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About OZeT

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. So many hackers in that game. Got 2 days ago 2 guys who killed me and my friend. It was like falling from somewhere just broke our legs and died. We were 5 people, then the other 3 could be shot from them easily. And today on a hardcore server, i was full equipt since 3 mounth playing m4 agoc mosin long range.... I was walking in the woods near berenzino. There was a fuel station, i just thought, dont walk through maybe it will blow up. So i kept distance, and then booom it really blew up. I was walking a while after that, not thinking anything. And then shots, from ak. He hit me many times i couldnt beliieve because i was just running away. And then i looked back and he was fast and glitching around like teleporting from one place to other, couldnt get away from him. At the end i decide to hide and logout, but i was dead anyway.
  2. Hello mates, a parabolic directional microphone could be very helpful to control buildings or free distance: -> footsteps between 50 - 150 meters and speechings between 100 - 250 meters. A very rare item like night vision and very heavy to carry. Greetings OZeT
  3. Hello mates, in a apocalyptic world weapons are not easy to find, if you are not living in the usa :) People need to look into alternatives, crossbow and arc is a good way to build weapons on a easy way. But airguns are still present and could be improved to increase the damage. It is silent, inaccurate, has long charging time and just one shot. But i could kill a zombie with a headshot, kill animals, and knockout survivors in short distance for a little while. The more alternatives, the better is the dynamic feeling. Take what you find and try to cope with these. Military weapons should be more rare and only in military bases. So we need more hunting guns. Greetings OZeT
  4. Hello mates, yeah i think the title speaks for itself. I can simulate this otherwise, but an item with a graphic-model would be very nice. Right click on it -> preferences, will open a new windows, where you can change frequences. If you dont wear it your voice sounds normal. Just change frequence and wear it and your voice will sound different. Like a damon or high frequently. It would be a gameplay feature. People you met and werent friendly, could not recognize you. If you see them(unfriendly people you killed or met before), and ask the friendly question, they wouldnt know who you are, and couldnt fool you about it. I hope you guys like the idea. Greetings OZeT