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Everything posted by Thilarro

  1. I cannot get the ingame sound of Dayz to come through my headset. Every other game works fine. I've reinstalled it and reinstalled the directx and nothing seems to work.
  2. Thilarro

    Sound not working through headset

    I still have my speakers plugged into the back but I always disable them through the playback devices. I plug my headset into the front. The only other sound setting I have is the beats program. I'm not sure if that's interfering or what. Edit* Also, when I play, no sounds come out of my speakers. There's just no sound out of my speakers or headset.
  3. Thilarro

    Sound not working through headset

    Just tried all of that and nothing :(. I have sound if I use speakers but it just doesn't seem to want to work through the headset.
  4. Thilarro

    Sound not working through headset

    Yes. Dayz seems to be the only one not working correctly through the headset.