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Everything posted by degude

  1. degude

    Damage Indicator

    I never got shot myself but I read that sometimes with adrenaline flowing, people didn't recognize wounds. I have a friend who got stabbed 1cm next to the heart in a fight and he didn't realize until the fight was over and the adrenaline level was lowering, which was a few minutes after the fight (he survived). I liked this idea, so my approch to keep it "realistic" is an action to check wounds. When activated, this action should give you information about wounds in the lower left message indicator "I have a [minor/big] [shot/cut/etc] wound [bodypart where the wound is]". If the player doesn't check, this message should show up a few minutes after the wound was "created". If it's possible to determine, whether a character is in a (gun)fight at the moment, it would be even nicer if those messages only show up, after the fight is over (when adrenaline level lowers). This idea can also be realized with the "visual indicator" as suggested, but the message indicator is already part of the game and therefore easier to implement ;) Maybe you should change the poll into, do you want a (more precise) damage indicator.
  2. degude

    duct tape (mute)

    Use the search function, has been suggested before... http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/198314-duct-tape-mute-player/?hl=mute I typed "mute" into the search funtion and it was the scond hit, so you can't blame the search funtion for not showing good results! Does not work in real life... watch this:
  3. degude

    use hacksaw to collect firewood from trees

    I know, but right now you have to cut the whole tree for getting wood, maybe they should change that. Anyways, get a metal saw and try to cut some wood and then come back here. It works but it's a pain in the ass because the saw tooth are just way too small, probably with "fresh wood" it's not working at all (haven't tried that). And with a wood saw you can't saw metal, it's impossible (for the sawed-off). Metal saw Wood saw
  4. "I think"... look it up http://youtu.be/o5f1Fo4r4_I Think about it, the knock back force the bullet has on the target has to be the same than the force the bullet has on the guy shooting the rifle, so as long as you don't fly back when shooting, neither will the target. Plus, the bullet looses force during flying, and doesn't put all energy on throwing you back, since it's piercing your body, so the amount of energy the bullet has when exiting the body doesn't push the body back. It's just movie myths, no matter of the size of the caliber, the amount of force hitting you back is determined by the energy it takes for the bullet to Pierce your body, which is obviously not enough. As you can see in the video, even if all the force pushes you back (that rifle easily pierces a body) in has basically no effect on pushing you back...
  5. degude

    use hacksaw to collect firewood from trees

    Could be used to get the small pieces of wood (forgot the name). But you can't get a whole tree down. BTW, since you can use the saw to craft a sawed-off it seems to me that this is a metal saw. Try sawing wood with a metal saw... it's not working
  6. degude

    Server hopping

    Hi, I created this topic because recently people keep posting topics about some weird ideas they have to prevent people from server hopping, so I thought it makes more sense to discuss server hopping in general and ideas to prevent it or to make it harder. Hopefully this prevents future posts, about some game changes that could prevent server hopping, which are rejected most of the time anyways. Hopefully we can see how the community thinks about server hopping, with the use of the poll.
  7. degude

    Server hopping

    I get it, but still annoying :P What about the starving part, still don't understand that
  8. degude

    Server hopping

    I don't really get it... (the running, shooting, scouting idea) I suggested that too earlier this topic
  9. degude

    Server hopping

    Well it would still slow a geared player down, because with each server switch he has to eat al least 3 canned foods (rather more) and drink 2 canteens. So an airport would be harder to loot, because there is water is hard to get. If they would start horting food or drinks for hopping, it would take a lot of space in the inventory. Zombie attacks could still slow you down, destroy some of your cloth or equippment if they damage you and attract other players (gunfire, running around) But I would appreciate it if someone had better ideas for "penaltys"
  10. degude

    Server hopping

    I agree, makes even more sense with kicking an restarts not "counting". I just tried to find a worst case scenario :P
  11. degude

    Zombie Aspect - New Ideas!

    I think the single zed is good like it is right now. It's fast so you can't run away easily (which would be boring) and they are not too easy to kill (still takes two shots from a pistol). Slow hordes wouldn't make sense, because then you could just run away and the thread would be gone (boring). We just need to wait until the implement hordes and servers can handle more zombies because then this "problem" will solve itself. Dean announced that zeds will incease by factor 5-10. Imagine then instead of 3 zombies chasing you through a city it would be 15-30. Have fun!
  12. degude

    Server hopping

    That's why x should be chosen in a way that this can't happen. A fictive scenario where x is 5 per hour: 1. You start playing and you don't like the first server because it's night 2. Second server kicks you, because it's a clan server 3. You play on the third server when your friend comes online 4. You switch to the server your friend is playing on 5. That server restarts, so you go on the 5th server In this case 5 switches still would be no problem. Or do you usually switch more than that? The x in an ammount of time, was just an idea to trigger the "penalty", maybe someone has a better idea...
  13. degude

    Any word on the addition of more infected?

    I totally agree that the number of Zeds shoukd be increased. But I can just agree to what 11tw said, be patiend. This is alpha! If you don't like it, go play the mod and stop complaining about things that are announced to be comming but not there yet. Dean confirmed an increase in zeds of about 5-10 times, so don't worry, it will be like in the Mod. But right now it would just be pointless to add more Zeds if the servers can't handle them...
  14. degude


    I wanted to suggest that too a while ago, then I used the search function and found this here. Search before you (re)post ;) http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/198711-suggestion-streams-and-waterfalls/?fromsearch=1
  15. degude

    Server hopping

    What about the idea, that somebody who is server hopping, ghosting, etc. gets a "penalty" on his character. So if someone switched through x servers in a certain amount of time, each switch after that, a penalty is given to the character. Penalties could be: - The character's status is like the one when respawning (hungry, thirsty, not healthy) - Zombies spawn nearby and attack - Log-in timer like the log out timer (standing somewhere for 30 seconds) That would make hopping etc. less efficient (need search for food, defend) or more risky. Just an idea, what do you think?
  16. degude

    Should zombies bleed?

    Maybe you? Zombies in DayZ are infected people, not undead people. Infected people still have bloodflow etc.
  17. degude

    Server hopping

    What about the idea, that you can't pick servers from a list anymore: - There could be a "start" button which puts you on a random server, which has a ping that is good enough for you (regarding the distance issue). - To ensure that people could still play together, the option "join game" on steam could be still available. - If people want to join a server together they can create a "group" that joins a random server together (with enough space of course) and again the best solution for the ping for everyone should be found. - A player or group could still enter options before joining (regular/hardcore, daytime) - The engine which puts player on servers should try to make servers quite full The idea behind this is that server hoppers often look for empty servers, where they can loot more easily, but with this idea it could be prevented. A crowded server is a nightmare for hoppers, especially near airfields. Personally I don't really mind server hoppers, but I wouldn't mind this idea either. It would be stupid for people who have their own server, I don't know how to solve that. I like the was it is currently, but a lot of people seem to dislike it (what I read from the forums). The login timer didn't seem to bother that many people.
  18. degude

    more hiding places please

    I like the idea, I also suggested something like this, but only with closets, not in general: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/191600-accesible-cupboards-closets/?hl=closet Right now, beds seem to be a little to low to go underneath, maybe if they add different ones.
  19. degude

    Should zombies bleed?

    Why not, but I think it's something that can be added later, there are more important things right now.
  20. degude

    Server name on player list

    I'd love to see this, I recently lost a lot of stuff because I changed my clothing and in that exact moment the server restarted. Since I couldn't find it anymore all my stuff was gone :( With that function I could quickly look up which Server I'm playing on before I log out. What would be even better: If the tab "history" would actually work!!!
  21. degude

    Movement speed penalty and gear.

    Has been posted already... use the search function http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/191606-running-speed-depending-on-clothing-and-equipment/?hl=%2Brunning+%2Bspeed
  22. degude

    More Craft Essentials

    Feathers can be important for arrows too, should be something that you can find or get if they add huntable birds.
  23. degude

    List of stuff, that should be added.

    That's why there is a search function. Most of your suggestions either have already been suggested, are part of the game or fit into an existing topic. It's nice that you have so many ideas but there is no use if you just post them all unsorted and without research into one topic. This is no use for anybody, imagine everybody would do that. I like the storm idea though, it might fit in here, like many of your ideas: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/195555-environment-wishlist/?hl=%2Benvironment+%2Bwishlist
  24. degude

    Player made Quest board

    Well, thats is exactly what I suggested before. If the DayZ team decides to add some background information about how the apocalypse happened, this is a way they could do it. Besides, the stories are not server generated, the destination of the loot would be (like it is now...)
  25. degude

    Player made Quest board

    My suggestion was that those "stories on papers" could tell a bit about the past and be a "quest" to find something. I forgot to say that they could be server generated, so that it's kind of a template where a random spot is filled in the template text, where the "special loot" on this server is located