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About KinetiC.iB

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. KinetiC.iB

    Shouldn't I be getting MUCH higher FPS?

    Thanks for bringing this up Applejaxc, I was actually unaware of it. If you'd like to expand at all I'd appreciate it :)
  2. KinetiC.iB

    Shouldn't I be getting MUCH higher FPS?

    Thanks for the replies. @ Enforcer - I don't actually play. I play for about 5 minutes that way and then close the game. As I stated, however: I was playing at a steady 25-30 FPS a few nights ago. How can that be explained given your observation? I play games like Diablo 3, Rust, WoW, CS:GO etc at the highest settings with no issue.. I realize Arma 2 is quite a bit harder to run than those games, but it seems a little drastic to me.
  3. Hi all, I am new to the Forums and registered for the sake of this post. Seems like a great community here. I'll Start with my specs: (Computer is brand new, purchased last October.) Toshiba Satellite S50D Notebook OS: Windows 8.1 Processor: AMD A10 Elite Quad Core- 5745M APU @ 2.10 Ghz Video Card: AMD Radeon 8610G + 8500M HD Dual Graphics (2GB Video Memory) RAM: 8 Gigs All Drivers up to date. So after resolving issues with installing the patch, and getting around the Battleye: Client Not Responding issue - I can now get into servers most of time. Once in a while I get booted with the message "ARMA 2 OA has stopped working", but only mainly on one particular server. I have a lot of trouble getting into that server, as I will get to the final loading screen and the timer in the bottom right corner will run all the way up to 120 seconds and finally just boot me. My main issue though, and reason for posting, is my FPS while in-game. With the exception of a few nights ago when I played for about 3 hours before getting booted while running about 25-30 FPS steadily - I now get a steady 10-15 FPS with about 9 FPS in towns. This is with my graphics set to Low-Normal.. I feel like with my set up I should easily get 40-50 FPS with graphics set to High. My brother plays on a 6 year old desktop with outdated hardware and is able to play on Very High settings with a steady 30-40 FPS. I have no issues with any other games. I will add that DayZ commander seems to be a pretty massive drain on my CPU when it is open. Shooting it up to about 50-60%. I have it set so that DayZ commander closes upon entering a server however, so I don't think this is an issue... Any help is greatly appreciated. I'm at my wits end and don't know what else to do :(