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Everything posted by emigrates

  1. emigrates

    Some RP items and 'minigames'

    Minus the weed, that sounds pretty good actually. It's a bit more realistic, not sure if you've ever watched The Book of Eli, but they trade with things like hand sanitizing wipes, etc. Stuff when currency goes out the window, people would really want for a bit of luxury. I say minus weed because I'm not a massive fan of it.
  2. emigrates

    Some RP items and 'minigames'

    Honestly, it was a great night. I'm still remembering flashbacks involving excessive beer and champagne showers. It was a pretty big night, after my 8 year long career I had decided to move on and start a family, so we made the most out of it. I also managed to talk my way into a five star hotel, walk behind the bar and pour myself a beer. If it wasn't for the lads, that definitely would have landed me in a cell for the night.
  3. emigrates

    Some RP items and 'minigames'

    I hate the stuff, it's revolting but at the same time, it can really turn a decent night into a pretty awesome night. The last time I did it, I managed to get into a street scuffle with 6 lads with only 2 of us. The police saw it all and we were told to go home while they were arrested for damage to public property and something to do with cutting a guys head open. The very same night I spent £200 in a strip club with nothing but a large receipt to show for it.
  4. emigrates

    Some RP items and 'minigames'

    Cracked me up, have some beans. In a real zombie apocalypse; Dominos Cigarettes (lots of them) Pack of cards Some currency, for the poker. Bottle of black Sambuca.
  5. emigrates

    How to know which servers to avoid?

    Want loot? Hide behind the trees just outside the East jail in NEAF. Log out once safe and find a server that is pretty early in the morning under 'time' filter. Look for a US/AU or Pacific server with massive ping and 0 players. Join, collect loot from NEAF. Run to safe play (either trees outside Jail or Treeline for a safer bet), collect all the loot to the best of your ability and to put it into protective boxes/Ammo boxes. Rinse & repeat. If you want an easy place to gear ger, join a high pop server in Berezino, find a dead body and loot it - find someone without a helmet, flank them and knock them out. Steal their gear and slot them in the back of their head for lolz.
  6. emigrates

    More fun at berezino than I ever had

    If you die after 5-10 minutes in Berezino, you're doing it wrong. You could always be a hero and help people on the coast with food and water, take them somewhere to get equipment and to survive.
  7. emigrates

    More fun at berezino than I ever had

    Great things about the great Berezino: See someone without a helmet? Flank 'em, knock about, take their equipment and slot 'em. Once in the head, should do the trick. See someone dead? Take their gear and run for the hills! See a hostile group? Get some music pumping and run to their location, they'll soon be dead after everyone else knowing their location and the equipment is yours!
  8. emigrates

    Your DayZ embarrassing moments.

    That Bush is has saved my soul a many times. I remember I was scared of killing people or being shot too. Until I got my first ever contact which lasted about five minutes, involved me with a 1911 (1 mag, plenty of spare rounds) and him with a Blaze. My two other friends were to scared to show their faces... and yeah, those "friendly" groups.. absolute bastards :(
  9. emigrates

    Finally I'm a hero

    We didn't want you anyway, hero scum!
  10. emigrates

    How to know which servers to avoid?

    Same here, except I could only wish Elton John was a myth. Edit: 100th Post :D
  11. emigrates

    How to know which servers to avoid?

    I've never come across a server that can reset your character. I've joined servers which claim to reset your character, but they've all been servers for people to privately gather equipment. If you and your friend go into an empty area, one of you log out and one watch him, you'll notice his character sits down, this is the logging out phase, the character is still able to be killed during this time. Hope it helps!
  12. emigrates

    How to know which servers to avoid?

    Nothing at all. Chances are, if you joined server A and grabbed a few items, jumped off and logged onto server B and your character has reset, it's either due to the fact server A is reg and server B is hardcore, alternatively you may have been killed just before you log off. You character remains in position for about 30 seconds once you exit the game, to prevent combat logging. During this time it's possible someone can kill you.
  13. Can I use this in my signature? ;-;
  14. emigrates

    Miley Cyrus in DayZ?

    You deserve so much more than my beans, well played.
  15. What on earth at you doing in order for you to take 2 hours to kill a zombie? Don't aim at it's feet, aim just above his head. and a pro-tip.. no on cares if you decide to stop playing. Wipe the tears from your chin.
  16. emigrates

    Bicycle Suggestions/Discussion [Official]

    Maybe we should wait until jump is sorted when we're not on a vehicle yet :P
  17. emigrates

    Bicycle Suggestions/Discussion [Official]

    If it helps, I'd love to have bikes in the game. Mountain bikes would be ideal, but set in the zone and era would look strange. I doubt BMX bikes would be much good though
  18. emigrates

    Bicycle Suggestions/Discussion [Official]

    You're really not having much luck on the Bike thing, are you :/
  19. emigrates

    Anyone else name their guns?

    Badly Damaged mosin, that is...
  20. emigrates


    inb4 switching between hardcore and regular inb4 logging out in combat but still getting shot inb4 doesn't know that when you die you reset But seriously? You had your first post and you chose this? You realise you need to be of a certain age to play the game, right?
  21. emigrates

    Anyone else name their guns?

    I think we have a winner...
  22. emigrates

    Anyone else name their guns?

    I'll admit, I wasn't expecting such a.. standard name, I was at least expecting something x rated. Oh boy, don't I know that feeling. I can't say I've named mine, I'll have to think of one and get back to you!
  23. emigrates

    Press vests and anti-stab vests

    Maybe I worded that incorrectly haha, the game for me, feels like much more of a heart ache and a bunch in the bollocks if I die when I'm fully kitted out. I've lost count how many times I've had a hunters back pack with 4 protection cases of food, 2 ammo boxes for my M4 and 2 medkits. Logged in and found I'm dead because someone just happened to be on my position and slotted me. I prefer to fight light now, making the most of what I got at hand, slotting someone from afar and taking their stuff instead :D
  24. emigrates

    Bicycle Suggestions/Discussion [Official]

    I was thinking it could provide a good PvP area. Get the fuel to the train, train can obviously only got backwards or forwards on set amount of fuel. Keeps the bandits from the cities like Berezino and Svetlojark. Coming from a bandit, that is.
  25. emigrates

    Bicycle Suggestions/Discussion [Official]

    The idea of Heli's in DayZ SA is repulsive. Bikes? Sure! Cars? Okay! Trains? Not a problem Flying vehicles? Fat chance.