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Everything posted by V2_Danny

  1. V2_Danny

    Trading Post

    PM sent.
  2. V2_Danny

    Trading Post

    Looking for a M4A1, the parts and quality of the parts are unimportant. For trade: Silencers, both Nato and East (P) Engraved M1911 w/ 2 mags. (P) 3-400 rounds of 5.56, 300 rounds of 5.45. Different types of sights, varying condition. AKM w/ Drum mag and PSO-1 scope. (P) Tents. Medical Supplies. CR-75 w/ mag (P) Complete firefighter clothing set. 40 round Cmags, 60 round coupled Stanags. (P) High Cap vests. (W) Gorka Helmets. (P) PM if interested, makes it easier to keep track.
  3. V2_Danny

    Trading Post

    Looking for a Steyer Aug. I got All types of AK I got scopes Both types of tent High cap vests Mags for many weapons (including multiple AKM drum mags and MP5 mags) 0- blood type, blood bags (0- can be used on anyone without danger, it can be pretty usefull) Gas canisters Flash bang and fragmentation grenades Trucks (if you really want one, they reset upon restarts) All types of backpacks. Lots of ammo Basic weapons (mosins, so on) Ghillie Suit I´m willing to trade any of the above, or a combination of any of the above, ill take nearly any deal, just really want an AUG :P PM me if interested.
  4. OK the basic gist is battleeye script restrictions. I have been playing around with custom vehicles on my server, but some of them, specificly in this case the T-90 tank and the GAZ Vodnik HMG, have a problem with the firearms atop them. For example fireing the mounted machinegun on the tank gives you a Battleeye Script Restriction #85. I know that this is in place to stop scripters from using the weapons on the tank if they spawn one in. But in this case, since its something im contemplating adding to the server, is there a way to add exeptions for specific vehicles or guns. Or is there a way to disable the specific script restriction?
  5. V2_Danny

    Random but VERY rare Meteor Showers

    Meteor spawning rare stuff? Like what, meteor rocks, which are 1000 degrees Celcius or above? What would need meteor rocks for anyway? Zombie distraction? Since its a realistic mod, the meteor crashes would be realistic, and therefor useless for someone trying to survive. So no, i don´t think thats a good idea.
  6. V2_Danny

    MH60-S ID?

    http://www.dayzsuper...rma-ii-air.html The items run of a name. Its called MH60S. On my server specific the ID is 99977 and the vehicle ID is 13588, but i cannot promise that they will work on your server.
  7. Disclaimer: I browsed the forum first, and i didnt find any topics specificly on this idea, although i found several suggestions as replies in other topics that were in some way related. If i have missed a topic working towards this exact change, please bury this topic. Disclaimer: This is a change suggestion for the MOD, not the SA! The M107 and AS50 rifles. The stable of big bandit groups, hackers and abusing admins alike. It rarity of ammo, and loud nature makes it ineffective agaisnt zombies. So their existence is to murder players, destroy vehicles and the like. And we need a weapon like that. How is the single players, or 2 man group going to do anything againts a convoy of 3 Urals without destroying the Urals. How are they going to take down a helicopter putting fire on them without a powerfull rifle (possibly spraying Mk48 at it)? While these are good reasons we need a anti-material rifle, and i support the idea of having a anti-material rifle, there are some big problems.As it stands right now, we have 2, semi automatic AM rifles, one of which even accepts both kinds of magazines availible for AM rifles. And with the way ammo spawns in DayZ, you just need to do a deerstand run ever so often, and you will never run out of M107 mags. How that should be fair to a SVD rifle, that has less power, and is more rare i don´t know. Now my suggestion is, we get rid of the AS50 and the M107, and instead we have the KSVK Russian AM rifle. Its still a 1 shot kill. Its still long range effective, and it still looks awesome. It would avoid having bandits spam alot of .50 rounds at a target, making quick follow-up shots, thereby giving people a chance to run away, and make the weapon harder/more skilled to use. It is a more realistic fit to the game too. (Somehow i don´t see the realism of that ammount of NATO AM rifles in a small ex-soviet republic). It should be a rare spawn, but should spawn at Barracks and Heli Crash Sites. The spawn chance should be the same as the SVD Camo, though the ammo should be more common than SVD mags. (they need to be more common too for that matter, but thats another discussion). The biggest problem right now is that the weapon removes your backpack, but it should not be to hard to the remove that feature. Anyway this is just a brainwave i have been having, let me know what you think. (added a poll for easier use of thoughts).
  8. V2_Danny

    backpack 2 primary weapon

    Not anymore. In the newest update, if you overload your backpack the items appear on the ground close to you.
  9. V2_Danny

    Ban entries disappearing from Bans.txt

    Just ban everyone by the GUID. Its more effective that way in either case. Also you could try and get the bans.txt file on your pc, and edit it in notepad. After you added what ip´s you want banned, you save and replace the file in your server with the one you edited on the computer.
  10. Zombies are just as effectively defeated hiding in a bush for a minute. On a normal 15 day character, i may kill something about 40 zombies in total, and that is with raiding NWAF, Cherno, Elektro etc. so i tend to only carry hatchets for wood, and having a crowbar in my weapon slot along with a primary. I find that is much more streamlines.
  11. V2_Danny

    changing main weopon to hatchet?

    As liquidmind said, the crowbar can be equipped at the same time as any primary weapon. You switch between them using F. Become Freeman!
  12. In any case it has now been discussed, we will need to wait for Battleye´s responce before further action can be taken.
  13. V2_Danny

    Take note of where you DC

    "Brain where did i log off, you remember?" Brain: "At firestation somewhere.. i think.. More vodka, now!"
  14. Will be looking foward to the outcome.
  15. V2_Danny


    I want to be a bird! No need to repair helicopters anymore. No need to spend 20 minutes refueling one to get shot by a guy accidently walking past you. Just free to fly the skies. Untill i get gutted for meat that is. In reality try and repair your game files, and the mod files. If that doesnt work, reinstall the game.
  16. V2_Danny

    Questions about hardware

    Make sure the motherboard and your other parts support the new hardware. Search google for answers. The new graphics will easily be able to run DayZ on normal, but you need more ram and Ghz to run the game smoothly.
  17. Sue them, or report them to your local autorities. Im sure they can provide the needed evidence when requested to do so by the law. If you can get the law to care.
  18. The notion of beeing randomly banned is one i find hard to believe. Why have none of the 20 people i play with been banned then, while they have picked up and used hacked gear? Ofcourse it could happend, but i have a hard time believing it. In either case only Battleye can do anything in this regard. We cannot help you on these forums.
  19. V2_Danny

    Loot spawning problems?

    Loot spawns seemed a little glitched in, but only at NWAF. After i looted NWAF 2 times, where not a single weapon spawned. I had much higher luck at Stary, where 4 did. It seems to spawn more normal in
  20. V2_Danny

    Whats the fun in this?

    There would need to be more options to make nighttime viable. The majority of players with NVG´s are Bandits who just killed people untill they got some (and therefor a skilled shooters, since theyre still alive), or they found some in duped/scripted tents. Meaning the people with the only low light vision equipment are most likely going to blow your brain out. Using Flares to see is worthless, and a 90% death sentence unless the server is virtually empty, and chemlights light up a tiny area. The flashlight is much more usefull, but switching from that to a Enfield or CZ550 rifle takes so long that the target you found with the light already hid. The workaround for this is having either a Remington 870, a M4A3 or a Glock. They arent super rare, but theyre rare enough that there is a much higher chance of you getting murdered. The FN FAL AN/PVS-4 NV Scopes rifle is also a workaround, but that confines you to nighttime raids only. So because of all these having disadvantages, many people will just adjust their graphical settings to see during the night. And if you do that whats the point. Giving us the option to carry the flashlight in one hand, while holding a sidearm in the other, and a loss of accuracy would be a big improovement. In either case this has gone of course. Look at the servers name, it will often include a timestamp, of which timezone the server runs after. Use that to find nighttime servers.
  21. V2_Danny

    Replace the AS50 and M107 with the KSVK?

    Sorry about that.
  22. V2_Danny

    Replace the AS50 and M107 with the KSVK?

    It doesn´t exist within DayZ at this time and date. The only way to get it is to be a admin on your own private hive, or spawn it using scripts.
  23. V2_Danny

    Eternal Overwatch Recruiting

    Eternal Overwatch would be very welcome on UK #5005. (average 10-15 people on a normal night, 20 + during weekends).
  24. The players create the story. No written story can outmatch experiences. You make your own story in DayZ, based on decisions. So no i don´t think they should put time into a singleplayer story. Singleplayer on DayZ right now is basicly playing DayZ on your own, and while a story or a objective could spice that up, id rather they focus on making the DayZ experience the best, then they can allways work on a singleplayer later.