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Everything posted by Luiskitriski

  1. Luiskitriski

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    From the Urban Dictionary Rubberbanding: This occurs in online gaming when latency is relatively high. Players (or yourself) will appear to move in one direction, and then suddenly be teleported back several feet where they once were a few seconds ago.
  2. You can eject the clip right clicking in the ammo icon in the mosin inventory, and then reload normally.
  3. Luiskitriski

    Question to every Bear Grylls in Chernarus

    Watches did exist in the mod so i guess it's only a matter of time for them to be implemented. Finding a compass should be a priority for any new player. If you can't manage that the trick I use is to look at the clouds, they're always moving to the east (I know it's a "bit" unreal - i hope they change it). Another useful thing to do is look at the road signs at the entrances of the towns. They usually show the direction to other places. If you're new you should probably check the interactive map: http://dayzdb.com/map
  4. Luiskitriski

    SOS, I'm Dying Over Here

    Maps in SA are divided in areas, if it helps I found a Eastern Chernarus map in a residential house and a North one in a shack.
  5. Luiskitriski

    Last update killed me.

    #1 rule of DayZ: don't become attached to your gear. In alpha there will be more character wipes like this one... so be prepared.
  6. Luiskitriski

    Medical Question

    Well if you run you'll get hungry and thristy more quickly so it somewhat affects it. When I'm low on blood I just drink and eat A LOT and find a nice shelter to rest a bit. Also the "I fell like taking a nap" has to do with hunger I think.
  7. Luiskitriski

    Purchasing the game

  8. Luiskitriski

    Do the early access alpha passes into full game later?

    Yes, if you buy it now you will get the full game- You'll also save some money as it will get more expensive in beta and on release.
  9. Luiskitriski

    M4 SCOPE

    I currently have a red dot CCO scope for the m4 and a PSU 3x5 for the Mosin... I haven't seen or found a ACOG for the M4 yet
  10. Luiskitriski

    Possible FPS Enhancer

    You can also change/add some lines in C:\Users\USER\Documents\DayZ Other Profiles\ it might help too mouseSmoothing=0; sceneComplexity=150000;shadowZDistance=100;viewDistance=1600;preferredObjectViewDistance=1600;terrainGrid=10;
  11. Luiskitriski

    Arma 3 dayz

    Yes, DayZ will most probably be ported to Arma 3, and I don't think your stuff will be saved. I don't even think it'll will be saved from alfa to beta.
  12. Luiskitriski


    Hey I don't mean to be rude but next time use the search function, this same topic has been discussed several times and there's even a help post sticked : http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=9518
  13. It will also fade out if you wait a moment
  14. Luiskitriski

    Is my game buggy or what is the problem?

    Yes, I forgot you have to equip it in the secondary weapon slot (right click it in the inventory as ^ said)
  15. Luiskitriski

    Is my game buggy or what is the problem?

    You can use it. Press L (default key). Also play some of the ARMA 2 tutorials and read some guides if you haven't, it is a difficult game at first but you can get the hang of it in a few days.
  16. Luiskitriski

    To the clan on LA 6 that is now missing a bus

    Nice trolling you got here
  17. I stopped reading at "I decided to relog, so all the zombies were gone." Grow some balls dude.
  18. Luiskitriski

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Good job man, we really appreciate it! Just one quickly question. How will the new ammo syncing work?
  19. Luiskitriski

    Thank you, Mr. Chopper Wreck.

    The only things I'd found in crashed choppers are empty cans... and I've been to many of those :(
  20. Your character position is saved in the central server, not in your computer, so it wont reset your position or anything like that. The only thing this does is properly updates your game, so you will be encountering less bugs.
  21. Luiskitriski

    Best gun?

    Take your pick at http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Weapon_Comparison_Table
  22. Luiskitriski

    Need some closure with blood packs

    A tip on breaking hospital windows - you can throw empty cans at them and they will eventually break. Just if you don't want to make noise.
  23. Luiskitriski

    Instant cure for maniacs

    I would agree with you if this was the final game. But it is not. The game is being developed as you play, and most of the things you say will be done. The player's behaviour will adapt as the gameplay changes The best way to help the game out is reporting bugs, suggesting features and helping the community in general. Don't get mad if a alfa-tester shot you in the back with an overpowered weapon that will get fixed in the next patch (just saying this as an example).
  24. Luiskitriski

    Need some closure with blood packs

    There are 2 hospitals at Cherno, 1 at Elektro and 1 at Berezino. There's also a medical camp with medical boxes next to an hospital in Cherno. The medical boxes spawn at the roof of the hospitals(I don't recommend you getting there), next to the ladder, and inside - you just have to break the windows. Also you need someone else to give you a transfusion.