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jayirish (DayZ)

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Everything posted by jayirish (DayZ)

  1. jayirish (DayZ)

    Experimental Branch: 0.46 Discussion

    Where is this quote from Rocket so we may all form our own theory of what it means! We shall all be Philosophers and prophets!
  2. So tent/storage in this update was a myth. :( (seen here http://dayz.gamepedia.com/Changelog) I keep re-watching this video hoping you edit it having found a tent on experimental!
  3. jayirish (DayZ)

    Looking to join or start a group

    Hey buddy! LIGS is always looking for more players being as we are a community 1st clan 2nd we always want to grow our numbers accross all the games we play/host visit us at www.ligs.us and join us on Mumble (fprq.murmur.nfoservers.com and the port is 6010) 2day I am at work but will be on this evening and you will probably have a few members already on anyways! No matter where you go or who you join Have Fun and stay vigilant!