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About devirecui

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. devirecui

    Little kids ruin this game with their racism

    I just feel like the community in this game is really ruining the experience. WIth all the racist children.
  2. Hello. I would like to state that I love the state this game is going in. However, there are a couple of players that ruin the experience for me. As an Islamic-American, I have an accent of a Middle Eastern man. The little American kids seem to think that my accent is funny, and thus they kill on sight. Listen, I understand that Americans have a jaded view of Islam, but that DOES not excuse their racist American behavior. Racism DISGUSTS me and needs to be banned from this game, and the only way to do that is to BAN children from playing this game. I HATE children that are racist, especially racist little American dogs. Can we please BAN the little racist American dogs from ever playing this game again?
  3. devirecui

    Bandits ruin this game

    They need to implement a pvp-free server. There was a guy with no gun just standing there and he killed us. If there are PVE servers on every other MMO besides DAY Z why cant there be one without it here
  4. devirecui

    Bandits ruin this game

    I think someone used hacks to kill us. We had no idea where the bullets came from. We died in elektro. This game wants me to take up smoking again.
  5. devirecui

    Bandits ruin this game

    Hello all, I am a new player who had recently acquired a lot of gear in this game. My buddy and I had fully loaded M4's, and a lot of supplies on our journeys. We are good players who did not watch any trouble. We just like to kill zombies and have a good time. Unfortunately, we were killed from coward bandits who didn't even bother showing their faces. All for our gear which we had took days to acquire. Between this and all the bugs, this game is just too much hassle for me. I am a casual player with bad back problems from driving a truck for 15 years. I also have high blood pressure and diabetes and these bandit assholes don't seem to help it. Please consider banning bandits from the game. Griefers like them are causing me TONS of health problems and I shouldn't be penalized for it. I just want to PLAY the damn game that I bought.