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Posts posted by spartacusrex

  1. I want bug fixes, the most annoying to me right now is not being able to loot something or someone.

    Sure more zombies would be nice, but I'd like a helicopter and real base building about now. I could care less about more guns/cars/gear, we have enough of all that.

    A scope for the FAL would be really nice though, also bring back everything that was taken out (fireman's jacket, etc...)

  2. who else can't wait?


    and what do you hope to see in .59?


    Apart from the new vehicles, I really hope we see the return of the infected.


    All I want is the infected back, night being dark (no more gamma slider) ,less food and of course minor bugs like "not being able to loot unless you go out and come back in" and double stone crafted knife fixed.

    They can work on more vehicles (& heli's) and base building until the new year for all I care if we get the zeds back and true night.

  3. I have no complaints, am loving .58. Only bugs I've gotten are the duplicating crafted stone knives and the "I cant pick up this item unless I walk out and then back in" bug. Those are mildly annoying and yes I miss the zombies but man... private whitelisted servers, loot is fixed, persistence works, I have a camp (filled up barrel in a bush so no one will ever find it, but still), no desync, no audio glitches, no lootsplosions, CoD KoSers having to explore and earn their gear, game runs better... I'm having a blast.


    I'm sure they'll fix those minor bugs soon enough and bring back the zeds, and aren't they working on more vehicles/air in .59? What are you complaining about?!?

  4. I give myself little quests like:

    - Walk the coast looking for nets to craft a Ghillie, do not fire unless fired upon.

    - Find a tent, make a base in a high traffic area, see how much I can get into it before the inevitable conflict.

    - Go to a coastal city, hunt for snipers in the treeline.

    - Try to build a fire on every street corner of Elektro, and break a chemlight in every building I can. I love to watch people's reaction to that one.


    Every once in a while I'll try and set up a row of stores, put one of each gun in one, everything first aid in another, food in one, etc... but its never really rewarding because nobody ever roleplays or talks. They just loot up and run or try'n kill me.

    • Like 1

  5. My only complaint, I remember searching so hard for a hacksaw to saw off my shotgun and I loved when I actually found an axe. It kinda sucks that these two things are SO easy to find with the shacks.


    I'm glad every building and little thing has loot now, but can we turn down the amount of it and turn back on the wells? I'll accept having to use water purification tablets for well/pond water just make it harder to survive again please.

  6. Mosin w/ Comp & LRS

    Black Fire Axe


    Black Ballistic Helmet, Mask, Sunglasses, Tactical Shirt, Cargo Pants, Combat Boots (w/ Knife) and Hi Cap Vest (holding Gorka Jacket/Pants or Rain Jacket and extra ammo, PU Scope)


    Improvised Leather Pack w/:

    First Aid Kit (Bandages/Rags, Morphine/Splint, Saline or Your Blood)

    Ammo Box w/ Ammo for your Guns

    Protective Cases holding: Canteen, Can Opener, Compass, Matches, Gas Lamp, Sewing Kit, Complete Fire Kit)

    Sawed off Shotgun

    Note to your killer


    Maybe a Blue UN Helmet if I find a Press Vest, or a different rifle/sidearm.

  7. I played for 3 hours this morning, died 3 times. So far I'm enjoying the heck out of this. Everyone I met was friendly, one guy gave me food.


    I've also never gotten the movement bug, but got a freelook bug once, double tapped alt and fixed it.


    I dislike the new running animation, I hope they tweak it a bit.


    I REALLY like the hunger/thirst rate, died twice of starvation looking for food but the one time I spawned in svet one of the little food stands was overspawned with food, so I loaded up, ran to Chernaya Polana, found another like it. Had enough that starvation was no longer an issue. Decided to go to Novo but the zeds made me bleed from desync so many times while locking them into houses that I ran out of bandages and bled out. Sucks because besides guns/ammo I nearly had my full kit: all black clothing, protective case, splint, can opener, canteen, compass, matches, book, pen, lamp w/ gas, full map, sewing kit, fishing hook, keys, machete and improvised pack. Hope someone on Northeast 5 found my corpse in Novo and used some of that stuff.
