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Everything posted by UltimateGentleman

  1. UltimateGentleman

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    Oh shut up with the PC master race shit. Like PC gamers don't sit at a desk all day playing WoW or whatever too, how ridiculously hypocritical. Console gamers are the ones that go outside way more that's just obvious PC games are largely designed to keep you on your ass all day as most of them are MMO's. Plus PC gamers are so elite that they understand the whole "alpha" thing apparently... Have you...been on this forum before? Go look on general discussion or the new player part and see how long it takes you to find someone whining if it takes more than 5 seconds you're a slow reader. I still don't see what's wrong with the devs getting lots of money...it's kind of their job, y'know. Putting it on console will get it buckets more money, it's the smart thing to do why should they only cater to PC gamers when they can triple their target audience(if it goes on X1) If you don't think it will be popular on console, you're wrong. 1. Open world game, everyone loves those. 2. Zombie game, everyone loves those too. 3. You can hunt and do whatever you want, everyone will love that freedom. 4. There's guns and you can kill people. The only thing that might hurt it's sales is H1Z1, if they can manage to get it out there first they'll make tons of money. But even then it'll cost them less to make a console version than they'll gain from it anyway.
  2. UltimateGentleman

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    I'm sure that's legit. Especially the buttons on the main menu, cos there wouldn't just be a highlight bit you move around with the D pad or analog...
  3. UltimateGentleman

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    I'm not saying my PC is high end or anything just that the new gen consoles are easily as powerful as a today average+ PC for less money. To get a high end PC you need to spend well over 1000 and people act like everyone would find it worth it when just no, quality of the game over the quality of the graphics. Both would be nice but how often does that happen? Not very.
  4. UltimateGentleman

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    Yeah the new gen consoles are basically PC's anyway now. Heck my PS4 is more powerful than my crappy Alienware X51 :facepalm: I like how people tend to bash consoles as instantly inferior clearly without looking up the specs, almost as though they judge them on the 360/PS3 specs. Will they put controller support back on the PC version? Think that annoyed a lot of people. The main thing I hope they don't do is make it H1Z1 by making it free to play and adding in micro-transactions, I want to be able to buy it and have a disc and then either get a DLC in future or have the option to rent servers.
  5. UltimateGentleman

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    Have you played the console version of BF4? It's still pretty broken, while the PC version runs smooth. The console version got some DLC early so what? It hardly means they abandoned the PC version the console version just gets more money put behind it, so more people are contracted to work for it. It's not like they could get 100 million from Sony and Xbox and then just say sorry bro's we're going to use that for the PC version and finish the console version in a few years, they are hired to make the game for consoles and do their job. So I'm not sure what's so bad about doing the job they're paid for, again. Plus things change so what if there were some promises are we all 5 year olds or something? Nothing is ever absolute in business. The PC version will no doubt get more support after both are released too console updates are somewhat rare, PC versions are always tweaked and made better patches come out for them way sooner.
  6. UltimateGentleman

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    It is paranoia if you believe they'll give greater focus on the console version than the PC version...how would it not be? I don't think there are many games stated to have been a PC focus then to have had the console versions take over...if there were there'd be a huge uproar about it from people like you. I don't see what's so bad about the devs doing their job... That'd be like a massively popular food chain like Burger King just saying no we're keeping this in America, expanding wouldn't get us any money, stupid. Anyway I'd assume more of the original team will be working on the PC version while the PS4 version might get more support from Sony so it could end up rolling out sooner than the PC one even though the original team is focused on the PC one, just because more money and time might be put in to the console versions doesn't mean they don't care about the PC one any more. Whenever the console development of a game shoots ahead of the PC version it's because the former had a bigger audience and budget behind it, console gaming is way more popular than PC gaming. Pretty sure PC beats PlayStation and Xbox but not both combined.
  7. UltimateGentleman

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    I don't see the need for all the "Urgh it's all ruined now it's on peasant consoles! blah blah babble babble" nonsense, just shut up. Just because people think it should stay a PC game forever doesn't mean it should, what kind of business sense does that make. The same fans that whine over and over and over about bugs and whatnot expect the devs to keep the game on PC due to their loyalty or something...yeah what? DayZ going to console will get it a lot more money, be happy about it. Devs will be able to make bigger and better games for the future DayZ isn't even out the door yet and the future of their next game is already secured really. And also enjoy the fact that the next "PC master race" game will largely be funded by console buyers ;) I just don't understand why people fail to realize the idea is for the game to get money, it's tailored to the majority not to you specifically, whatever bratty, entitled person you may be.
  8. UltimateGentleman

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    So any word on how the PS4 version will be released? I'm not gonna get another early access version of the game unless it's significantly better than the PC standalone. Will there be a beta(like with practically every game these days) or will it just come out finished when it's done? With this I hope some DLC is considered it'd be great to have some new lands to explore along with it not being free to play or subscription based that's the best way to keep money flowing.
  9. UltimateGentleman

    Stable - 0.48 Discussion

    So is the bug where you can't attack less or more common now? Because I feel no need to play it if it's just the same.
  10. UltimateGentleman

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    The PS4 comes with a headset so unless people have lost it every user should have one, course they might not want to use it but they can. It's nothing spectacular but it works fine. I'm glad I don't have to buy a proper headset now :D would be a waste DayZ is all I play on PC besides Minecraft here and there. I wonder if we'll be able to customize the controls? Hopefully.
  11. UltimateGentleman

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    Depends on the person really, I think most PC elitists are the kind of people who'll probably sit and play their FPS 15 hours a day where that console person maybe 3. Console gaming is more drop in and play. PC gaming is more get obsessed and play constantly, so it's personal skill/experience not the items you are using. Personally I find aiming with a mouse crap, to turn round quick you have to either slide the mouse over the mat pick it up and do it again or have your sensitivity really high. I prefer the instant mobility of a controllers analogs. But couldn't that mean they make DayZ console version and then add some upgrades for Kinect/Touchpad separately? I sure hope not anyway the PS4 has a whole extra gig of RAM over the X1 which could make for a big difference. Imagine they tried to make a Wii-U version...
  12. UltimateGentleman

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    Huh, I never thought about the controller thing... Btw was that first 2012 announcement actually legit? If that's legit i don't get the recent announcement...did the gaming community just forget or something? Or was it merely hinted at?
  13. UltimateGentleman

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    To be honest I think it's more like the BI team are ready to abandon DayZ and Sony's just salvaging it so it gets finished for at least PS4.
  14. UltimateGentleman

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    So if two teams are working on this...is it not possible that the PS4 version could be finished first? Imagine how funny it would be if some other developers in the PS4 team pulled that off. If each team is fairly independent I guess it is possible depending on who's on the PS4 team if it's nobody from Sony they'll probably hold back until the PC version is done. I kinda hope it doesn't go on Xbox or at least Xbox gets a version tailored for them rather than the PS4 version ported to it, because then they'd have to lower the game so it works on both consoles equally which would be lame, like how cross gen titles are watered down. I wonder what the servers available will be like? I doubt many of the PC gamers will get it on PS4 so will it really get that much attention? Hopefully servers aren't ghost towns. Then again zombies are still a fairly popular genre.
  15. UltimateGentleman

    improvised bow

    I think they need to let people have it AND a rifle, it's basically useless maybe in future it won't be but guns are so common that it's not worth the effort to make a bow over finding a gun. If you could wear it round yourself as a third weapon it could be good, especially when base building is added you could use it to creep up and take out guards then sneak in with your M4 or whatever out.
  16. UltimateGentleman

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    Good idea really. A lot of people without a half decent PC have wanted to play DayZ for ages, I for one was going to wait for it to come to PS4 but couldn't wait so got early access. I think it will probably turn out like PVP game = DayZ PVE = H1Z1 DayZ will stay a deathmatch and people who want to explore and build will go H1Z1, probably play both. I prefer the look of H1Z1 to be honest but I'll get DayZ too since it will already be optimized, my computer has a fit over DayZ even though it easily runs it at medium to high settings the "optimal" settings seem to be low for everything...even though it appears to make no difference to frame rates etc... So not having to mess around with that crap is a huge plus. I'm just hoping the "upgrades" or whatever that will be on the PS4 version aren't things like a shop and other pay to win features..
  17. UltimateGentleman

    DayZ on PS4

    Can't wait for this, don't have to bother setting up a controller for the game now or buy a headset since I already have the crappy one that comes with the PS4. That it was most likely going to go on PS4 is actually why I got the early access in the first place. Anyone else excited for it? Though who knows when it will be out PC version isn't even nearly done really. Early 2016 maybe? Maybe Q2. I wonder what will be done with it to use the respective strengths of each system(sounds like it's going on X1 too)
  18. UltimateGentleman

    DayZ on PS4

    What was that actually leigt? Problem? Yeah same here I'm going to enjoy it all being optimized because I looked at the game on my nvidia program and it said it wasn't at the right settings for this PC, so I clicked it and it put everything to low and just totally broke the screen size, which still isn't back the way it was months later. And my PC is no monster but it can run it on high fine. It's like it severely overestimates how powerful a PC you need to have high settings, which doesn't seem to affect frame rates at all for me so I don't know what people with 3K+ PC's are doing to have it be smooth... I dunno, I don't think they'd bother announcing it like this now if it was going to be that long. It's not like the whole team will be working on it either they'll have support from PlayStation who'll probably speed it up quite a bit. Probably like within 6 months after the PC release. If they can speed up the development of it and have it done before H1Z1 and on PS4 and maybe X1 before it they might just destroy H1Z1, if everyone has already played DayZ nobody will care much about H1Z1 so perhaps they're going to aim for that.
  19. UltimateGentleman

    Weapon echo sounds

    I think they should be way louder anyway guns are pretty deafening but most in game sound like pea shooters. Longhorn is probably the best sounding I'd say.
  20. UltimateGentleman

    Nice people

    Did you try attacking them? Because they were probably suffering from that bug where you can't attack things... That's the only thing that makes sense to me. Nice people? Pfft.
  21. UltimateGentleman

    ability to identify wounds on a dead body?

    Yeah this is what I'd like, ties in with the gore suggestion. If they got killed by a zombie, scratches on them. Died from blood loss, huge cut on their arm and a big pool of blood or very little blood around them. Massacred by an M4, riddled with bullets. Half eaten corpses to show it happened quite a while ago or that they were attacked by a hostile animal. It would be a cool layer of detail that would help you judge areas so much better, if someone is shot full of holes then its best to be careful. Not directly related to that but it would be cool to see some bullet casings if it happened nearby, so you can completely tell it was an M4 they got decimated with. Or perhaps just different sized bullet holes but that may be too much.
  22. UltimateGentleman

    Zombies are weak, they need to be stronger...

    I think what needs to be done in future is give them some proper hit markers. They should take like 3+ bullets to kill but you should be able to shoot them in the leg so they fall over, fighting a crowd should be difficult but possible that way and then hopefully weapon animations will be varied enough that you can bring an axe down one their heads. Or maybe as well as leg shooting, with a long-ish melee weapon like an axe you could swing it sideways and hack at their legs, for a relatively silent option.
  23. UltimateGentleman

    Zombies are weak, they need to be stronger...

    Like 90% of the time zombies hit me I start bleeding, no, don't make them harder. Not until that's fixed since it's just ridiculous, how do they even make you bleed last time I checked they don't have knives glued to their hands, if they did then legit but right now they're slicing ability is just OP. So one hit kill is good enough until everything else falls in line. I mean even though they take one shot to kill...you still have to shoot them, if you're sneaking around an airfield and you're forced to shoot a zombie well you've just given away your position and that you're in the general area, anyone hungry for PVP action is coming to get you and anyone too cowardly to take you on is going to sit in a building and wait for you to walk through the door. And also anyone looking to be friendly is going to assume you just shot at someone and are a KOSer/bandit. Every shot you fire is a risk really, so while zombies may be weak they still make the game difficult. So minus the bleeding constantly, for now I think they're the best they've been so far.
  24. UltimateGentleman

    Stable - 0.47 Discussion

    Yeah apparently it's a very common one, hence why I'm not playing the game until it's fixed I came across 4 guys at the airfield near the big town on the coast. I thought it was weird nobody attacked me since I had a gun out, turns out none of us could shoot or attack in any way... So I guess it did save my life however I seen them first so potentially could have got 4 kills >.> One of them tried to hit me with an axe at that point I ran away, then like 30 seconds later the axe hit seemed to register and I was knocked unconscious then got up and hid in a building then logged out. Scared to go back and look at my gear few zombies hit me too, looked like my high cap vest was ruined...
  25. UltimateGentleman

    And so it begins...

    That helps how? It's only going to help for a few hours, the people that play the game 24/7 are just going to collect everything good and bambi's will have no hope. The game should be hard because of features in the game not almost purely because of other players, surviving is a walk in the park on low pop servers, shouldn't be. Nope but what does that have to do with it? Someone with a 75 round AKM and tons of ammo is going to be a fair challenge for fresh spawns, they're only going to beaten if they either do something stupid or you're lucky enough to find like 5 more fresh spawns to attack them, how common is it for that many people to spawn round a city at any given time? Not really, you'll be lucky to spawn near another person at all since spawns are all over the map. Assuming people spawn near you which is unlikely now that it's not only coastal spawns. Unless people hold a grudge and run all the way back to whatever city from the other side of the map, growing a fresh spawn mob ain't going to be easy especially since more than half the time they're probably just going to attack you too...such is the mentality of most players. Though I do like the sound of finally killing someone who held up a city for hours and having the group pick at their gear like vultures round a corpse.