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Everything posted by degude

  1. degude

    Forks and Spoons

    Thought exactly of that. Additionally a spoon or fork could reduce food spilling, especially when it comes to beans :beans:
  2. Additionally it's already confirmed that zed numbers will increase by factor 5-10
  3. degude

    Crafting with books

    In the new status report the devs explained how they plan to design the future crafting system: So with that information I'll update my suggestion about "crafting with books" 1.) Books could be used like a tool, so you'd need to hold them in your hand in order to craft some special receips or to craft "with better quality" 2.) Books could be part of the items you'd need to place somewhere in order to craft something 3.) If a book is among the placed items it improves the quality of the crafted object.
  4. Well, the answer is pretty easy, the noise comes from two sources, the explosion of the gunpowder and the bullet travelling faster than sound. The supressor only can supress (a bit) the sound of the explosion but the sonic bang will still be there, since there is no sub.sonic ammo (idk if that even exists for the AK)
  5. degude

    Roasting and Grilling with Sharpened Sticks

    Sounds great. I don't think it needs the kind of balance you describe, since you will only be able to cook things that you can stick on a stick. E.g. you won't be able to cook rice or stews with this kind of construction, which is balanced enough in my opinion.
  6. Does anyone know how many zombies are currently in the world and if they already started increasing the number of zombies?
  7. degude

    Best suggestion list

    Sorry but this is not the "Best suggestin list". I don't understand 1.) who is "them" 2.) ?? 3.) Has already been suggested http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/197054-what-about-really-using-the-fire-extinguisher/?hl=%2Bfire+%2Bextinguisher 4.) you missed #4 5.) What part? 6.) You mean fresh food? 7.) No, because this would make spelling names which are similar to words difficult. I think everyone might oversee a typo. 8.) No idea which place... Please put a little more efford in your suggestions. If it's hard for you to write in english, use google translate or ask someone for help.
  8. degude

    Craftable Waterpump

    That sounds like a better idea, take my beans
  9. degude

    Craftable Waterpump

    Besides the fact that this is not possible if the ground water level is very close to the ground, with the new update you can use any liquid storing container to store water. So with the jerry can you have an equivalent to 20 canteens which should be enough for your "base"...
  10. degude

    Creating or "crafting" Zombie "safe zones"

    Two reasons why a definite NO! 1. No safe zones 2. The more zombies the better. There won't be the day when the "KOS problem" is "dealt with". KOS is part of the game and gives the game it's thrill. Imagine how boring it would be, if you know that the players you spot won't shoot at you anyways... Besides, a reason for the large amount of KOS is that we have NOT ENOUGH zombies. There is no real thread besides other players and shooting around has no consequences. What DayZ needs is more zombies and under no circumstances any safe zones. This just increases your "KOS problem". Captain obvious for haters: I have nothing against KOS!
  11. degude

    Server Enforced Terrain Quality

    This is why it's already in the game with the terrain quality (grass) :P
  12. degude

    Add a Rowboat to the game.

    I just looked it up, boats are not included in the roadmap for 2015... :(
  13. degude

    Player activated environment sounds

    http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/190937-companion-animals-endgame-mechanic/ Definetely, I will add this to the original post.
  14. degude

    Player activated environment sounds

    THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I WAS LOOKING FOR!!!! I'd love to give you more beans :P :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans:
  15. degude

    Player activated environment sounds

    Exactly, that's why I mentioned the upcoming new animal AI. But for birds I'd like a simplyfied idea, so that the birds aren't treated as an anmial rather than an an animation which is triggerd by a player moving through the forests. Like I said in my original post, I'd love to see the trigger of such an event to be depending upon the player actions (movement speed, number of people, noisiness).
  16. degude

    Player activated environment sounds

    Hi, I'd like to bring back this older post because I found a video which shows how an animation could like it some birds get startled. (of course without the shooting part) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJCoEZ82BZ4#t=63 I think with the new animal AI coming up this would be a nice addition to this system. I found some other topics where this mechanic is also described: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/212824-suggestion-bird-warnings-and-the-science-behind-it/?hl=birds http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/196896-fleeing-birds/?hl=birds And a general approach on triggered environmental events: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/16342-player-activated-environment-sounds/?hl=%20bird
  17. degude

    Crafting with books

    Good to know :) Well I have no idea of weapon cleaning, where I live owning a weapon is a big deal :P So if you say it's very easy, weapon cleaning should not be affected.
  18. degude

    Crafting with books

    Didn't know that, I don't own a gun :P I thought because of the cleaning of the inner parts (if that is done when cleaning a gun) a more experienced knowledge is required.
  19. degude

    Craftable Item : Bindle

    I like it, but what sould be the difference to an improvised courier bag? No rope needed?
  20. degude

    Crafting with books

    Beans for he pic :thumbsup: :beans:
  21. degude

    Crafting with books

    Thanks for the feed back but I think you missunderstood me a bit :) My english is not the best so I try another approach of explaining: The idea of a book giving a skill to a character has been suggested at least 5 times here in this forum. --> I don't want that (like you guys) My idea is that carrying the book with you or using it to improve gear could make the search for certain books relevant like LoveAffair described it. I removed method one from my suggestion, because it's too much like a skill system.
  22. degude

    Add a Rowboat to the game.

    I like it. Should require to find paddels first though.
  23. degude


    We had a truck a few days ago and were driving around at night. I dropped my friend off somewhere because he wanted to search for loot. I was waiting in the truck and got bored, so I decided to drive around. After a while my firend told me he was done looting so I drove back to pick him up. I asked him to tell me when he could see the light from the truck. Curiously he was seing the truck (during the night) before he was seing the light, so the distance for seing light seems to be pretty low. I think it has to do something with the quality settings "objects", which determines your draw distance for objects in the game.
  24. degude

    What Happened Here?

    I agree on the realism aspect, and I personally like it. Yeah, I don't want to build houses, but I'd love to see turning houses into bases, and I think that's what they plan to do.
  25. degude

    What Happened Here?

    It's your opinion and I'll respect it, but I don't share it. I want basebuilding :lol: In my opinion, most of the time this "information" won't give you any useful information anyways, if it's even ever found since the map is so huge. Nice feature but not important imo.