and you are now adding to the number of players that ruin the game. So if i was you i would stick to the way you used to play and head to the hardcore servers where most people care to save ammo, food etc. If more people don't fall into the trap the game will slowly begin to get better again.
  5. TobyG (DayZ)

    The Community

    Now this guy is a true DayZ player. I wish there was more people like me and you playing this weird and wonderful game.
  6. TobyG (DayZ)

    The Community

    Its sad. that what was once a great harcore, survival, simulator is now just another FPS rage game
  7. TobyG (DayZ)

    The Community

    That is not the way the world works
  8. Good bye!! and take them all away with you
  9. TobyG (DayZ)

    The Community

    Thats exactly what I was implying from my question in my first post.
  10. TobyG (DayZ)

    The Community

    A: Standalone does have private servers. B: I played the mod from the DayZ website http://dayzmod.com/ . During my time playing this game i didnt ever come across anyone who was the same as the last. About 95% of the people i cam across communicated with me the other 5% were on sniper hill in electro. This is what i love about the MOD the uniqueness of every single player. But now everyone is exactly the same it may aswell be a single player game with harder than normal bots.
  11. TobyG (DayZ)

    The Community

    Then why are these people who are ruining the game with KOS buying the game in the first place, as Dean tells people not too because it is still very far away from being finished
  12. TobyG (DayZ)

    The Community

    I as well, totally agree with you. This is what i am talking about, the fact that more and more people found this game that didnt know how to play and for alot this would be their first hardcore game. This caused them to go straight into the game with a KOS way of playing like a minority already in the game. Because of the increasing number of this type of people the rest of the community lost their trust in people and started to get a bit board, so instead of sticking to the way they play they were forced into the KOS band of people which now amounts to the new majority of players.
  13. TobyG (DayZ)

    The Community

    Your looking at it as a "game" but it is supposed to be a hardcore simulator. Where you do what you can to survive and shooting someone with better gear than you is most likely going to leave you dead, and having ago at the person who killed you asking them why they killed you even though you attacked first. The mod was not like that at all. It still had complete dicks but they were a minority but now they are a majority.
  14. TobyG (DayZ)

    The Community

    That is the thing, when Dean Hall talks about his game he talks about how he wants this game to be different from all the other game, he wanted all players to interact with one another helping, teaming up etc. This is what drew me and all my friends in, in the first place to the Mod as the mod was like this the Game is not but its was supposed to be.