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About rimp

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. - Rimp - Newcastle, England - GUID 96c54ccee143fd8942d915245a07914c - I have been out of the country and away from my PC for the past 5 months and now that Im home all my friends are raving about how good your server is with its good stability and lack of cheaters. Id like to play in such a server si vous plait
  2. if u have an M249 im guessing you have a compass? either way the debug forest is on the map just off to the west side. just start walking east and you will most likely appear west of Kamenka in the bottom left of the map. you save all your stuff and its only a 10/15 minute walk. if you can see trees then your not far away from something of note like a town or a road etc. its when you get spawned in the debug desert that its really shit. latest spawn point in the debug desert (no trees or bushes or anything except maybe the odd animal) if this happens u need to have alot of food and water and just start running south east untill you hit either the coast or the trees. i did it this afternoon as i didnt want to reset my character also and it took me 1hour 40 mins of running in a straight line to finally reach the map. i went through 3 bottles of water and 3 cooked meats to keep me alive for the journey tho, so i hope if u take the long walk u have the supplies to keep you going
  3. this wont install the beta for me tho will it? i can run the game in non beta and i can get into servers ok. and i can install the beta and run the beta ok, but it doesnt work if i run the beta and dayz because the beta doesnt talk to arma 2 in order to have access to the correct map
  4. i have original arma 2 retail copy fully installed but i have OA via steam, everything is fully patched and i've been in servers and it does run fine. but i have read that the new version of dayz is going to require the game to run beta, so i downloaded the beta in advance, installed it, modified the beta launch short cut with the -mod=@dayz bit and tried opening it up, it opens up the game in beta mode with a little note on the top right saying running the dayz mod but its no longer recognising that i have the original arma game installed so the only map available is the takistan one so if i attempt to join a dayz server i get the error "You can not play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.cherarus" when i launch the beta, it doesnt open steam and so doesnt give me the option to run combined operations, it only opens the operation arrowhead half of the game and so doesnt get access to the cherarus map does anybody have a work around?
  5. close ts and re open it in administrator mode, should work fine then, a mate of mine has the same issue, i have no idea why it happens because i use ts and i dont have the issue :S