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Everything posted by Silence4all

  1. Silence4all

    M4A1 Can i be added back to Genral Military?

    Im interested to see how common the M4's are going to be after the wipe. & my dad has a Betty Boop tattoo, right under his well earned "Born to Raise Hell" Tattoo he got in Saigon. Gotta say they gave some damn fine ink back then. Take some1 out of the jungle for some down time & all sorts of fun happens.
  2. Silence4all

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    I agree that server owners should be able to give local bans. Sure you are going to have admins that abuse the ban power, but they will also have an empty, boring server after a while of that. But hey, they are paying for it. There will always be hacks, sadly, its part games these days. Admins should be given the means to try to keep THEIR server as hack-free as possible. If I get banned from a server just because I joined it or I play better than them, yeah i'll be a little pissed, but there are a lot of servers to play on & it's their loss of a legit, nice-guy player.
  3. Silence4all

    what's your favorite backpack to use?

    Got used to the Hunting pack when I played First Person, so I run with it.
  4. I hope so. With the never ending nade spam, i'm getting flashbacks of the Bridge map in America's Army.
  5. Silence4all

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    Shot a hacker standing on the top of the statue in Svet. Then Later we cornered 2 in the office building's. When they figured they were trapped, every1 on the server was ported to Vybor & reset. Was wondering if whoever does that crap gets reset too.
  6. Silence4all

    teleported? bug or hack?

    Had this happen due to client side lag. My net had a hiccup, & I started flying across the screen to die falling.
  7. Silence4all

    Status Report - Week of 01 September 14

    Good stuff! Thx for the update.
  8. Silence4all

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    Seems to me like it depends on the server where all the loot piles spawn. I logged into NWAF on 4 different servers & only 1 had any loot to speak of. Ran to Vybor Mil. camp on all 4 servers, 2 server's had NO loot, 1 had stacks of crap & the other had a KOS'er that popped me in the head (even though I was only wearing a couriers pack), then stood over me & screamed "sorry dude, i gotta live".
  9. Silence4all

    Extremely High Ping Since Last Update

    You can try to re-set your router & flush your DNS.
  10. Silence4all

    Help I Can't see few options to configure the game

    Have had this happen a few times when switching from stable to Exp. & back. This has always fixed it for me. Hope you get it fixed.
  11. Silence4all

    Z's all over me!

    Using a gun on Z's I usually end up dead, really damaged or running for my life. I find the fire axe to be the best silent killer. Circle the zombie, then stop for a second then start your circle again. Most of the time the zombie will strike, then you can smack them in the back of the head.
  12. Silence4all

    My adventure with Jesus

    IMO....to witness him cheating & run with him while he is cheating & gain from him cheating.....you're cheating too. I don't care how friendly he was. What about the players he killed? Maybe they were friendly too & he murdered them.
  13. Silence4all

    Your thoughts on the newest implementations

    I think this will have a positive effect once it's tweaked & operates properly. It will really add to the survival aspect of the game.
  14. Silence4all

    What should I do?

    Kind of a silly question seeing that DayZ SA, is in alpha. You're going to get glitches & char. resets...it should be expected. If that's not your bag, get the mod & have a blast.
  15. Silence4all

    Fully Kitted for the First Time!

    Wait till weather effects come to stable & you will carry a back pack too.
  16. Silence4all

    Why won't my AKM shoot?

    I had this happen today, I changed the stock & i worked.
  17. Silence4all

    September Rant Topic.

    What she said...
  18. Silence4all

    Random Leg Breaking

    I have died from this a few times. Lately have just been breaking legs & ruining pants & boots. Happened twice 1 after the other at the NWAF. 1 time at the brig & then at the ATC. was glad I had 2 splints.
  19. Silence4all

    Questions about tents.

    I have had this happen before. Nothing missing but the clothes. I cant see it being a player, I had a fully kitted AKM in there & it remained. I have had the best luck finding tents in the hunting huts.
  20. Silence4all

    discussion about Server Locking/Booting

    You can see your last joined server in your profile config file. I hate being kicked...lol
  21. Silence4all

    Where the hell am i ?

    This depends on the server time. Could be running west, depending on the time of the server. The Sun "rises in the east and sets in the west". Interesting fact though: most people don't realize that is a generalization. Actually, the Sun only rises due east and sets due west on 2 days of the year -- the spring and fall equinoxes. On other days, the Sun rises either north or south of "due east" and sets north or south of "due west.".
  22. Silence4all

    Hacksaws uber rare now?

  23. Silence4all

    Stable - 0.48 Discussion

    Been searching for tents too. I found 2 last friday, lost them to server wipe & havnt found 1 since.
  24. Silence4all

    How did you last die?

    Spawned into the factory on the coast. I ran straight for the apple trees & by the time I got there I had 3 Z's beating the crap outta me till dead.