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Everything posted by V2_Danny

  1. Technically you can shoot trough walls to kill someone in DayZ. But it only works half the time.
  2. BLATANT PROMOTION IMCOMING! IF YOU DON`T LIKE PROMOTIONS GO AWAY! NOTE: This server runs without addons. You do not need to install anything but the vanialla DayZ to play on it. Well hi every reading this. Which properly wont be many, but what the hell, might as well try. Basicly for about 1 months time i have been running the server UK #5005. We have a decent sized returning player base (average 10-15 at weeknights, 15-20 during weekends), and the vast majority of players are very friendly. (i spend alot of time helping people, i think ive only been shot at once.) The admins are active, down to earth, and helpfull. I myself am on every day i have time, and there will nearly allways be someone watching the server, even if theyre not playing. We run custom vehicles, which apart from the odd VW Golf, and rusty Lada, also includes the Armoured, tough, amphibious Vodnik (2 on the server), and the MTVR, an American military truck, just as tough as a Ural, and as fast as a HMMWW. On top of the new wheeled transport, the skies above Chernarus have also changed. Along side the regular Mi17, Huey, AH6 and MH6J (2 seater and 6 seater littlebird), the server includes choppers sutch as the MH60S "Knighthawk", the modernized Mi171Sh and the Hind-D. Right now (since i havent cleaned up the spawns since the new helicopter additions, or precisely added the ones that need precise adding, there are more than 10 active helicopters on the server right now. (A quick count sets 7 helicopters as freshly spawned, not belonging to any group on the server. So getting on today/tonight before i clean the spawns, and getting a helicopter is a viable option (any helicopters you pick up i ofcourse wont delete))). Thats all fine and well with the special vehicles, but the majority of you coming on will most likely top at a offroader or civilian car (there is a 150 cars, so finding one should be to difficult). So lets leave the high end gear, and focus on the things that everyone has access to right off the spawn. The biggest addition i suspect for many is in Kamenka, that hated spawn place for many. Right near the gas station, on the eastern side of town, going towards Komarovo, there now sits a supermarket, filled with all the goods a supermarket does, and should make Kamenka a much more attractive spawn point. Temporary military camps are scattered. Examples include Krutoy Cap, Elektrozavodsk School, Zelenogorsk Supermarket, And a field southwest of Vybor. Other additions include a Helicopter landing strip on top of Klen, and a barrack at NEAF. Future additions include a borderpost near Grozovy pass. That abouts covers the features of the server, and while these are nothing special, the players on the server are friendlier than any other server i have seen, so getting going, and finding people to play with is often easier than normal. I hope to see you on there :) Danny
  3. V2_Danny

    to all fu..ing cheaters!

    Stop ranting, go play on well administered private hive. If you don´t play on a private hive you will become a victim to scriptors.
  4. V2_Danny

    My experiences from my first day in Day Z

    Toasters make for amazing gaming computers. After you trow it out and buy a gaming computer ofcourse.
  5. V2_Danny

    Sawn-Off Shotgun

    A sawn off Remington? How will you pump it?
  6. Its basicly a hidden pay2win. You pay money, get gear and win. Except sometimes it isnt even that. Ive seen servers where you for a 15$ donation would get a M9 instead of Makarov, with 3 mags instead of 2, and a map. But i guess if people are darft enough to pay for it, let them waste their money.
  7. V2_Danny

    The Notorious Can Incident

    So we should just do whatever you ask? Well i feel entitled to the same, and i want a invincible flying tank, that only i can use, on every server existing on DayZ. And yes you are supposed to thank them. If they didn´t care about the communitys opinion they could just have ignored all your screams and left them. And there wouldnt be a damn thing you could do about it, no matter how much you yelled at them. So be really thankfull. Yes, its a stupid controversy, lets ignore it.
  8. It is most likely some sort of glitch. The DayZ mission file will give you the ability to choose, so either the mission file has been altered on the bliss hive, or it is glitching out. In either way i dont think its a option you can flick on or off, and you might have to manually edit the mission file, although that might make it so people cannot join the server.
  9. V2_Danny

    Ban Appeal from US NY 2873

    If its a private hive, there is nothing you can do except contact the admins on the server, and pleading not guilty. If its a public/official hive you can try and report the server for admin abuse, but either way the only way to get unbanned is to contact the server admins.
  10. Got a toolbox? If not get one. If you have one, truck slowly walking around the truck, having the scroll wheel menu up all the time, try scrolling down in the menu too.
  11. I love this idea. The idea of a radio station for DayZ to give funny Dj´s, music that fits the game. Stories, events and interviews. I would definently listen to it. (I would help out by doing some DJ work, but i doubt i have the skill, not to mention enough time in the day to do that.)
  12. A custom spray paint for cars sounds sweet enough, but it would take a decent ammount of programming to add, programming time that could be spend on more important things like bug fixing, and optimizing. If i want to spray my car in fancy colours im going to play Need for Speed. As for your vehicle list a Ambulance will never, ever be added. They had one, but because it can heal people it makes the game unbalanced and unfair. Imagion you beeing in a firefight, you hit him, but take a few shots yourself. You just walk over to your magic healing ambulance and get restored to full health. Its just a feature of the ambulances in Arma 2. Civilian helicopter without weapons is already in the game, just with white stripes instead.
  13. V2_Danny

    My DayZ Today

    Fail of a bandit. If he,s planning on shooting someone in the back, atleast shoot in the head. He deserved to die by your hands.
  14. V2_Danny

    PC help....again....

    You should get pretty good frames with that. From my knowlegde 50+ on high graphics even in the big cities like Elektro and Cherno. You might want to overclock the CPU a little. Overall that should work fine.
  15. V2_Danny

    What Happened On Your FIRST DAY Of DayZ?

    Early may. I spawned near Solnichy, and went straight to Tulga, spend all my ammo and lost 3000 blood to zombies. Running towards Mogilevka to meet my friends who had gotten the game a couple hours earlier than me. Meets players at a fire north of Pusta. Initially friendly, they suddenly shoot me. After respawning at cherno, getting a Enfield at Vysota (north of cherno, barns) and meeting my friends. Then doing deertstand runs untill we had to log off.
  16. V2_Danny

    FPS problems on private hive servers

    Is it the same private hive every time, or different private hives? Anyway public hives often have better hardware on them. It might be caused by hardware issues on the private hive server. Either that or you have just had some really bad luck with the private hives. Keep trying, and youll properly find one. Try UK #5005, and see if you get any lag on that private hive (because i certainly don´t, and i play on every day). If you get lag on that server, its something specific at your end, and you need to check for the problem in your own equipment and connection.
  17. V2_Danny

    Cars, Good or Bad?

    It depends on what kind of server you play on. If you play on a high spawn server with 50+ cars on it, chances are most of the players are going to be wheeled, and you will meet on equal terms if you randomly meet someone else. If you play on a normal spawn server (eg. official hive spawn rate), vehicles are best used at nighttime, and in conjunction with NVG,s. Driving a car at speed, with the lights off will most likely leave anyone wanting to shoot you out of range to fast. On both servers if you plan on doing anything more than drive straight trough a town, park the car a little away, scout the town, then drive in and get the loot. In real life cars are awesome and saves me walking every morning.
  18. V2_Danny

    can I play dayz whit only arma2 opp arowhead

    In short no. In longer terms nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. ^^
  19. Might have been a delay on the marker, but it might have been a scriptor of some kind, who knows. You can play on the server, the worst thing that can happen is loosing your gear.
  20. V2_Danny

    Any Fairly Populated Servers?

    Come on UK #5005. We average 15-20 people every evening (4 pm-10 pm GMT+1), and we are all very friendly. If not, try out Balota Buddies, i know their servers to be a really good place to play.
  21. V2_Danny

    Enabling different vehicles?

    I do know how to do in on a DayZ.st private hive, but i do not know where you have your hive. On DayZ.st you get a map where its just a right click to add and delete spawns on the map. If you want to add vehicles outside of what the server offers when you buy it, you need to go to the servers database and manually script it in (or thats the only way i know how to do it). As for the specific files it depends on the vehicles, and i am not 100% on how it works. Try google, im sure there are guides somewhere out there.
  22. V2_Danny

    Need HELP PLEASE !!!1

    Just to know, what graphical settings do you play DayZ on? If its set to high try downgrading the graphical settings. Hardware wise a couple of new ram card (4 gigs absolute minimum, best to get 8+), and mabye a new processor (although you could properly overclock it a little bit.) Graphics card wise it should run ok from my knowledge (i get 40 fps in a 25 man server in the centre of elektro, with a 4 year old 250GTS).
  23. V2_Danny


    From the information Rocket has released, he would likes dogs to be in DayZ, and since i highly doubt its going to get added in a community update on the mod, there is a fairly high chance of it beeing in the SA.
  24. V2_Danny

    DayZ Origins: This is Magic

    Your character had a heart attack from the find of the extremely rare, all powerfull crossbow... Or it just glitched out. ^^
  25. So a months time ago i was playing on UK 5555, with one of the head admins, and a couple of other guys. Me and the admin had had quite alot to drink, and we were in a silly mood (i dont like the word silly.). Basicly we started fucking around, and i started recording it. This is part 1 of 2, ill add part 2 when i upload it. This video contains satchel charges beeing blown up in cherno, a plane beeing crashed into a hotel, aswell as us fucking around in general. Hope ya enjoy. (i know its just a link but i dont know how to add the video to the oage itself.