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Everything posted by Tarheelram

  1. Tarheelram

    Can I run Dayz?

    I was wondering if my computer could run dayz. I really want to play it. http://gyazo.com/1b100d61832c7ce0b234a8ec88184fd1
  2. Tarheelram

    Can I run Dayz?

    I made an account and made a thread, assumed general discussion would have been the place. Calm your **** and get some fresh air bro. Also your answer was useless didn't explain anything.
  3. Tarheelram

    Can I run Dayz?

    I'm not a shitty human being for posting a thread in the wrong section by accident. Also when you become a fourm mod you expect things like this. If you can't handle deleting posts quit.
  4. Tarheelram

    Can I run Dayz?

    That's their job.
  5. Tarheelram

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    Here are my specs. Can I run it? http://gyazo.com/1b100d61832c7ce0b234a8ec88184fd1
  6. Tarheelram

    Can I run Dayz?

    Omg, go get some fresh air. It's a damn fourm on the internet over a game all you had to do was direct me to the place not act like I ruined your day.