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Everything posted by UltimateGentleman

  1. UltimateGentleman

    Stable Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Some bullshit at the north west(I think, not east anyway) airfield. Was strolling around looking for an AKM just to shoot it and see what it's like and leave, or a combat knife. Nobody was around, I'm sure of that. Went in the small tower type building, with lots of windows. Suddenly my leg is painful and broken, so I thought fuck I guess someone could have shot me? There was no gunshot of course, crawled down the stairs a bit, teleported outside the building and fell on the ground then injected some morphine and was fine. Everything in my pants ruined, including all the worms I had...now I have to find another shovel which could take forever. Then I run away to another building, just in case somebody did shoot me. Here I find another morphine injector, what luck! Suddenly my leg breaks AGAIN, there's no way anybody could have shot me I was in one of those buildings with the bunk beds and the kind of jail cell if someone even shot at me they could only have seen above my legs, unless they have the power from Wanted to curve bullets. I mean thank fuck I found two morphine injectors right as my legs break...but still fuck sake. It's really annoying, I just want to skin an animal, try out an AKM, go fishing or make a camp fire any one of those and it's like the game is doing all that it can to stop me. So now I'm not playing for a few hours, here's hoping my character isn't reset for no reason. Can we expect a hotfix for at least some of this? Because for me it's damn near unplayable, sometimes I'll get a nice 30 minutes and sometimes not even a minute before something fucks up.
  2. UltimateGentleman

    Stable Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Well on experimental I believe it said "split in to quarters/halves(I forget)" so you got pieces of firewood but now it's just "split in to thirds" I think they definitely need to make it a lot easier to get cooking and campfire related stuff, the way it is now it's like a million times easier to just find a can opener and get cans of food, I want to go fishing and hunting but who knows when I'll ever find some stones or a pickaxe... Whereas the same houses that always have food unless already looted, still always have food.
  3. So since the update I've played the game 5 times, 4 out of 5 of those times it crashed to the desktop within like 10 minutes... Before I would get like half an hour to an hour or it wouldn't crash at all now it's practically definite, my drivers are all up to date and the game ran fine before, connection is ok too. Just seems to be since the update. I'm kind of annoyed because that's twice now it happened while a zombie was chasing me, I only hope I ran far away enough and closed with task manager fast enough... So yeah for me at least it seems to be way worse, I shit you not in 1 of those 4 times I literally played it like a minute before it crashed. Also I close every other non-essential process and my PC has 6 gigs of RAM so it's in no way being overloaded, plus it worked relatively ok before.
  4. UltimateGentleman

    Stable Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Aw...damn now I can't hope for nice admins not being evil to me :( lol I played quite a few hours on experimental and the only issue was the rubberbanding as well as the standard stuff like zombies it just seems to be since the update for me. As for movement and hotkeys for me I think it might be slower, I was stuck holding an axe that wasn't there for like 10 seconds before he put it away then actually took the axe out(by which point I'd pressed 1 to take out my Mosin already) My connection isn't all that great but it's consistent so it's not that. It's just disappointing how poorly executed this patch seems to have been when it took so long. EDIT I also can't turn wood in to firewood any more, just sticks. Before you could make it in to the blocks on experimental...do we just have to find them now?
  5. The game ran fine before I could handle the infrequent crashes but now I can't play for more than half an hour before it crashes to the desktop while zombies are chasing me, I don't even have my graphics or anything set to high and my computer can handle them anyway. At the pace things get fixed it definitely only seems like one guy is working on it, Beta is supposed to be the "fix what you broke" stage but where is the "fix what was already broken and has been for years" stage?
  6. UltimateGentleman

    Stable Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Maybe people would like to be able to play it for more than half an hour before it crashes on them. It's cool if it has some flaws but so many things have broken with this being pushed to stable when it was pretty much ok on experimental.
  7. I wouldn't say I've lost faith I just don't see why they took so long to release this patch and it's still broken... How many people are in the team? Because it sure seems like there's only one guy doing the programming, it would be nice if they sent the art guys and everyone else on holiday and just hired some good programmers to come in and fix as much as they can. I don't care about new stuff so much as it actually being playable. Crashing to desktop happened to me maybe like 1 in 10 times I played but now it's like 9 in 10.
  8. UltimateGentleman

    Stable Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    I think server admins have just been given full control and can do whatever they want to you now... Like seriously it seems like it I've crashed to the desktop 4 out of 5 times, 1 of which was after probably not even a minute. Also every time a zombie hits me I start bleeding, so much for random chance. "it's an alpha" doesn't cut it, they took forever to get this patch "ready" and somehow it's very broken how did they not notice this many issues?
  9. UltimateGentleman

    Is anyone else finding crashing to desktop MUCH more common?

    Yeah I'd like to know what causes it at least, could we expect some kind of hotfix or will they just leave it for later? I was all excited to have something to do again but if it's just going to keep doing this well I can hardly play it can I... Wasn't on a full server or anything either and was on a few favourite ones that have always been fine and none of them had just restarted.
  10. UltimateGentleman

    Is anyone else finding crashing to desktop MUCH more common?

    So it's not just me then, good to know. It never happened to me on experimental either only when this update got pushed to stable, kind of annoying trying to test out all the new stuff when it keeps dying on you. I had almost everything I needed to get a fishing rod then it done it and when I loaded it my character was reset 1 of those times too >.> it's almost as if server admins get a "ruin this person's play time" button...
  11. UltimateGentleman

    Gutting Animals

    I hope it doesn't stay this way... If you were hungry enough you could just rip their entrails out with your bare hands. It should be an option, just take longer and get badly damaged meat.
  12. UltimateGentleman

    There is no such thing as a random kill.

    I like the part where you act as though there's an equal chance to find someone nice or bad, it's not bad luck or anything I'm sure the community will agree that like 90% of the people they find, at least try to kill them. Exactly what is wrong with this game, well no there's nothing wrong with the game(except all the bugs) but the way people treat it. Sure in an apocalypse people would kill each other from time to time but there would be a reason unless they'd full on went insane. People in this game don't kill because of greed they kill for fun, how many times have you seen people camping on rooftops go down and get the loot? Probably never because they just wait for the next poor sucker and shoot them too, they have all they need anyway. I always love seeing people try to say there's a good reason for killing people, especially noobs other than "for the lolz" Although it makes it enjoyable meeting people who have nothing and not shooting them because you get so much praise for not being an annoying dickbag so hey bandits and general assholes make friendly encounters all that more special. Then again they slowly kill the population of nice people. Unless it somehow becomes hard to KOS like if zombies can climb ladders this game will just be a deathmatch within a few months after the release. All you "hardcore" people will be welcome to it.
  13. UltimateGentleman

    New update questions

    1. What the hell does an ashwood tree look like/do you actually need ashwood sticks for a fishing rod? (post a photo of the tree if you can) 2. How do you make a fishing rod, never got the chance on experimental, I thought it was rope and ashwood sticks then you need a hook, do you need all three at once? Or is it a bow that needs rope... Sure hope they don't keep it so you need specific sticks to make a rod.. 3. What does a fish hook look like on the ground? I checked barns and everything, can't imagine they stand out much. 4. Can I use stones if there are 0 remaining? The only stones I ever seem to find are pristine but have 0 remaining...why does the item still exist if there are none? . This is mainly me asking questions but if you have any ask away maybe people will be nice and answer. Please no "just go play the game yourself!" comments it's not exactly clear how to do some things in the game, I bet there are still people who don't even know you can make a splint because you'd only find out if someone told you, you randomly paired the items together or you asked Google.
  14. UltimateGentleman

    Stable Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Well, I'd sure as hell like it to be faster than it is. Ran away from some zombies that made me bleed, used rags. Zombies caught up "AHA! NOW I CAN CANCEL!" "You have cancelled the current action" 5 seconds later he finishes bandaging instead of just stopping... It's amazing the zombies never killed me really they got 3 or 4 hits in before he finished there was no cancelling involved, maybe it's not set up for every item yet I don't know. Beyond tree cutting I haven't found anything new yet, just outside an airfield so I might play around with an AKM if there's one. How hard are fish hooks to see? Not sure where they spawn but I can imagine them being super easy to miss. Also does anyone have a photo of the trees you get ashwood sticks from because I've cut down like 5 different kinds or more and it's only been regular sticks...why does it need to be a specific type...? I just want to fish :(
  15. UltimateGentleman

    Stable Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    How quick does it stop though? Kind of useless unless you see someone in the distance, if someone with a gun rounds a corner while you're eating or whatever you're dead unless they miss every shot. I didn't even see Steam updating it... So I'm not really sure, is it updated everywhere or could it just be saying version .45 because I last played on Experimental? (I switched to normal a few weeks ago) Not playing until later so don't really know.
  16. UltimateGentleman

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Well it's not really a game yet more of a half-game, I guess people should just not treat it like they will when it's the full release since it will be a vastly different game/experience. At that point it's going to be worth getting attached to your character and gear because surviving will be hard, no more gearing up in 10 minutes. I think if it stayed the way it is and people were just left with having scrounged everything they needed when they finally died and had to get everything they had again how much harder it is to find said stuff would be a bit of a shock, so it would be great for us testers to get used to all the new features as they're added instead of never having dealt with sickness before because we already had charcoal tabs stocked up from many updates ago then dying and not knowing where to look or what to do. It would be positive in the end. Perhaps people would even enjoy helping others survive instead of just killing them too.
  17. UltimateGentleman

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Well that will no doubt be changed in future, the AKM is a bit harder to use too which is nice since KoS assholes will need to try harder instead of just spamming that mousebutton until everything is dead. They obviously just want feedback on how the experience changes when it's AKM's people find, if it's just as bad or even worse they'll definitely be rare next update. Nobody said anything about every week, every month. Every month if they consistently had an update is what I'm talking about, so it's like you have to start again and enjoy what's new and maybe learn how to survive again since something like disease you might already have the cure for, making it not at all hard for you to survive it. Whereas if you get wiped you have to see just how hard the game can be. Once you find all the pills you're basically immortal, people being forced to find them again when they become rarer and rarer makes this game more what it's supposed to be, survival.
  18. UltimateGentleman

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    I'm not afraid of them it's just annoying how skill-less fools who only had to run to an airfield to get theirs keep them when everyone else is going to have to work for them and just hope they're at heli crash sites. EDIT and it would be a hindrance to bandits which is always nice if they die it will take them a lot longer to get their precious M4 and taped STANAG mags. This isn't a complete game, it doesn't really matter about your character they'll probably all be wiped for the final and Beta releases anyway. As the saying on the forum goes "don't get attached to your character" (gear too) So long as there was consistently new guns, items and/or features after every wipe I don't think people would care, look how many people have stopped playing until this next update, it gets boring when there's nothing new. I enjoy the adventure of having to find the basics again, even better when it's made difficult.
  19. UltimateGentleman

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Yeah, too many people seem to think that this is a serious game right now when it's obviously not done. I wouldn't enjoy my character being wiped but it would be cool getting in a routine of playing it for a couple of weeks then leaving it until I got wiped, so long as they consistently updated it every month with every wipe it could work, every time you play you have something new to discover. People dissatisfied with that could just play the mod, a different game or wait until the game is complete which they should understand that it isn't.
  20. UltimateGentleman

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    At least you don't just want the apparent best weapon :P personally I still prefer the SKS to everything I don't care about stats, though I'll take an auto if I can expect to come across groups. I really think they should wipe them though, since the M4 is supposed to be like God tier it's unfair that tons of people will have it when everyone else will have to go to a bandit camp(also known as heli crash site) or find an AKM. It's not like the people with M4's had to work to get them takes like 10 minutes to find one depending on where you spawn... Plus it would be hilarious seeing all the complaints on the forum :lol:
  21. UltimateGentleman

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    So...it's going to stable today or being made ready to go to stable today? It'll be nice having something to do in the game. I know it would annoy people a lot but honestly I think it would be good if our characters got wiped, just so everyone that spammed M4 drops has to work harder to get one again :P
  22. The devs or the hackers? If they've fixed this PBO thing not sure how it's getting worse... There probably always will be a couple of hacks there but I'm sure most will be ironed out or detectable and bannable upon full release.
  23. So does this mean nobody can hack to have infinite ammo and whatnot? Or is it just for some hacks? I'd imagine the latter anyway there's probably some way to do some hacks but at least it's a lot more difficult for them. Now either they're kicked out of the community or have to show everyone how pathetic they are at the game without cheating :D
  24. UltimateGentleman

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Is that like a placeholder destruction animation for in future? Guess it's kinda cool but such a waste of ammo if you're playing legit. I sure hope you can't knock down a wall with an M4 either, wooden fences and doors yeah. Imagine how awesome it would be if they let you lock doors and shoot the locks out to burst in, you could claim it as your own fort for a while... Maybe even a small chance of a skeleton key being in a police station, as well as some naturally locked buildings with decent loot drops. That would be cool if the key(s) stayed with the server. EDIT so if this update works fine how long before it's on stable, couple of days or more?
  25. UltimateGentleman

    Base Building Ideas

    How detailed can they make it really? I mean I doubt it could have a so in depth construction system that you can carry every plank and place it where you want, extremely unrealistic expectation. So will it just be like H1Z1 where you see the image of what you're building and can place it wherever you want? Because that's basically the only thing that would work but I imagine everyone would moan about how it's not realistic blah blah blah it can't be realistic it's a game.