So many hackers in that game. Got 2 days ago 2 guys who killed me and my friend. It was like falling from somewhere just broke our legs and died. We were 5 people, then the other 3 could be shot from them easily. And today on a hardcore server, i was full equipt since 3 mounth playing m4 agoc mosin long range.... I was walking in the woods near berenzino. There was a fuel station, i just thought, dont walk through maybe it will blow up. So i kept distance, and then booom it really blew up. I was walking a while after that, not thinking anything. And then shots, from ak. He hit me many times i couldnt beliieve because i was just running away. And then i looked back and he was fast and glitching around like teleporting from one place to other, couldnt get away from him. At the end i decide to hide and logout, but i was dead anyway.