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About xazper

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  1. xazper

    How do I Alt+F4?

    I agree with that. But frankly I think at this point it's common knowlegde anyway. Even OP knew how to alt-f4, what he didn't know was that some servers apparently prohibit this. IMO this knowlegde doesn't help the "glitchers" or exploiters or what you call these people.
  2. xazper

    Just got shot, unarmed.

    YOU are why people are put off by this game and community.
  3. xazper

    How do I Alt+F4?

    Funny how no one even reads the OP. You can doubt his motives all you want you all* sound like you just read the title. *Almost
  4. I have also found that my enjoyment is inversely proportionate to the quality of gear I have. I can't help but WANT that huge Coyote and M4a3/G17, but the more of them I have the less fun I have. Sneaking into a small town just hoping there's going to be at least a can of food or maybe a soda is so much more fun than being fully geared. Thank god for vehicles keeping me busy and forcing me to work with others or I'd be killing myself every time I get set up with gear and camp.
  5. Probably the people with the hardware? I don't have any first hand experience with this, but to run a server you need a stable and fast internet connection. You need harddrive storage for files. You need processors for data processing. All of this this cost money to buy and maintain, this is what you pay for. Rocket created the game files, these files are shared for free. Server providers provide the hardware to run a server. Server providers earn money by renting their servers to people. What people put on that rented server is up to themselves
  6. I have. I found some just an hour ago. At least I think I did.
  7. I feel the same way. The game is great, but the bugs are horrendous. I just "fell" 3 meters down when the terrain suddenly dipped to a 80% hill. No big deal, maybe I bleed or maybe I break a bone, I have medical supplies. Nope. I get stuck in a fucking tree and lose 22,000 blood. Yes I know, I should have looked where I stepped. But that's just fucking ridiculous, in real life you'd have taken a tumble and maybe broken a bone or two. Not get compressed between the tree and the ground like a fucking car crusher.
  8. Chernarus is a good place for DayZ, at least better than any of the other maps that comes standard with the game. But frankly I'm starting to get a little bored with it. I've been thinking that a mod like DayZ really deserves it's own custom island (map) specifically designed for a zombie game. Something larger with more variation and challange. What would you like to see in a custom DayZ map? Personally I dream of something like Chernarus. Eastern-European forests and fields, but much larger. I'd also like to see larger cities, and more of them, not just 2 right next to each other but 3 or 4 spread around so you would have to really travel to get to them. Chernagorsk and Elektro are good, but they would be better if they were 4 times the size. Something I think would be good is if in these huge cities there would be hard-to-reach zones. Medical or government areas with an extremely high number of zombies. Something you NEED a group to get to, and with matching rewards. I'd also like to see rivers and a few large islands. Something that would make boats more valuable. I know Arma3 is out soon(ish) and its maps will be much larger, but until then.
  9. Like how do you know who you can shoot? If you shoot at some random person and they don't have the pvp flag on have you wasted the bullet? Like if a group wants to kill another group 1 of them can go non-pvp and then just run around until he finds the group, then follow them and relay their position with no threat to himself. Like taking away what makes DayZ DayZ. Other players are part of the game. The tension of meeting other people. It sucks to get randomly killed, yes. But that's part of the game. (I agree some people are just dicks and kill everything in sight regardles if they're even armed. But this is a horrible solution.)
  10. xazper

    Spawn main gun

    What an absolutely useless comment. I feel that the starting with no gear is a good thing. It somewhat prevents people from just shooting everyone they meet, I've several times been left alive because I was no threat, and likewise I have spared people because they were no threat. I'm sorry you're finding the game difficult to play and that you don't have a lot of time to play. But this game is not your usual pick-up-and-play-for-15-minutes-work kind of game and I personally like that. There's a challenge to it, a risk factor, and that what makes it so great. The many low points like having no gun and running from zombies make the successes of finding good weapons and equipment that much greater, and the risk of losing it all makes it that much more exciting and terrifying.
  11. Personally I don't kill to grief. I don't like causing "harm" to other people. I will occasionally kill if I know they have something I want, but I always consider that the other guy will have to go back to square one. I'm generally a nice guy but I often shoot on sight if I can't sneak around. Why? Because they are a threat. It only takes 0.2 seconds of them looking at me for me to put back on the beach. That is a huge risk for me and so the safest course of action, by far, is to simply shoot them, before they have a chance to shoot me. I would love if not every time I saw another human, someone have to die. But I know that if I don't shoot he very likely will, because I might. It's a vicious circle
  12. Someone had probably been there before you. EDIT: That was meant as reply to Effect701
  13. I read in the path thread that you were reset because you were filled with invisible crowbar and hatchet ammo. It's bullshit and happened to me as well. I lost a silenced M4, GPS, NV and a G17.
  14. xazper

    Night Vision Goggles + Other Items

    Likely just the server not saving your character proper.
  15. You will continue to become hungry and thirsty in real time even after you log out. You will not lose blood however. Best advice is to not drink or eat before you log off regardless of hunger or thirst and then eat and drink as soon as you log in. It used to be you would use up any food or water in your inventory while offline but they changed that.