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Everything posted by TheLoneSurvivior

  1. TheLoneSurvivior


    What do they mean with changing or improving the renderer? What change will we see if they improve of change the renderer?
  2. TheLoneSurvivior

    So I spawn in Vybor. Naked.

    I litterly just spaned in Vybor naked etc, but this isn't the first time is spawned there. But thats not all, what's spooky about this is i spawn at the same time of the day at that place, i mean this is the 4rth time in a row i spawn there are 3-3:30 in the night. Coincidence?
  3. TheLoneSurvivior

    Server with 64 players? Safe?

    Yeah its completely safe.
  4. Thanks for the heads up!
  5. TheLoneSurvivior


  6. TheLoneSurvivior

    what is your most spectacular death?

    My most spectacular death was when i was fully geared up to the bone, i was walking and suddenly a big 7.62x51 bullet fired from a mosin penentrated my head and killed my instantly. such spectacular much fabulous
  7. TheLoneSurvivior

    Afraid to go on

    Quit server hopping.
  8. TheLoneSurvivior

    Polaris - finding North at night

    screw dat, just join a day server :p
  9. TheLoneSurvivior

    Random body harm

    god damnit, didn't notice that :p
  10. TheLoneSurvivior

    Random body harm

    flabbertgasted, is that even a word?
  11. TheLoneSurvivior


    DayZ, why you do dis to me ?
  12. TheLoneSurvivior

    Experimental Branch: 0.46 Discussion

    When you spam punch/shoot (spam click left mouse button) with ur fists or any weapon after 10-15 seconds it won't let you shoot or punch anymore and the only way to fix it is to relog. Beware. edit: only on experimental .47
  13. TheLoneSurvivior

    Been away for 6 months, what are the big changes?

    we has lots of new stuff
  14. TheLoneSurvivior

    Lagg when killing

    I always get a double death when i shoot somebody who is shooting back, i mean i put 6 sks bullets in him and he should be dead, but no he could shoot 10 round back before he falls dead/unconcious because of the game lagg/server lagg or whatever dis i find very annoying and must be fixed
  15. TheLoneSurvivior

    long horn

    did you have a good night sleep also? and btw do u sleep on ur back or on ur side?
  16. TheLoneSurvivior

    Painting the AKM 75rnd Drum black

    gg drum mag.
  17. TheLoneSurvivior

    soooo. Ashwood bow....

    Thanks, now where is that place.
  18. TheLoneSurvivior

    Glitchy scopes.

    It's a bug. Lol u reinstalled the game? What would that help.
  19. Happened to me, nothing u can do about it. It's not against the rules.
  20. TheLoneSurvivior


    They should not have released the experimental patch to stable. The game chrashes every single time a server restarts and i join another one or the same one, it ALWAYS chrashes. Idiots.
  21. TheLoneSurvivior

    Rubber banding patch

    Is the patch that fixes rubberbanding already up? if not when will it be?
  22. TheLoneSurvivior

    Item manipulation hacked server? Did this happen to you too?

    NOt the server, it was a hacker.
  23. TheLoneSurvivior

    DayZ uninstalled itself.

    So after rebooting my pc dayz uninstalled itself, i have to download it again, do all my settings and key bindings get lost?
  24. TheLoneSurvivior

    DayZ uninstalled itself.

    I think it was due to the patch, cause i know the characters are saved on the hive.
  25. TheLoneSurvivior

    DayZ uninstalled itself.

    Thanks both, my settings all stayed the same, but my character got reset. Lost lots of good gear but i can live with it.