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Everything posted by emigrates

  1. emigrates

    English direction markers?

    4/10 Good effort.
  2. emigrates

    How good is the Lomghorn supposed to be?

    I believe it will put a round further than 400m, how far I'm not sure but from our experience with it (someone standing at the Northern Most bar in Berezino and someone just running down the tracks) with a bit of wind and angle changing, we managed to keep hitting the wall. Again, we couldn't confirm exactly how far it was but I would of sworn it was more than 400m.
  3. emigrates

    Userlist, Ban.txt, etc.

    How does one go about trying to promote themselves as an Admin? Guessing passwords?
  4. emigrates

    Stop spawning hungry?

    Depends on the situation I guess, if for example you were knocked unconscious and woke up, you could have been under for a long time - it would make sense that you're more hungry than thirsty. But hey, let's stop looking for logic in a game that has zombies, yeah?
  5. emigrates

    Stable Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Am I the only one who loves the AKM? I only have two griefs with it; 1. The PSO-1 Scope needs some work to get rid of that big square outline or whatever that is, and I'd love to see some more close range optics such as an RDS. 2. No single shot option. I'm the kind of player who very rarely uses anything besides single shot, unless I'm clearing a house or another small area in CQB, It's always single shot fire. Since having the AKM I've dropped more people than the M4.
  6. I haven't come across any further hacked magazines since the previous patch. We only play Public hive servers and we only play bandit in Bere/NEAF.
  7. emigrates

    DayZ - Bandits Galore! ( what is happening to DayZ? )

    I don't know much about playing as a hero, I only move around in a big group with people I can trust. But if you want to approach NEAF and not get shot, maybe removing your weapons would help. People will shoot on sight because you're a potential threat. People do not like threats. When you bugged out of the building, crawled around the wood a bit and came back, I saw you shoot him first, not the other way around.
  8. Is your profile picture that of an Octopus giving a guy head?
  9. emigrates

    Are there tents yet?

    He's not being a douche at all, he pointed out a factual statement. Why bother making a thread and not just reading it? I think you'll find it's more than applicable, not only can you change the theme of this board but there's several (hundreds) of other PC news sources all over the net that can provide you with the change log, what's new and what's not. winrar
  10. emigrates

    DayZ - Bandits Galore! ( what is happening to DayZ? )

    I don't understand who the bandit is and who isn't, you're all killing each other and the first kill of the video goes to you. If you don't enjoy bandit play, don't go to high pop areas on high pop servers with rifles out camping in a building.
  11. Just encountered a team shooting out of the water at Bere beach. Not sure what happened but these guys were invisible, all be could confirm is that the rounds were coming from the water to the main land.
  12. emigrates

    having 2 primaries on back instead of primarie and a melee

    I prefer the DayZ mod/Arma idea of only being able to carry two primaries if you obtain a rucksack that's large enough, like a military bergen and other backpacks (including hunters, daypacks, etc) would act as they do currently. The Bergen could be of course similar to finding the new webbing vest and being pretty rare.
  13. emigrates

    Cooking steak + food poisoning help

    Thought you meant in real life, I was about to suggest more toilet roll, buckets and maybe a doctor.
  14. emigrates

    Gender Discrimination and Prejudice

    Thanks! A bit like a White Knight then? Next question, what the fuck is a prissy?
  15. emigrates

    Gender Discrimination and Prejudice

    Okay, so this thread has.. changed a bit. But what the fuck is SJW?
  16. emigrates

    Stable Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Binoculars do indeed take up 4 slots. They work absolutely fine, they've worked since they were added. Originally you could only use them while standing up, but since this patch you can use them in any position. I'm not sure where you're getting your facts from buddy, but they're wrong which begs the question, do you play this game or just slant the game on the forums? The only scope which is more powerful than Bino's is an LRS which can only be mounted onto a Mosin. Here's a tip, some people don't like Mosins. Any other optic takes up 2 slots, besides a BUIS which doesn't modify zoom.
  17. emigrates

    Golden magazines

    ESP/Aimbot/GPS all these are completely different to ADDING an item to the game or even changing the image of an item so that everyone can see it (server side).
  18. emigrates

    Golden magazines

    I think your friend may be having you on, or 'having a joke' with you. As far as I'm aware no Golden Magazine's have been found in the game and I've never seen this bug before. It would involve somehow editing files and client side would be purely the dead persons client who would be able to see the mags. If your friend was able to see them as well it would make it server side, which is not something I've come across on DayZ.
  19. emigrates

    Userlist, Ban.txt, etc.

    Although shamefully absurd, Xelpherpolis is correct. You can only kick players at present. I will jump in joy the day server admins can finally obtain some real player ID's and be able to ban them.
  20. emigrates

    Need help on walking in DayZ

    TEACH ME, PLEASE. I've got the G19 and Naga and I've never, ever understood how to set a macro. My F1-10, G1-10 and Mouse 1-12 ALL do the same thing and it's really starting to piss me off.
  21. Seen less hackers recently to be fair, along with people who I have known who hacked have been banned. There's also quite a few more threads on the forums about people being banned.
  22. emigrates

    Gender Discrimination and Prejudice

    I think the fact that there's two million people playing this game, and this is a 6 page thread with about 5 videos is just tribute to how much this goes on. We've all be shoot and had people talk to us in-game when we're being shot, but no one has ever insulted me because of who I am, it's just stupid pre-teen insults. Take that exact video and take out the girls voice, they wouldn't really have much to say.