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Everything posted by Westcompany

  1. Westcompany

    The state of M4A1's

    I use my two month-old M4 constantly. 60 rounds mag, ACOG, Bipod, flashlight, and silencer, I'm dropping targets up to 400-450 meters with relative ease. It's versatile, but the full-auto is only silly. Semi-auto is where it's at. I'd live a burst mode rifle, one day. I find them useful. Now, I am a lone wolf, and I haven't entered a gunfight in... a month? Two weeks at the very least. I get around, patrolling the NWAF. Absurd how few people you meet. The two guys I met were actually nice. We RPd, too. Twas fun. But yeah, the M4 is great. Absolutely. Versatility is the key, when you have to survive. I can't afford carrying an MP5-k and a rifle, nor an AKM. It's just better, for my play-style.
  2. Westcompany

    any point in having a sidearm?

    ...why, the only pistol you'll ever need is an Amphibia S! The suppressed rimfire action pistol is death incarnate! When you have five mags, like I do. If you fool around NWAF enough you'll find 'em. Not much stopping power, you say? Yeah, but ten bullets to the torso as fast as you can click, with little to no recoil, and almost no sound, cannot be possibly survived. I tested it. Several times. If you wanna pick off one by one a small team, this is the way to go. Hide, aim for the throat, and fire five solid shots. If he doesn't drop, you missed.
  3. Westcompany

    Well, that was annoying and stupid...

    ...I see your point. I was only offed by a player once in... Some hours of gameplay. How? Luck, cautiousness, and a tiny amount of skill. Still, as far as AKs go, they are the single best weapon for short to medium range, and among the best for long range. I've been packing my All-purpose M4 for a couple months now, because it's just that good, for my style of gaming. I'm a loner, and I try to avoid player interaction. Not that I dislike it, I merely try to be cautious. ...I have no real advice, I'm afraid. Only sympathy.
  4. Westcompany

    Becks Privateers, surrender now.

    ...Mind you, I am mocking you. What you are doing is foolish enough as is. I hope for your sanity that you are saying this for its comedic value. Because otherwise it's just silly.
  5. Westcompany

    Becks Privateers, surrender now.

    I... I am greatly amused. I just... ...I can't stop thinking about the ludicrous images this conversation has brought me. ...I can see this guy, with two M4s, riding an invulnerable bunny and eliminating by himself a ten people squad. I'm sorry. Just... yes. Do it. Start this war. Please. I want to be there. Film it. Please.
  6. Westcompany

    Your first kill

    Mane, he was just kidding, probably. That's more like something Vaas would do. That was just downright insane.
  7. Westcompany

    Your first kill

    Well, tis quite simple, really. I was at the NEAF, and I was going up the stairs of the jail next to the ATC tower. I noticed a guy trying to get into the glitch spot. He didn't see me. I decided not to take chances, since he was fully geared, and I only had an amphibia with a chambered round. I shot him in the head, and he went unconscious. I then picked up his M4 and shot him again. I then proceeded to take his stuff, and I left. I have no remorse for killing an exploiter such as him. He also had one of those infinite round mags. I left that on his body and hid it. I will keep playing friendly, but I will never take a chance at the airfield. That's just naive. It was my first kill.
  8. Westcompany

    My DayZ experience

    ...friendly bandits. You were really lucky that one time, "Dave". Best of luck in Chernarus.
  9. Westcompany

    where are the Amphibia mags?

    The Amphibia S is the best gun in the game so far. It's fairly precise, if you have a steady hand, and it's silent. Plus, it does not kill on headshots. For me, it is a plus. I have two mags for that thing. Took me ages to find the second. Good luck.
  10. Westcompany

    DayZ is peaceful

    Well, I'm West, I hail from Italy, and I have just started playing yesterday, I'm a student, I just got through High School. I'm a long time sandbox player, although I'm yet to, well, understand DayZ. As of yesterday I had a raincoat and a crossbow, as of now a broken leg. Hehe. I play the standalone, and as much as I love playing line wolf, I've come to understand this game is to be played in groups of two or three, to feel it better. My steam account is Westcompany and my in-game name is Jason Rivervale. I hope to meet the lot of you guys.