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About falcon1439

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. falcon1439

    AKS-74U confirmed... could this mean...? no...

    I'd like some ultra rare NATO weaponry such as the SA80 rather than loads of AK variants. However, being British makes me want some British weaponry so of course there is some bias here to wanting more British kit. Props to the devs to creating more weapons in such a short amount of time, however I'm really interested in how the derringer will turn out. Maybe you can conceal it and pull it out faster than any other gun. Would make for some interesting kills!
  2. Horticulture is fantastic news, one day I hope to have a farm of sorts, with enclosed pigs, crops and a barricaded, lockable house. It would make DayZ from being (in my opinion) an al-right game, to one of the best games of all time. Just imagine the sandbox opportunities in the future...
  3. falcon1439

    Do we want vehicles?

    I want to be able to customize the hell out of my vehicle. Steel sheeting as armour over the door, being able to put branches on it for concealment, putting an akm drum mag on a turret, you name it. The limit of customizing should be endless imo
  4. falcon1439

    Best camo pattern

    Well until shadows and grass draw distance is fixed, it's grey for urban/night for me
  5. falcon1439

    What's your favorite weapon?

    I want my favourite weapon to be the PM73-Rak. Still haven't found it or a magazine. Does it actually spawn on stable with ammo/mags?
  6. Well this discussion is all well and good, but I believe the whole 'warfare' part of DayZ needs to be looked at. I want to place stuff like spike traps (see how the Viet Cong did it), I want to use stuff like blowpipes and I want to walk down the supermarket, pick up some household cleaner products, some wire and a 9v battery to blow shit up (please devs make sure you don't teach people to make bombs...) Another thing is stuff like concealment is very hard due to low grass draw distance, disabling shadows and appearing as a black figure no matter what your clothing is at distance. Until we have an imaginative crafting system to create weapons, and not being as loud as an elephant, firearms should be common. And even then, I would prefer them to be relatively common if my suggestions became reality. Maybe a little fine tuning is needed at the moment, but it's an alpha, I don't expect it to be perfect
  7. falcon1439

    When does the cars come?

    To people saying vehicles don't mean much, I think it's like having a car in real life. Cars will be good because it's something you've earned and it's yours to do whatever you want with. When cars are in, I'll fuck about with them no end, no doubt ending in multiple fiery deaths and unfortunate road 'accidents'
  8. falcon1439

    Skinning Animals in .47

    So my bipod'd mosin is pretty rare now? Am I a dying breed?
  9. falcon1439

    End game content?

    No, I just don't want to be shot and have to loot up all over again. I used to be a hero, and help out people along the coast. Too many times have I been killed by everyone from fully geared M4 KOS noobs, to a d*ckhead with a baseball bat. I want to survive longer than 30 minutes, so I don't try and approach people. If you don't approach people, are you suggesting it's a boring game? So is DayZ a dating game? ;)
  10. falcon1439

    Whats your player type?

    When I die, I'm going to get a crossbow and a PM63 Rak (for hunting and self defence). Then, I'm going to hide out in the forests and hunt. Maybe I'll loot some small villages from time to time, but I really want to see how long I can survive for. Do any of you do this, and if you do, what's your longest time you've survived?
  11. falcon1439

    End game content?

    What's the point of this game once you're all geared up? Cars and craftable buildings will be amazing, don't get me wrong, but once you've built your base and got your car all pimped up, what's the point of playing anymore? I know lots of you will say either killing each other or interaction. DayZ gun mechanics aren't great, and if I want to play PvP I just go on ARMA 3, a game purely for PvP. Also, I hate user interaction, as I normally end up dead or giving someone stuff because I always end up helping people. I play with some great guys, and don't want any more to play with me. So, the question still stands, what is there to do once geared up?
  12. falcon1439

    Best size squad?

    General consensus seem seems to be around 4, which reflects British army tactics as a fireteam is 4 guys. Bigger groups than that seem to still mostly use fireteam tactics, which is why it may fuck up for some people.
  13. falcon1439

    Best size squad?

    You seem to have a lot of experience with squads, what's your favourite squad size? Like a balance between having lots of armed guys and having clear coms and easier looting.
  14. falcon1439

    Best size squad?

    In combat, do you feel like you have a huge advantage?
  15. falcon1439

    Best size squad?

    First, a little about myself. I normally play with one other guy and it has normally worked out fine. He has an AKM, myself a mosin and as of recently the MP5K. That combination means we have weapons that work at all ranges. Moreover, due to the small size of the squad, we don't have to share food and possibly not have enough for everyone. However, borrowing some tactics from the military (who are obviously pretty qualified in combat tactics) they seem to split into 4 man bricks (bricks is what the British army calls squads). Would having a four man squad or even higher increase my survival time and what are your experiences with squads?