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About Suchti102

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    On the Coast
  1. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/190913-stuck-fix/ Yes indeed, it works =) It might take some time for your friend to come across the entire map to get you if he is far away, but (at least in my case) you can fix the bug by following the 3 simple steps which are instructed in my post. Good luck =)
  2. Suchti102

    [Stuck fix]

    Hey guys, For all of you, who got the bug/glitch that you died, and whenever you respawn you start at the same location with e.g. as in my case with a broken leg, unable to respawn on death; do this: Change the server and manage to spawn, no matter where you are Get someone with a gun or whatever Make him shoot youThat way, you will respawn, and you will be able to enjoy the game without being stuck =) Reply whether it worked or not, I hope I could help you =)