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Posts posted by JudeSaint

  1. Im going to have to call BS on how many people ticked the "Play Good" vote.   I cant count how many people ive run into who have shot first and asked questions later.  Even after i have clearly made it known that i have/had no intention to shoot.

  2. It seems that there are times where i am able to loot a body and times when i can not.  I know there is a "hide body" option.  Does that actually hide the body? ... because the last two times ive died (once i feel off a roof once i was shot) i went back to my body and was unable to loot anyhing.  Nothing would show up at all.  now when i fell i was the only one on the server so theres no way the hide body thing would affect that.  Any ideas on this? .. is there a timer on your body that makes it unlootable after a certain amount of time?

  3. So i got sick from eating a rotten fruite.  I had no choice!  I was litterally about to die from starvation.  Anyway, ive seen a few different topics on how to get rid of said sickness.  Charcol or antibiotics..... Ive taken both ... and am STILL showing the sick tag in my menu.  Can someone help me with getting rid of this?

  4. Met a guy in a rather populated area today with no guns.  I had 2 pistols and 2 rifels on me (one of my rifels just stayed in my hands)


    Unloaded the guns and dropped them for him.  Made him run away from the guns a decent distance and left some ammo in a building nearby.  Told him id leave him a bit of ammo in a nearby building (i told him which building) and made him wait 1 minute before going for the guns.



  5. I do not think its intention is to be a social experiment however I think the game does act like one.  I personally always act how I would if it were real.  Example of that being just today.  Ran across a guy with a backback a helmet and some pants and nothing else (Earlier I had run across a few people who were "friendly" and then attempted to shoot me and my companion, good thing they failed to load their guns "click click click")  We had an extra rifel and pistol with us which we gave to him without ammo.  We left the ammo in a building and made him wait until we were a good distance from him before he could go and get the ammo.


    I didnt know the guy, he seemed like a decent person but you never no.  Which is why we decided to leave the ammo a safe distance just in case.
