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Everything posted by Linden

  1. Linden

    Crafted Medicines

    Since we have hunting, how about a few medicines / remedies we can craft from plants found (or grown if we get horticulture) in the woods? I imagine they would be less effective than hospital supplies and take longer to cure your ailment. Perhaps there could be one or two rare ones that are extremely useful. For a few examples http://www.russianherbs.net/default.htm Also a related thought, what about poisons? Poison for your arrows? Poisoned water wells? This might open up possibilities for players who are interested in going camping for a while and abandoning civilisation after the zombie apocalypse
  2. Linden


    At first I was thinking the same as Redstar - it would be terribly frustrating for the controls to add extra delay onto my own reaction time when shooting. Also what I really like about dayz is the sense of freedom that comes from having your fortune determined not so much by your character's gear and past experience and knowledge, but more by your wits and whatever tools you can find before you get into trouble. You can go from having nothing to having everything in 10 minutes, and then lose everything in another 2, because every character has the same base capability. But then when you made the distinction between survival and deathmatch games, it made me think again. As far as shooting goes, having to improve skills over time would force freshly spawned characters to focus on more careful approaches to combat, instead of just who is best at aiming. It might lessen the deathmatching on the coast because dying and having to start over being clumsy with the weapons would be a pain in the ass. On the downside it could also make coming up against longer-lived characters impossible.. which would detract from that sense of freedom I talked about earlier. But that is all about balancing I suppose. I have a feeling that having "weapon skills" would be the most controversial part of your idea.. so that's all I've commented on. At the end of the day as long as you could still have that feeling of "i could do anything" when you start your character, and it doesn't feel like you have to grind up the skills to be competitive, I would enjoy it.
  3. Linden

    Crafted Medicines

    Yup, the well poisoning comment was just me brainstorming, I'm not sure it would be good in practice either
  4. I think it would be cool to need to interact with other players in the game (without killing them), to achieve certain things. One way it could be done is with weight, volume and fatigue, e.g. when looting with a group you can share the load and therefore move faster and travel further before you need a rest. I hope they implement something like that, and this leads me to what I'm really interested in. Let's assume we're getting building and vehicles in this game. You could have certain actions that require two or more players. E.g. when constructing buildings or flipping over large upside-down vehicles. In the Epoch mod you build walls and happily swing them around by yourself with no problem, but irl they would be very heavy. What if you needed two players to move one of them? This way, to make larger constructions than say a shack or tent, you would need help from other players. I imagine having to move slowly with them as well, making you vulnerable while building and also making every additional person you can find to help a real asset. If you like playing as a good guy, you could search for trustworthy people and make friends, or literally pay people peanuts to work for you. If you like playing as a bad guy, you could capture Bambi slaves to do your building/heavy lifting.. and maybe heroes would try to rescue them from you... I know, I'm a dork..
  5. Cool video thanks :lol: I don't know if I could handle that level of detail in building with levelling the land and everything lol. I wonder if we would be able to stockpile wood and things out in the world like he did? I suppose server restarts would get rid of it all.. which is a shame. Would be nice to have people's loot stashes/resources you could stumble across and rob.
  6. This isn't a problem, you don't have to start out as a solo player to benefit from this idea. The point is to have something meaningful to do together that you actually need each other for, and perhaps if your group is small, finding additional people could speed the process up for you. Repairing vehicles in the mod can take a lot of parts depending how broken it is, but one person can still carry many parts by themselves, and given enough time could repair it alone. Same with building.. you need a lot of resources but you don't need another person. Yes, we are waiting on more things to do apart from shooting each other. Once these features come along I hope there will be some teamwork opportunities that give us a reason not to kill everyone we see, and an incentive to try build a survivor community.. or a Bambi work camp.. either way. The potential crazy situations that could come out of trying to gather a group of survivors and getting them to cooperate is exciting. This is what my idea is about.
  7. Blood bags are something that will affect whether you live or die, whereas being able to create or manipulate larger scale objects with other people's help is not essential to your survival. So it's not really the same.. it's not an "enforcement" because you will never have to take part in that activity to keep your character alive. It is rather a group activity which you could not realistically achieve alone.