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About murmur

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  1. murmur

    Blue Side Channel Chat

    You know, I've seen this a lot. On side chat: "Hey cool, no more debug window!", then: "HOLY SHIT GAME IS SO BROKE GOOD JOB ROCKET LOLOLOL." I just roll my eyes because it's not like I can tell them they are doing it wrong.
  2. murmur

    Can you set waypoints?

    Depends on the server difficultly and you can do it with just a map.
  3. murmur

    WTF agro bat man

    Please, go on, I'm partially engorged.
  4. murmur

    Easiest way to group up?

    You can keep respawning until you are somewhat close. I see people doing that all the time. Not sure if its frowned upon or what.
  5. The lack of beans from killing noobs is making everyone go batshit from hunger.
  6. murmur

    WTF agro bat man

    Sure you were a stealth master before, but the only things you had to sneak by were the equivalent of mentally handicapped children wearing earplugs and blindfolds. But I can see your point, now they are like psychic detectives from Hitlers secret psi-ops division or some shit. Maybe some middle ground would be nice before we all start playing like Anne Frank.
  7. murmur

    beta patch problem

    No problem, glad you got it working.
  8. murmur

    Side Chat?

    Well it looks like if you aren't running the beta patch you can still connect to an updated server and are able to use side chat. I'm sure that causes a bunch of problems.
  9. murmur

    beta patch problem

    Okay, look at the 'Launch Arma2 OA Beta Patch' that should be in your main Arma 2 folder. The target should say something like: "C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\Expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe" -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -nosplash , your path will obviously be different if you are using steam. Now below that, the 'start in' should say: "C:\Program files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2" . For whatever reason my path for the start in property was the same as the target one, which gave me that error that you are getting. When I changed it back to just \ArmA 2, not \ArmA 2\Expansion etc. etc., it worked again. Like I said your paths will be different and I'm not even sure it works the same way with steam.
  10. murmur

    beta patch problem

    Hmm sorry then, can't help you. I was having the same problem without steam awhile ago, and I was able to fix it by changing the 'start in:' property of my shortcut. Don't think that will help you though where you are using steam.
  11. murmur

    beta patch problem

    Are you running it with steam or without?
  12. murmur

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    Well, I was wondering why I saw so many people able to still use side chat so I ran Arma2 without running the beta patch and I was still able to connect to servers saying they are using the updated version, and I was once again able to use the side chat. So it looks like the beta patch may be required to make everything work right, it isn't required to actually connect to servers. And it also seems like many, many people are either completely unaware that they are supposed to use the beta patch, or are aware and haven't set it up right. Maybe this was already mentioned, but I skimmed and didn't see anything.
  13. murmur

    Side Chat?

    Every time I go on a server people are using side chat... I thought that was going to be disabled with this update. I can't use it but it seems like a lot of other people can. What's up with that?