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About Goucho

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  1. Goucho

    -=B2Z-= Clan Server ....40 slot friendly server

    Take a look here, we have guys playing every evening and we are all laid back and fun loving ;) We are recruiting from our server and plan to have a member base stretching from one side of the rock to the other. At the moment this server hosts our members from Estonia/Ukraine to Mid West USA. So let's help us get some Canadians and West coast members! http://forums.dayzga...gaming-clan-18/
  2. Thanx for the replies guys, seems interesting. Is there any difference in Health? Like has HC less health to start with?
  3. Hi there can anyone let me know what the difference is between a regular server and a hardcore server plz.? Maybe what you think are pros and cons for both?
  4. Goucho

    Bad name filter

    Yes good idea. Being able to stop racist names like the "N" word etc. Having a bad word filter would be ace or at least something like it but locked by devs to avoid abuse etc ;)
  5. This isnt right. Usually those who buy it on early release get it cheaper or get a better deal for supporting a game. Look at Insurgency they gave ALL early release buyers a free key to give to their friends!