This servers costs hell of money. It is business model to give the server files only to some couple serverhosters so that they can lift up the price. IN GENERAL THIS IS OK FOR ME! Its a great game and im ready to pay for it! But,.... What i can not understand!! If i rent a server for much money (costs more than EUR 50 each month)! WHY can i not say by myselfwho is allowed to play on my server and who not!? I understand the problem that i can loot good weapons on my server and than switch toothers and shot everybody there, but why is it not possible to give "privat" servers so that theloot i find is only safed on "my" server!? I dont like to play with other peoples at the moment due to the reason that there aremany cheaters and hackers out there. I play with couple of guys whom i can trust. Why should "I" pay much money for a server to make it "other players" able to play this game???? Sorry, but i dont get it!!!!