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Everything posted by spartacusrex

  1. spartacusrex

    Anyone using the Blaze 95?

    I'll use it until I find a Mosin.
  2. spartacusrex

    Whats your favorite location on the map?

    Lately its Zelenogorsk. Its not near the coast, an airfield or berezino but has military loot of its own. It has everything!
  3. spartacusrex

    How do You Keep Yourself Busy While Travelling?

    I listen to podcasts, namely the Joe Rogan Experience. I quickly pause it of course the moment I see movement.
  4. spartacusrex

    .49 Is not an improvement

    Why are you trying to "be clever" with the zeds instead of locking THEM in the house?
  5. spartacusrex

    Do Stun Batons Actually stun?

    The stun gun drains batteries WAY too fast. Its ridiculously unrealistic. I thought I found a new favorite melee weapon, but it died after like 5 zombies. My IRL stun gun can be used hundreds of times and only needs to be charged once a month. In fact I've gone several months without charging it and its fine.
  6. spartacusrex

    Disconnects / Character Reset Consistently

    This just happened to me on my Clan's server. I expected the 8PM reset. But still, logged onto the same server and reset. Didn't move and went to a different server and was still reset. Goddamn it! I just sawed off a shotty, found ammo for the magnum, found an SKS and finished my improv backpack.... Think imma call it a night and play tomorrow.
  7. RIP Spartacus, he survived since the last stable wipe. I made a thread to remember him in: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/210321-just-committed-pre-wipe-suicide-in-berezino/ He was one hell of a survivor, committed suicide by bambi in Berezino on 9/6. Had: Fully kitted (legit) M4 with 3 60 round mags Unicorn Mosin w/ Bipod, LRS, Comp and a PU scope Fully kitted FNX w/ Mags Tent Engraved 1911 Sawed Off Press Vest Ammo box w/ a stack of every ammo in game Full Med Kit (Morphine, Epi, etc..) etc... You will be missed
  8. spartacusrex

    Do Stun Batons Actually stun?

    Does not the question pre-suppose existing sides? Also, who is or can be a marble? Do you know any marbles capable of choice?
  9. spartacusrex

    Do you carry a handgun when you have an automatic rifle?

    1. Yes 2. A longhorn 3. Range shots
  10. spartacusrex

    Do Stun Batons Actually stun?

    When I let someone stun baton me, I was unconscious after one hit. It took like 5 seconds though, had a chance to read him the message.
  11. spartacusrex

    Why nobody want to play in the night time?

    Why can't you? Ever heard of head lamps? Weapon mounted flashlights?
  12. spartacusrex

    How do you deal with zombies?

    I circle strafe w/ an axe, I stop to hit then keep moving. Unless I'm double carrying, then I'll shoot and run. That said, damn I'm loving melee in .49!
  13. So I've had this character for the past 7 months, I had over 300 hours on him: Given the impending wipe, I decide to run the coast on a full pop server looking to give the first person I saw all my gear. Didn't see a soul until I reached Berezino. When I did, I saw a group of four guys, one with his gun out. I said "Hey guys how's it going?" All but one replied "Hey there", the one with the gun took cover, then came out shooting, I shot back but: Then I hear over the mic, "Hey, you mind if I take his stuff?" I truly hope he enjoyed what he found: Fully kitted (legit) M4 with 3 60 round mags Unicorn Mosin w/ Bipod, LRS, Comp and a PU scope Fully kitted FNX w/ Mags Tent Engraved 1911 Sawed Off Press Vest Ammo box w/ a stack of every ammo in game Full Med Kit (Morphine, Epi, etc..) etc... Of course if I weren't suicidal I could have killed them all, but hey... I'd rather die and have some people enjoy my loot than let all my work be completely wiped away by a patch. Either way, so long old friend. I now welcome the coming wipe!
  14. spartacusrex

    Just committed pre-wipe suicide in Berezino

    Thanks, trolls seldom have any capacity for debate, understanding of logical fallacies or a firm grasp of the English language.
  15. spartacusrex

    Just committed pre-wipe suicide in Berezino

    Logged off for months? I have a great deal of screenshots, hours played and clanmates I run with every Wednesday to prove otherwise. Your guarantee is worthless and baseless, as are you claims that I had any intention to "Slay some noobs" I clearly stated that it was my intention to give the gear away. Also, it was an SKS that killed me not a .22, no anger or disbelief about it given that it was my intention to die before the wipe. You also do not understand the definition of the word essay. Wow, Trankin sure was right about forum trolls... That said, I'm glad my playstyle is so unbelievable to the likes of you. :lol:
  16. spartacusrex

    Just committed pre-wipe suicide in Berezino

    Derailing my own thread? :rolleyes: Talk about projection... You're also ignorant of the logical fallacy, given that the straw man is the position you keep insisting I hold which I don't, that my gear has anything to do with my skill at the game, a claim I've never made. Your education in the English language is what is flawed, among other things.
  17. spartacusrex

    Just committed pre-wipe suicide in Berezino

    Straw man: When did I ever claim that it was skill?
  18. spartacusrex

    Just committed pre-wipe suicide in Berezino

    There is no such thing as luck, the very notion is just probability taken personally.
  19. spartacusrex

    Just committed pre-wipe suicide in Berezino

    /slits_wrists 1
  20. spartacusrex

    DayZ Development progress makes no sense

    Its my understanding that the game is not feature complete, that beta starts at patch .50 and remains a beta until 1.0 We're in alpha IMO, not "Pre-Alpha" Also, Wikipedia is more accurate and reliable than the Encylopedia Brittanica. Just try and write "anything you want" and see if your falsehood remains after 24 hours.
  21. spartacusrex

    Just committed pre-wipe suicide in Berezino

    As I tell those who say "Thats the only way to play DayZ" (KOS types) DayZ, and its forums, is what WE make IT. I'll not stop "wasting my time" being positive, friendly or "merciful." I'd rather fight the fading of positivity than give into it.
  22. spartacusrex

    Just committed pre-wipe suicide in Berezino

    Standing in the middle of the street? I would have likely started with the gunman, I could have dropped two with headshots and sprayed the third while they were talking before they even moved, then played the long game with the survivor as he tried to escape BZ or loot the gun of his friend. Or I could have went inside the bar to the south of them and picked them off with my Mosin. If it were 4 guys with guns in CQB, I doubt I would have have such an upper hand. I've killed 3 dupers before, but the 3rd nearly got me. 3 Unarmed guys and 1 gun, how does that require anyone playing "masterfully"? That said, I play the friendly hero. Its not mercy to not kill on sight.
  23. spartacusrex

    Just committed pre-wipe suicide in Berezino

    TBH I've only recently started playing the mod. Man are they not friendly in Overpoch... Don't worry, DayZ SA will get there... at least I hope.
  24. spartacusrex

    Just committed pre-wipe suicide in Berezino

    Sounds kinda awesome, you FRAPS it? Gotta love Desync
  25. spartacusrex

    Just committed pre-wipe suicide in Berezino

    ... Chris? If you think that was the purpose of my thread, you really must have an inferiority complex. This was simply a memorial to my longest lasting character. That said, I'd love some worship and praise... so long as its not baseless.