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Everything posted by spartacusrex

  1. I was in Zelenogorsk and decided to take out the one zombie with my AK (Mosin on my back) rather than dropping it and axing him... Then three come around the corner, then another 3, they kept coming, burnt through my 75 round mag and another 30... they never stopped until I switched back to the Axe. They ruined my Black Hi Cap Vest... never again...
  2. spartacusrex

    Stable - 0.47 Discussion

    For some reason I can face mask any bandana but the black one.
  3. spartacusrex

    Tents has anyone found em

    How is Target or Dick's sporting goods a "Supermarket"? Never heard of Wally World.
  4. spartacusrex

    End game content?

    End game? This game has permadeath there is no end game. This isn't WoW... You'll never have a max level or be "fully geared" you can only have what want at best. There is no ending raid, no box for you to check off and say "done." You decide when you're done, the "End Game" is what you decide it is.
  5. spartacusrex

    What has DayZ taught you?

    1. When the shit hits the fan, don't use roads. 2. People are heartless when the chips are down. 3. Shoot anyone with a pre-pubescent voice, they're likely racist XBOX Live CoD brats. 4. Never assume an interaction is over because you're both going separate ways, people lie, follow, hunt and kill despite being helped.
  6. spartacusrex

    What clothes do you wear for fashion alone.

    I used to do the all black look (Black: Hi Cap Vest, Tactical Shirt, Cargo Pants, Ballistic Helmet, Gloves/Boots/Sunglasses and painted weapons) But lately I'm digging the all blue look:
  7. spartacusrex

    Just shoot me.

    I do not kill on sight, if you have a weapon I'm going to maintain the upper hand and make sure that you drop it. If you want to play "suicide by cop" and turn with a gun/axe or rush me then you'll receive that which you seek to give. I play this game for the interaction, I've had far more fun meeting people and fighting with them than fighting against them. Simply killing someone who is no threat, unaware of your presence and has nothing of value on him to loot... is just easy and weak. If someone is threatening to shoot you if you don't comply and you'd rather die, then don't comply. If you don't wanna talk, then don't. If you don't want to fight then don't. But being seen doesn't mean you have to die, why you're so eager to I haven't the foggiest.
  8. spartacusrex

    Best, worst thing you've ever done?

    Best: Trusted a guy, gave him a loaded gun, we became friends and he's saved my life quite a few times since. Worst: Didn't watch my back after parting ways with a guy who claimed to have no ammo for his SKS. Damn you Stempy!!!!
  9. spartacusrex

    What Do You Want to See When you die?

    I want the game to record brief clips at every hour that you've survived, then show you a flashback of your life when you're dead, closing with the you are dead screen that fades to white.
  10. spartacusrex

    Afraid to go on

    Then don't play that character, if its your regular character switch to hardcore. So you can keep your pristine character for when you can store all that loot and play HC in the meantime.
  11. spartacusrex

    Healing too fast?

    IKR, I don't even bother with them or saline bags anymore. Bandages/rags and a splint/morphine when full healthy/hydrated/energized and I go from grey to color after being shot w/ a Mosin in minutes.
  12. spartacusrex

    Devs Have Been Spoiling Us Lately

    Its only brown nosing if you're bucking for a promotion, this OP has nothing to gain by saying Thank You. He has my beans.
  13. spartacusrex

    The Townhall

    Hey was the guy you called Wood named Woodrow in game?
  14. spartacusrex


    I like the Machete for its accuracy and speed, one blow to the back of the head and they're down. Otherwise you've gotta hit em in the face at least 3 times. Which is easy given the speed but its a hassle when they're getting up and going back down. Axe is still better, besides, you cannot crawl over to a tree and cut it down for sticks for a splint w/ a Machete.
  15. On the UK hive of Experimental I've noticed that when I log into regular or hardcore its the same character just with or without 3PP. I was wondering if this were possible or desirable for the Stable hive? I know I would certainly play differently if I only had one character. There would almost be no reason to play Regular for me. I prefer Hardcore but I keep my Regular Stable character max geared + rares (E1911, Press Vest, Kitted M4, Bipoded Mosin, etc...)
  16. You do realize that zombies are moving targets too right? Whatever, you KOS types will always try to justify your weak play style.
  17. spartacusrex

    Do People still watch balota?

    I always go to Balota and its airfield. But then again, I don't play DayZ for deathmatch. I have other games for that.
  18. spartacusrex

    Dayz SA Is Boring. :-(

    I like that DayZ is "boring" at times. When you think you're safe and alone hiking around inland... then in an instant you see a mere pixel move in the treeline, or you hear a shot that was aimed at you and YOUR HEART STARTS POUNDING; and ITS ON! Constant action CoD style where the maps are designed to funnel you into conflict constantly doesn't get my heart pounding because it doesn't have the "boring" lows. "Without the bitter, the sweet ain't as sweet." - Vanilla Sky I don't think this is the game for you OP, especially not in Alpha.
  19. spartacusrex

    My plea to remove military gear

    The opinions of the Kill on Sight types are utterly without value to me. I don't even wear Military Gear but if I saw you shoot someone because of their clothing, you're next.
  20. spartacusrex

    Hangout spot?

    Whenever I spawn I work my way to Elektro to get my cases, then to either Balota airfield or NWAF and the Military base to the south of it. Once I'm fully geared I run around the map checking the Train stations for a Press Vest. If I have that and an Engraved 1911, I just hang out in Balota, maybe sometimes run the coast to Kami and back. But Balota is my home, namely the Green House on the road.
  21. spartacusrex

    Is it worth carrying an axe?

    IMO the Machete is best,1 to the back of the head kills, takes like 3 direct hits to the face which is annoying because each one drops them to the ground. But you can swing it REALLY fast and accurately.
  22. spartacusrex

    Bug or am I doing something wrong?

    If your vision is hazy go to your video options and it'll clear up. Also try being bright green hydrated/energized.
  23. "I've also heard that the game has accumulated a large number of these "doomsday prepper" type people." Yeah? Where?
  24. I try to adhere to the "Don't get too attached to your character" mentality when it comes to encounters. I try to move as stealthily as possible, always with a M4 drawn because I keep my Mosin on my back and I always try to maintain the upper hand in any encounter. Unless I've got my Press Vest and Engraved 1911, then I am very averse to encounters. I only fire if fired upon, generally keep my distance, evade, run or tell them to move along.