Almost certain my computer is good enough to run dayZ Standalone at decent FPS. Here are my specs: Intel® Core i7-2600K CPU @ 3.40GHz 4.00 GB RAM 64-bit Operating System ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series. Total memory 2794MB Don't get me wrong I expect a little bit of lag now and again, but it seems way too common to just be typical lag. Each time I bring up the player list my ping is around 22 and is by far the lowest in the lobby (pretty sure lower the better, right?) I have good internet as well: Ping: 21 Download: 61.87 mbps Upload: 16.77 mbps Every single time I zoom in via holding the right click option or when a zombie comes close to me and attacks I get an immense amount of lag, almost unplayable. I'm also dieing a lot due to zombies hitting me while in lag which is extremely annoying, I'm sure everyone's experienced this at least one. I've tried turning my quality down but it doesn't seem to do anything. I play on 'normal' quality on pretty much everything and have disabled things such as 'clouds' etc. I have friends with worse PC's and it seems they aren't getting as much lag as me. I haven't changed any settings on my PC in the control panel and I have a very strong feeling it's something simple that just needs to be tweaked in either the setting on dayZ or my PC. Honestly any feedback or solutions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot.