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About KoKane

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  1. Ah ok, thanks. Thanks for the replies. I knew that non silenced guns could take the SD or non SD mags.. and figured the reverse was possible too, and that this was almost a bug. Didnt know about subsonic ammunition either. Love moments like this when you feel like a newb. Thanks guys :)
  2. KoKane

    Camo suit

    I have been running in CAMO / Ghuille for 11 days now.
  3. KoKane

    Heartbeats! Are they broken?

    You can pinpoint someone behind a wall with this :/
  4. Cant the actual weapon modification (the silencer in this case) determine the noise of the gun.. Why does the ammo, while identical, come in two different packages? Also, why not allow people to "merge" or split their STANAG into SD? Is it a bug atm? I'm making a discussion thread for it here, before making a bug report, which I almost did. Seems a bit odd that you must have the letters SD after your STANAG clip for it to work in your gun, despite that being unrealisitic?
  5. KoKane

    [] Crouch Volume

    I have to agree. I'm one of the people who likes the direction the mod is going, in terms of difficulty. No video games are challening anymore, so thats why. I do feel however, that this latest change just doesnt seem to "feel" right. No matter your best efforts to sneak, it seems a little "off" and that its just not possible and thus, not working. I do understand though, that zombies were a little passive and almost a boring obstacle to slow people down to a walk.
  6. KoKane

    Spawning in Barren Wasteland?

    Go east guys. This place is located WEST of Debug Forest, which is west of Zelengorsk. This happened me today, for the first time ever. I had a GPS and I could tell by the coords that running north or south was making the GPS move... but west/east had no change in coords... However I decided to stick something in my W key (since we have no autorun feature).. After about 5 minutes, I could see a treeline.. I then appeared on my GPS and yes, I was arriving on the west side of the world. So, if you spawn in the wasteland and have stuff you dont want to lose to a respawn.. Go east. (Towards the sun if you dont have a compass)
  7. Hehe, well a generator attached to a power box of a building would be cool. Temporary lighting, light refuelling vehicles. Or maybe a Generator powers an area... Would be cool, useful and damn well atmospheric.
  8. I dont see the problem (no pun intended) Just implement electricity or more light source items of convenience.... The way it was before, you could get GREYSCALE nightvision, with the Gamma/Brightness "exploit". If people wanted, Rocket could add NVGs to civilian loot piles too. This alone would surely see them appear more in the game. Over time, very shortly, people would begin to see them more and more until it reached a certain balanced point where every odd person had one. I still think its fine as it is. Yes its COMPLETELY dark.. But that is exactly what it is supposed to be like. It is EXACTLY the way it is meant to be. There is no problem. Log off, switch server, or survive...
  9. KoKane

    how much bandwidth does DayZ use?

    Actually, DayZ or Arma2, uses a highly above average amount. I'm from Ireland, and unfortunately I am stuck with an ISP that gives a monthly limit. In a 30 day period, I cannot go over 70gb a month. So, I have a chart I can use to monitor my usage. On days where I play DayZ.. the Upload is HUGE. Any other day, playing LoL, Darkfall Online or whatever else I do, even heavy Facebook/Youtube usage, I never see as much bandwidth usage, like when I do after playing some DayZ. http://i.imgur.com/xya8k.png There is an example. Just ONE day of DayZ. Its clearly visible on the right. You can see the Red (Red = Uploaded Blue = Downloaded). Upload is way above average. I'm not sure what it is about this game. I guess the character saving perhaps. This is just me though, as a player playing from home. So if you meant server hosting bandwidth... yes, its approx 2TB. Insane.
  10. KoKane

    Downed Heli Questions.

    The big question is, does the loot respawn after it has been taken. My friend and I took a DMR and m249 SAW machine gun from a loot heli. We didnt get back to checking it, but we wondered if those loot spots would repopulate after a while..