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Everything posted by UltimateGentleman

  1. UltimateGentleman

    Holding/shouldering/wrapping clothes round you

    Well I don't know anything about that but as long as it doesn't take up too many resources having things flapping about, awesome. They work but I just don't see why the best option should be to throw your clothes on the floor...
  2. UltimateGentleman

    Bang stick

    Now I don't know the right name for them or completely how they work but they've been in a few movies if my memory isn't corrupted. Most recently in my memory, The Grey. A Bang Stick is when you attach a bullet/shell of some sort to a stick so that you can stab with it and have the bullet/shell be fired. So how about Shotgun Shell + Duct Tape + Stick = one time use Bang Stick? It'd make for a great close quarters improvised weapon, either just to put someone down or when you're desperate. Again I'm not quite sure how they work or if the "recipe" I put up makes sense but it doesn't have to be like that of course. (not sure if this as been suggested before as I have no idea what the official name for it is)
  3. UltimateGentleman

    Bang stick

    To an animatronic doll, not a fleshy target. It should work with a nail then, right? I'd imagine nails will be added at some point for base building or at least they should be.
  4. UltimateGentleman

    Bang stick

    Well the legal ready made versions could still have their place in the game although I'm not sure why they'd be in the terrain, perhaps to kill livestock? Shotguns, shells and these things would make sense to be around farm areas. I think they'd be a cool weapon to use anyway.
  5. UltimateGentleman

    Clan/group/friend recognition

    So here's the dream, you form a group with some people and decide to take over a village, set up some fences, make a farm, have scav/hunter teams, patrols, scouts, guards etc You claim that territory and ally with those people. What I suggest is a visual recognition system, you see your friend a couple hundred meters away, you know it's them right? Sometimes it might be someone that looks like your friend but in the DayZ world besides the fact that currently all models of the same gender and race look identical, that would be a damn rare event. So what I'm suggesting is if you zoom in on someone 100m(this could be a different range) that you've grouped with, perhaps by handshake, you get a message like "That's definitely Paul" Further away they get or how much their clothing changes since you last saw them up close the message changes "I'm confident that's Paul" "That sort of looks like Paul" "I'm not sure who that is at all" This way you're not going to see Paul coming back from a hunting trip with a new jacket and immediately put down the poor bastard, doing your job as a guard. And it's Paul, he's not going to be aiming his gun at you so you don't have to shoot on sight to avoid risking your home, you wait until you can confirm who it is. So at distance you zoom in and get a message but distances less than say 10m you don't have to zoom in just look at a person for a couple of seconds and thus confirm who they are if you see their face, if you don't perhaps it could take up to 5 seconds. Now to counter inevitable negative responses. "People can just use team speak/Skype you fool!" Sure they can, wouldn't it be nice to not have to rely on mystical telepathy though? You don't have to be linked telepathically in real life to know your friend is walking towards you. "It makes it impossible to misidentify someone! That makes it too easy!" It doesn't though. Because Paul went off hunting and you, you evil person you killed him. What can you do now? Wear Paul's clothes. Guards are just going to get "I'm pretty sure that's Paul" when you're fairly close, to far to talk to and maybe the message says that because he picked up a new set of boots. If you walk through the village some people might not even realize they'll see you 20m and not give a shit because you must be Paul right? I think this would be great, it would improve co-operative gameplay a huge deal but also open up opportunities for epic infiltrations, kill a guy and wear his gear or just find similar gear to someone, sneak in and steal their stuff or just kill everyone, whatever you want. Perhaps you could even burn their farm or poison their animals. The strictest of groups wouldn't fall prey to infiltration of course but not every group is going to be perfectly co-ordinated, the ones that are deserve to take you down for being good players anyway.
  6. UltimateGentleman

    Wells not working? What's persistence?

    I haven't played on a non persistence server, why don't you try it and see if it works? I haven't been able to drink out of any wells either, haven't even been able to fill a canteen at them. Luckily it seems to be raining 90% of the time so all it takes is spamming "catch rain" like 16 times or something to fill a canteen. For once being hydrated has some difficulty to it...
  7. UltimateGentleman

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    Not really on the track pad you can use multiple fingers. But yeah could have button commands and directions with the mouse. It needs to be more difficult than just press f to stop bleeding in seconds anyway, but this isn't the topic for that. Well maybe they wouldn't be classed as mods any more but does it matter? It would get Bohemia money, it would get Sony money and would give people some more content to play. If they do continually update the game adding games and whatnot it'll take forever for the console versions to get the updates so DLC would be great, they'd just need their own servers but PS+ and the money gained from DLC purchases would pay for that easily. So long as it's not like futuristic weapons mods that you can take in to the base game and annihilate people with it'd be fine, especially that Jurassic Park one, if that could work on the SA's engine anyway pretty sure it's on ARMA III so might not. Well, the PC version will no doubt be finished months before I'm sure it'll get plenty of attention on Steam a lot of people have decided not to buy it in it's alpha stages so there's plenty money to be had on PC still, I doubt they'd abandon it. It's not often consoles get things before PC anyway :P
  8. UltimateGentleman

    Stable Branch - 0.50 Discussion

    I found my FPS to be consistent but randomly it would drop every so often, even in the countryside. Speaking of which is there some way to actually see your FPS as a statistic? Would like to see what I actually get does the game tell you or do you have to download a program to do it?
  9. UltimateGentleman

    Stable Branch - 0.50 Discussion

    Yep. Rain should be a "Oh fuck I need a fire and better gear!" situation not an almost constant annoyance...
  10. UltimateGentleman

    Bang stick

    Yeah I know about those ones, would be cool if they were added too but I mostly mean one you can craft those are probably a bit complicated. Or maybe we could just use some kind of pipe? Fuck it I don't know, obviously it's illegal to make them out of sticks and stuff so not finding any guides on how to, either it's not possible and various movies featuring them have just been bullshit or it's just something like an engineer would know how to make without being taught. In The Grey anyway I think they just use a pointed stick and tape a shotgun shell to the top so that when they stab at a wolf the tip hits the primer and sets it off, so maybe it would work? It's pretty damn hard to find any info on them since it always comes back to the Boom Stick from Evil Dead...
  11. UltimateGentleman

    Stable Branch - 0.50 Discussion

    Well maybe your ping was fluctuating? I joined a server where I had about 40 ping and for the first time...ever I can say melee worked half decently. Many times a zombie was coming at me and I was able to headshot it, in third person. Seemed to actually hit where it was swinging and zombies actually had to hit me not just jump near me. Is it just the server I was on or is it raining ALL the time for anyone else? It's a bit ridiculous it doesn't even rain that much in the UK in autumn... Seriously of the 3 hours or so I played it rained about 2 and a half of those hours, not even exaggerating. It would go off for like 30 seconds and then start again, if it stays like this it's going to be a right cunt to stay dry when it's not a loot party it's not a problem for me since I found waterproof gear in minutes but as servers with persistence stay on...that's going to be a huge problem. At most I seen it stop raining for about 5 minutes otherwise it rained between 20 minutes and nearly an hour, to my estimates. Looks like we're all going to freeze to death when we die and don't get the loot party to save us. Can only imagine how hard it will be for new players in winter...
  12. UltimateGentleman

    Thoughts on the new .50 Update...

    I'm finding loot to be very very odd... I understand why it's everywhere currently but on a low pop server I went through like 5+ towns and the whole NW airfield plus a new military base(not sure how new) Within like 20 minutes I had a dry bag and more food than I could possibly need plus EVERYTHING pristine, which is just fabulous. Currently I have a yellow raincoat, drybag and summer hunter pants or something so I basically never get wet and actually overheat in the rain if I run around too much, I also have like 1 space in my inventory even with a high cap vest. About 10 tins of food, first aid kit, rice, threw away some cereal, two canteens, lockpick, sewing kit, leather stiching kit. Plus a few other bits and pieces like duct tape. But in all that, I found barely any ammo at all, couple of boxes of the 380 or whatever ammo and some shotgun shells was all I found before getting to a military base then the airfield. In the airfield I found about 60 Mosin rounds and some other ammo types but there was still barely any all in all about 100 rounds of ammo. What's that all about? Food and guns galore but barely any ammo, I covered a large part of the map too and very popular locations, where loot seems to spawn in buckets so it's quite likely that the ammo I found is a lot of all the ammo on the server, unless it's all cramped in one house for someone to find. Other than that it's been awesome I played for like 3 hours, didn't crash at all a few FPS drops here and there but not one crash before it would sometimes do it after less than a minute. The game seems to look better too not sure how haven't changed any settings.
  13. UltimateGentleman

    Clan/group/friend recognition

    1 But it's never going to be that unique though unless they make it so your clan has a red armband and only your clan can see that it's red, which is kind of dumb. On any one server with armbands for instance it's highly likely multiple clans will all have the same colour so I think a mechanic is fine it just makes up for what you can't tell from what the game shows you. 2 Again you shouldn't have to act like you're some military squad the game is built on an ARMA engine yeah but we're not soldiers, why shouldn't we be able to function as a group without acting like we are? 3 Yeah the dance that most people do, movement doesn't have enough variety that you could be safe with a signal like that anyone can just watch from the bushes then show up doing the dance and slaughter as many people as they can. 4 What about people who don't have voice chat though? Or people who don't all speak the same language? Or just have hard to understand accents. It should be possible without voice chat to form some kind of group.
  14. UltimateGentleman

    Melee attack button

    I'd love it if we got that and a melee attack button but it probably won't happen since it'd make it easy to kill people so I guess people won't be a fan of this. But why the hell not? If you make the snap decision to stab someone they have to be freaking fast on their feet to avoid it, unless you're slow. You should need a knife and a sheath to do it, or anything else that fits in the sheath like a shiv or whatever. Having to press 3 to equip your knife and then slash is just inadequate not to mention useless for anything other than skinning. How about tap R or whatever to slash and hold to bring your knife out? (I sense urgh it's not CoD comments...) As long as it doesn't insta-kill people simply by you cutting their shoe there's really nothing wrong with the concept, I guess if you could stab people in the neck it'd be too easy(even though that's realistic) but still a quick slash is still going to be helpful, maybe you just want a bambi to suffer for attacking you so make them bleed or you don't want to waste the bullets. And maybe knives could actually be useful against zombies other than in desperate situations. Or maybe they could actually add a stealth attack for sneaking up on zombies and maybe people, if you sneak up on someone you deserve to be able to stab them surely? That would give a melee button great use you could stealthily work your way through a town taking out zombies instead of smashing them over the head really quite conspicuously. So please, actually think about this one instead of instantly labelling it a CoD/casual thing when it's really quite basic, knives are dangerous but in DayZ unless you're skinning an animal, might as well use your fists.
  15. UltimateGentleman

    Melee attack button

    Yeah I don't mean they should add it right now but eventually it'd be great, especially the sneak friendly part, so long as it requires you to not have a backpack full of loose bullets jingling around. I disagree though I think it'd be used a lot, since it went on Steam there are a lot more noob players than oldschool players, who'd practically have immunity but it's still going to be useful against a large portion of the playerbase who're new, just idiots or were focused on some other task. It'd be a good way to execute someone too like an unconscious comrade(I think there should be a penalty to respawning while only unconscious) Granted nobody is going to go on 40 kill streaks stabbing people in the back but it definitely beats walking up to them fists up like you're about to box and just slashing them when they're open to a fatal stab wound, if there's one thing that kills immersion for me it's how poor the melee combat is but there's no way to make it realistic without making it unfair or having QTE's or whatever else. Sneaking up on someone is just a situation where you should be able to kill them with a melee weapon rather than do minor damage and get shot even though in reality the person would have their head caved in or many stab wounds.
  16. UltimateGentleman

    [Suggestion] Improved First Aid

    Suggestions like these need implemented, bleeding currently is just stupid, not even the fountain part. You shouldn't have to run around for like 10 minutes desperately trying to find a bandage or rags to stop a cut on your arm bleeding, why not hold your arm over it? Do we all have Hemophillia in the game? I think you should be able to hold your wound shut, mostly stopping the bleeding and provided you're not doing anything faster than walking you slowly stop bleeding. Stupid as it is I'm fine with bandages being an insta-fix but they and rags shouldn't be the only fix. Even if you can instantly stop a bullet wound bleeding you've taken a huge blow to your hit points which are currently non recoverable(hopefully that changes) so bandages aren't a cure all. It'd be cool if you had to get pliers to pull bullets out if you wanted to avoid infection making the danger more than hit points and bleeding also.
  17. UltimateGentleman

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    It exists because they want to make them even though all they get is donations. With being paid for it as DLC they have more incentive to make them and might get some better resources, it could only improve the modding community.
  18. UltimateGentleman

    Do we really need more towns?

    I feel like it works as a suggestion. I'd rather they actually expanded the map than added towns everywhere, there should be way more wilderness than there is there's hardly anywhere good for a base because you're always going to be near a village or town someone is going to visit sooner or later. It's way too saturated with towns so I think adding some extra area outside the map with more towns would be tons better. With persistence I want it to be possible to hide my base because the wilderness is so vast and with an expanded map if they add helicopters it won't take 10 minutes to find every base. I'm not sure how well they could expand the map of course but surely if they can edit large area's they can add more?
  19. UltimateGentleman

    Removing the 'Hide body' option

    They still fall under the same category just in their own sub category. Why not just make them eat people to improve the atmosphere of the game? Would also explain why they're still alive, if they don't eat they should be dead unless they're supernatural.
  20. UltimateGentleman

    Thermos/Hot water bottle

    So it's a pain in the ass not having warm clothes, not being able to find any and having to make a fire every two seconds just to survive. What about adding a thermos or hot water bottle for us to fill with hot water(duh) and stuff in our freezing cold jacket or whatever we're wearing? If any of you have played the indie game Don't Starve you know that it has a viable option for heat on the move...DayZ certainly should have one if a tiny indie does :| Not only does it burn through resources making fires all the time is just inconvenient and until there's proper base building sticking to one area isn't really an option unless it somehow has a continuous food supply. But who wants to play the game when you have to sit around a fire 50% of the time? Obviously how heat works will be tweaked but why not have options for us to stay warm on the move without having to wear rare gear? It's not going to be the ultimate saving grace but it should keep you survivably warm if you have a stove to top it up every so often. The two items I mention aren't all I mean but not sure what else would be viable, thermos is the best option I can think of.
  21. UltimateGentleman

    Thermos/Hot water bottle

    Yeah brainfart on the thermos being warm but they could be useful for that too, even just some boiled water(obviously not straight from boiling point) perhaps you could pour it over yourself or drink it to warm yourself up for a while. In the military when they're all freezing when someone does a shit they wrap it up in a bag and pass it round, just to get a little warmth from the fresh poop so I don't think it's too ridiculous to have a hot water bottle.
  22. UltimateGentleman

    Placebo effects

    So I assume at one point things like starvation and hunger will affect us in the game by lowering our stamina, disallowing us to run fast or even at all. Hopefully motor functions will also be affected. Fizzy drinks have very little hydration value but if you were dehydrated, drinking one would definitely make you feel better, it might not actually hydrate you much but you'd feel better. Which motivates you to run faster in the game and improves your action speed also. Another thing it could do is make the screen a bit more colourful instead of black and white, or perhaps that could stay just to signify that yes you are still dying. So you're not sufficiently hydrated but for a short time don't feel like you're going to die. With hunger the same thing eat an apple or some berries and even though that's no sort of meal and you're still deteriorating just having some food in your belly makes you feel better. Basically you get 5-10 minutes of the next stage of hunger/hydration up as in if you're at red hunger, hobbling along feeling like death is just around the corner you eat an apple and then you can move like you do in the orange-ish coloured hunger status. Up until you're at olive coloured hunger and can run and perform actions at a neutral level. Would be a good way to give virtually useless food items such as berries, apples and tomatoes a use, it's only going to help a little bit but it might save your life all the same.
  23. UltimateGentleman

    Removing the 'Hide body' option

    As I suggested in another topic they could just have zombies feast on dead bodies so if you're away from your body 10 minutes you come back and there's just a carcass, perhaps with some gear left. Any longer than that all you find is bones and blood and some really really happy(and fat) zombies. That and the option to drag bodies would be good enough magically making them disappear is dumb. Dragging would be great for if your friend got knocked unconscious too, drag him to safety.
  24. UltimateGentleman

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    ...completely the opposite :lol: Who wants to spend months, even years making a mod and get nothing in return?
  25. UltimateGentleman

    Multiple Suggestions

    I don't think zombies need to be faster, they're fast enough and it doesn't make sense already. When stamina is introduced we won't be able to run 20 miles non stop to get away from them, though they should have stamina too.