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Everything posted by Jeebuzz

  1. Jeebuzz

    Where are all the devblogs?

    I like how you're the people pissed off at us for wanting information and notices when the game will actually happen. When in turn you'll be taking our money for the game thats been set way far behind with little to no information on a relase. To be honest I doubt very much Ill even know when the game comes out cuz I dont bother to check anymore. How bout Rocket go on another vacation(everest) or something prospone some more things. You've completely missed out on the whole zombie craze(Fading out like twilight). You'll still make a nice amount of money of that I'm sure. Its just sad this game had a lot more potential that was missed out on. Best of luck guys in doing what ever it is ur doing(what ever that may be). I'm sure ill pick up the game sometime but me and my other friends will surely find something else to replace waiting for u to realse something new.
  2. Jeebuzz

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    well hurd for 3 months now its rdy for alpha .... lets least push the game into testing imo .... not trying to complain a shit ton just saying Zombie craze is dieing off a bunch would be nice to see you guys capitalize on the huge craze not only bring u more money to help get more people involved in the production of the game, but keep the player base vast and huge. Not saying it wont be even if u wait just be nice to have u guys start testing soon even if its a smaller number like 5000 people. Just keep progressing hope to see some more info soon and keep up the work guys.
  3. Great to hear all the questions and answers here. Gotta say seeing all those ppl play it early makes me eager to get in there myself. Tho ill be waiting till the offical launch. Keep it up and keep us informed like u have been rock on DayZ Team!!
  4. Jeebuzz

    E3 and our attendance

    Ill be there taking pic's and hoping to talk to rocket! huge fan guys great work still cant wait for the Alpha !!
  5. Jeebuzz

    Hate People Who Shoot On Sight? Help Me Out Here!

    Something me and my friends talk about all the time! How can they do it ... when killing someone grants so much.... Knowing that person looted and lost it all (trolls) Knowing that u can go up and see exactly what this persons been doing while alive gain loot you might not have been able to accuire alone. But what if it was possible to incompasitate someone... Take the loot let them watch while they take everything from you... not know what they will do after the loots taken. How bout tranq darts? maybe a stun gun with a short range? mele combat where they get knocked out for awhile before they die ... Stealth attacks if ur caught from behind that leaves to chokeing them till they pass out? This might help the entire shoot on site to incompasitate people on sight. U still get ur loot take everything from the person(trolls) kill them after if u like but gives them a chance to survive.
  6. Jeebuzz

    Bandit Forum

    Just had a fantasic game! Let this story start with a bang! Right off the bat I was being shot at I knew i had to get into the brush to even have a moment to gather my thoughts and plan how to proceed. After a dash to the tree line with bullets flying past me every few moments I make it into the woods. Taking note I know my shooter will be coming after me I deside to quickly look for landmarks to identify my surroundings. I'm at Electro (no shocker I was being shot at). I have no wepons no equipment of any kind to defend myself so I leave the city and forest quickly and travel to Cherino. I then see my Shooter had been following me almost the entire way and know I will not lose him. With no hope of making it I deside bluffing is my only chance. I hide in some long grass wait till he gets closer and closer and closer..... Finally when he is close enought to hear me in direct chat I yell FREEZE!!!! he stops moving .... quickly looks around.... I say only 1 chance or the 5 of us will shoot u dead .... Drop the gun and back pack and back away slowly.... He doesnt move for a moment .... im 10 feet away ..... he drops the gun his bag says hes friendly (we know thats a lie) and starts backing off.... when hes far enough that I can snag his gun without him getting to it before me i stand up he relizes it was a bluff comes running at me with an axe .... he was closer then i thought ... I get the gun only have 1 shot left .... I aim hes 2 feet from me .... I shoot! BAM! (Frenzy'd BoB was killed) Moments like these are few and far between in video games. Where the interaction with people can have any number of outcomes where it lies compleltly on self thought and the idea that u must survive. Great work and u have a huge supporter here keep it up!
  7. Amazing looking screens I honestly just went out spend 2k on a new computer to play this game alone! Looking forward to the release and the Alpha. I get how crazy popualr this game is and glad ur taking the time to do everything right before releasing the game. Huge Fan Dev team!
  8. sigh what a guy you've been busted and i dont know these ppl outside of the forms you're just making stuff up everytime something new is said .....
  9. 20 mins after u die in cherno u have all ur items back ..... fact ..... nuke kills everyone on server but nxs fact ........ many ppl experience ur stupid hacking fact ...... again i hate to repeat myself since all u need to do is scroll up and read again..... we're loading more videos of u app just playing good as a group rolf ..... and no they were bugged and u can find that out with a little reading L85 was bugged ..... FACT you cant find AS50 Thermal Lazer range finder backpack eliet nvg's all that in 20 mins in cherno .... FACT ..... like i said we'll be posting more videos brah
  10. facts bro it aint just ur's vs mine ..... keep talking bro keep on talking
  11. Just stateing u dont hack man doesnt do anything when there's proof of it everywhere, I've contacted the person who created this topic and we're getting more videos loaded to youtube. There's no way 20 mins after ur death while you're not with your chumbs u got AS50 thermal FN Fal night vison lazer range finder the elite backpac all in Cherno not in ur dreams guy. It sucks getting caught it sucks even more playing with low life clans who do this to legit players. then to have a nuke fall as soon as you're killed have rockets shot at us and blow a building up while shooting at ur team to have several other people experience the same sort of events that I have and Big Cat have its not just some couindence. And theres a major flaw in your video that i may point out to everyone. Your video was uploded July 21st and you had a L85 A2 AWS that was not even avaible in the game until the patch witch was a later date then the time of the video being posted. Everything you've said and everything you've done is on video many accounts of people seeing what you've done experiencing it all and the discounting your statments proves byond a shadow of a doubt that your group is hacking in these items period. The people who play done give a crap if u have facebook and twitter means ur hackers that have facebook and twitter .....
  12. Actually I joined that server a few days ago, killed someone called nXs Dream then someone shot a rocket launcher at me i went to loot the body he had insane items AS50 thermal i then ran for my life. I then saw another person and killed them about 20 mins later it was again nXs Dream who had everything i looted off him be4 AS50 thermal lazer range finder GPS largest backpack ive ever seen holding FN FAL with night vison scope after i went to that budy i was killed. I then went to Cherno and killed nXs Killa and then a nuke fell go to this video and this is what i saw at the end i randomly die again.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_pFdS1V0a4&feature=plcp if this isnt enough profe i dont know what else you ppl want other then its most likely the people from the clan posting that this is garbage. These fools are busted plain as day and need to be banned ive had a friend banned for picking up a hacked item that had no name just a pic and these guys nuke servers and can do this day in and day out without the worry of being banned ..... sounds little messed up to me lets be little pro active on the hacker front other wise ill most likely find another game to play
  13. I think that they are adding a little to much in the way of suvival in the game. Mind you i love the whole idea but i find myself forgetting im in a zombie world cuz im worried about catching colds temp water food ect... that I tend to forget that the real enemy is the monsters. Now to start off with no wep no water no food seems to me a little much. how can there be a handful of ppl left and u not at least get a pistol or a can of food. Lets not make it impossible here, Another big thing im finding is with everything being reduced to u only having a backpack now is that almost all the buildings are non enterable.... I would like to see at least a can of food and water jug back and a pistol make it empty if u want and u need to find ammo but the pistol itself should at least be with your char upon start up. Loot should be found in an around buildings if u cant enter them and temp should not go up and down so dang much. I love the stealth system it works extreamly well the fireing of wep's when u actually get them works amazing had a sniper rifel once and it was amazing bullet time all that was accounted for when shooting at a longer range. Direct chat is a great idea for ppl who are ballzy i love the game and will continue to convince friends to join me in playing but some things still need working out.
  14. Hello, Name is Shaun, I've been playing DayZ for quite a while now. Now Im pretty lost after reading in the forms and hearing that the global ban is something people get for cheating. I personally don't have the know how to hack a game much less do something called scripting(Herd about it from other posts) Now some people say well you have a hacked weapon in the game, How does one tell if the item that's picked up is hacked? I have put in a complaint/information request to BattleEye support e-mail but I am still wondering how one could get banned for truly not cheating. If they do not respond is there some way of going about playing the game again? if so may someone respond as to what it is I can do and the options i have. For anyone who comes and reads the post + reply's I app the time you took.