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Everything posted by Jacbros

  1. Jacbros

    Completely Stuck

    So one of my characters died which saddened me. I respawn run around, get over to a factory and then a bunch of guys came and shot my legs. I was in a call with a bunch of guys and they were like: "Just crawl to the ocean and drown yourself" and so I did. But when I finally drowned the respawn button was still blacked out. Now every time I join a server in DayZ, I respawn at the top of the ocean and slowly sink to the bottom and then I die, and can't respawn. This has happened every time and I'm beginning to get reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeal pissed off about this. Is there like a way that I can just delete my character manually? Cuz I'm never going to get to play the game ever again if there isn't... and that's a waste of 24 bucks...