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About Stâlkérs

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    On the Coast
  1. Same here, server was an FR, Unpacked three tents, then thought "hmm, in the open too much", so I reallocated are tents. Once we were done, the server crashed/restarted. When we heading back in that direction, our three tents we originally moved were still there. With our original stuff also.
  2. Stâlkérs

    Where are weapons?

    Then you're quite easily the unluckiest person in Dayz. They spawn everywhere usually. Pistols, winnies, double barrels, lee enfields.. just keep searching buildings.
  3. Stâlkérs

    Dont disconnect in buildings!!!!

    O'dear. I'm currently logged out in a building. Do I dare log in? :O F it, 360 when I log in and spray at anything that's moving.
  4. Stâlkérs

    My first day in the zombie apocalypse

    Haha, when I bought the game I did the in game tutorial. I suggest it, it really helps. And in reply to Faamecanic, that might of been me ;) I've had some random dude spawn in front of me, and without a second thought I just blew his ass to china town.
  5. Stâlkérs

    Inventory question

    Another tip, be pest to put weapons in your backpack. Then equip it if you don't wanna lose something. I find that works for me, and flashlights by them selfs are pointless unless you have a primary. There are a few side arms, e.g the G17 that have a flashlight equiped with them. I'm sure it's possible to mod flashlights to equip on all guns. But, it is in alpha. ;)