Hello, I would just like to share my Day Z xp and what I love about this game and what I hate. My first life was the most was very odd, Me and a buddy installed the game really late at night and began to wander around, of course I spawned at night (never played the game before or knew the controls) needless to say it was a rough first night, I did survive though. Our first goal was to meet up so we could play together, while waiting for my friend at a construction site some one ran up to me which I axed them in the head (forgive me first time playing) we spent the next several hours collection resources and battling sickness from eating rotten food. I was starting to feel really confident because we have been playing for awhile now... (maybe too confident) so me and my friend decided to split up in the next town to cover more area. I walked into a building looted a bit and the my screen went black, shot in the back of the head, no warning. Needless to say I was PISSED. I kept spawning new characters all of them ending in the same fate, KOS but always from a flank. This is when I started to go on low population servers so that I would be left alone. Finally I found a pistol and sadly my instinct was to seek revenge for all the KOS done to me in the past. I found a fellow running through electro, he had nothing worth looting, I chased him and commanded him to put his hands in the air and he did, then I fired a clip into his chest. I felt terrible, my revenge gained me nothing except I have now possibly created another KOS'er. That is when I decided I will never kill again unless warranted. As I learned how to play and how loot worked, I had become better at the game and me and my friend started to really get into the game, however we were constantly looking for the "real" day z experience. And it all started with me getting KOS'd wall glitched, Me and my friend were playing on a server and we made it to the north air field, (we didnt know about the glitch yet) we looted the buildings and decided to log for the night, we were parked in a really "safe spot" (upstairs of the jail) We log on to the new server the next day and we are just chilling for a bit eating food and drinking when a spam of bullets hits both me and my friend and we die. This is when I learned I think the most Important lesson in day z, don't get attached to your loot. Me and my friend decided that with this new life we would just get a gun and head to the air field, nothing special no need to get crazy geared up then go. We arrive there and it appears to be empty, We get to the barracks, before I open the door I call out "Is anyone in there" turns out there was a man held up in there, we chatted and he said he was friendly and told me to come in. I open the door and see a dead body... decision time.. continue? or leave. I decided to continue and came in HE DIDNT KILL ME! wooo. Me and my friend loot the place say our goodbyes to the nice man and begin to leave when some nut job comes guns blazing at us. My friend takes several hits and his leg breaks and I was able to put 2 into the bandits chest. That kill, was the kill I have been waiting for, revenge. It felt great. After the shoot out we run back inside, my friend has a broken leg, we have no sticks, or splints. Shit what do we do? Soon after another player arrives, The hero guarding the jail yells at him, the stranger claims hes friendly so we let him in. He also has no splints or sticks. So here I am in the jail at the air field with 2 well armed strangers and my friend who has a broken leg. My only option is to leave my friend with these guys and find sticks, I explain my plan to everyone and head out. In the back of my mind I knew that they could easily kill my friend and grab his gear but what choice do i have? I'm relying on strangers to defend my friend. I get to the nearest town and while searching I see two men run towards the firestation, I follow them. They have no idea I am behind them, so I call out "hey" they turned around and the were frozen. I had them and they knew it. I explained my situation about how I needed sticks l them to save my friend and that I wouldnt kill, they then seem to loosen up at this point. Then we parted ways both respecting each other. While searching through the town a fresh spawn came running at me trying to punch me. Needless to say I won that fight :). The funny thing is tho the two men heard the shot and came towards me to make sure everything was ok (or to loot a dead body) I told them it was fine and to leave and so they did. Eventually I found the sticks and was on my way back to the air field. During the time I was looking for sticks there were about 3-4 fire fights at the air base, one of the guys defending my friend died (he died defending a player he didn't even know, how cool!). I make it back with the sicks and patch my friend up and we take off. That is the most fun I have had with this game thus far, When you stop caring about loot and caring about the interactions of the game its a great experience. Side notes MAKE STICKS EASIER TO FIND! And while heros are awesome, with out bandits you cannot have moments like these, however if your gonna kill some one atleast make it a moment say something.