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Everything posted by Silence4all

  1. Silence4all

    Stable - 0.47 Discussion

    Could be. There's been a time or 2 when I would have eaten leaves to keep from starving. Could have just been those sneaky Z's scared the shit outta me while looking for loot.
  2. Silence4all

    Stable - 0.47 Discussion

    I really don't mind spawning into a zombie fight. I don't even mind getting knocked down when trying to collect apples or berries. Only question i have: is why does it look like im wiping my ass when bandaging after fighting 1 of the no dieing, hells fire zombies that are spawning.
  3. Silence4all

    Castle near the International (NW) airfield?

    You are just east of the Old Fields. I was there yesterday. 1385 m north of Novy Sobor Run west until you hit a road, go left & it will run into Novy.
  4. Silence4all

    Your first kill

    My first was a boxing match in a piano house. Was looting & minding my own biz, & he came in behind me. He clocked me once as i was turning around. I went to first person, & dodged a couple hits, then landed 2 hits to the head. He had to have landed 1 too because we both went down, I got up first though & when i came to, started his beat down. After I got him down he never got up. I removed his gear & beat him on the back of the head just to make sure he was gone, didnt know to check his pulse.
  5. Silence4all

    Plan for release of 0.45 to Stable

    YES! I HAVE A DREAM! I want to drive the train.
  6. Silence4all

    any news?

    Eating the meat raw will make you sick. I have cooked with 3 logs & just 1 log & the cooking time was the same....around 10 minutes. Didnt even know you could put ammo or canned goods in the fire...lol
  7. Silence4all

    Is it worth carrying an axe?

    Agreed...& I have come across a few superduper-smack-theshit-outta-you.....YOU'RE DEAD zombies
  8. Silence4all

    Plan for release of 0.45 to Stable

    Have to agree that progress is slow atm., but also think when they get the Infusion engine going & get the game to set 64 bit, we will see quicker & more often updates. Those are both huge changes & will take time.
  9. Silence4all

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    I crashed 1 time today. I was configuring my sound while in-game & CTD. Have not been able to reproduce the crash though. Other than that game is running good (no rubberbanding or desync). Looking forward for the push to stable.
  10. Silence4all

    Is it worth carrying an axe?

    Im currently playing the Exp until it goes stable. I carry the Splitting axe in my backpack (only takes 4 vertical slots) & carry the Pick axe to use on zombies. I usually kill em in 1 shot. Gotta have the splitting axe to make fires, finding logs & kindling in the rough is a real PITA. The Fire axe will damage pretty quick when using it to chop with.
  11. Silence4all

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    I have found fish hooks in the trunk of cars & garages. Been a long time since i have found 1 though.
  12. Silence4all

    Plan for release of 0.45 to Stable

    that killed it with a double tap to the head...NOTHING is free. You think they take the time & effort & $ just to creat a game for free. I have played FTP games & they were FAR from free.
  13. Silence4all

    Excessive leg breaking ? (Experimental Build)

    Been testing the Experimental since roll-out. Had just 3 random leg breaks. 2 along the catwalks in the metal building & 1 from the top of a cont. tower at NWAF. I carry a vile of Morphine or a splint at all times now. I have had only 1 char wipe & that was on a EU server so I have used US & UK servers to test on with no problem since. A lot of random "Session Lost" & I gotta restart the game every time or I get stuck on "Please Wait" or game crash. Same when changing servers. Exp servers run awesome for me, never get Desync. I tried the stable a few days ago & got instant Desync. Took 15 mins to be able to eat.
  14. Silence4all

    Animal locations (Experimental Build))

    Did the goat kill you before you could read those signs in front of you?
  15. Silence4all

    Cooking meat doesnt work!

    I cooked 4 deer steaks on a fire with 2 logs. In 24 mins I had 1 cooked steak. In less than 30 secs, the rest burnt. So the window from cooked to burnt is pretty small.
  16. Silence4all

    Plan for release of 0.45 to Stable

    Great to know that the problem is being fixed, been having a blast even with the warping. Keep up the awesome work.
  17. Silence4all

    Rubber Experimental Branch: 0.45.12499

    I found that walking from the build & taking a different path than I bounced back from really helps. I play from a shitty 3G wireless connection & have noticed that I have not had any of my normal desyncing problems, just the rubberbanding.
  18. Silence4all

    Internet Shut Down While Connecting?

    Having the same issue here all day....This needs to be addressed please.
  19. Same issues here. Just started acting up today.