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Everything posted by tehPopulator

  1. tehPopulator

    Would you like spawn points spread out?

    I'd support spawns anywhere on the map, with alot of spawns in alot of places to reduce suiciding. It would make the whole map a lot scarier knowing that even if your in Zeleno (which is always dead whenever I go there) there could be a barely surviving bambi just ready to put a hatchet through my skull. At the moment if I want some human interaction I need to go NE. I'd be happy for the whole coast, but It would be great to set up spawns in about 3/4 of the map (Except NW, people will go there anyway). This would randomise where people interact, encourage travelling more and stop people camping out in the regular places for bambi kills. It'd feel a bit more realistic, rather than knowing that the party is always (currently) at Berezino.