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Taco Mullet

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Everything posted by Taco Mullet

  1. The title pretty much sums up my feelings, here is why. In the beginning you do not have much to lose, this creates a "who gives a shit" attitude. People with guns who feel this way are more likely to gun down everyone they see without a second thought. Now the player who has had to work to get to a point of being able to defend themselves may reconsider getting all trigger happy for fear of losing the possessions they have rounded up. I realize that as an unarmed player in this game you are easy prey for those who want to kill you for the thrill of it, to that I say, zombies are a weapon. I made a run at the grocery store in electro last night upon spawning on the beach east of there. I got there with a couple zombies on me, no big deal, grocery store is great place to lose them now. I immediatley found a gun, some survival equipent, and plenty food and water. Outside I heard the zombies that had followed me getting gunned down. I didnt move fast enough, stuck around 1 loot pile to long and was murdered in the back storeroom. Upon respawn I realized I was close to electro again and decided to rain hell down upon the bandits at the grocery store, I got about 30 zombies chasin me and brought them to the grocery store, the results couldnt have been better. I ran into the store again and scored an AK right around the time I heard shots, my 30-40 zombies went after the dinner bell like a charm. I ran outside just in time to see the zombies knock 1 bandit out and another bandit run by me bleeding. It was complete chaos.I gave chase and managed to put a few bullets into the bandit and I left him bleeding on the ground to get eaten by zombies. My point in all this is, spawning without a weapon forces some serious out of the box thinking. A bi-product of this is an unscripted event that would not have occurred naturally in the game. I also was able to rise above just being a victim to the bandits, all without the use of a gun. If established players want to hunt a new survivor and camp places such as the grocery store, they are gonna have to work for it.
  2. I realize that training zeds is nothing new. However the dynamic has changed with being able to shake zombies. I am not the kind of player who gets my kicks from hunting and or being a general dick to other survivors. My main goal has been to become self-sufficient and rack up my zombie kill count. My experience in meeting people has always ended with hot led, or an axe in my head, so I am solo-play focussed. You really can not trust anyone when civilization crumbles. My point is, when starting a new toon. I am all about dash and grab. Until I have some stuff to worry about losing, I am not gonna crawl in the dirt for hours to find a gun. I have the ability to lose zombies now. I realize that can leave me open to assault by bandits, it is a risk I am willing to take in the race for survival. I do not bring exess zombies with me unless I am raining hell down on some bandits that just blew me away before I had a chance to even score my first can of beans. Now if training zombies onto bandits who just murdered me in an unarmed state is considered griefing, then it is completley an eye for an eye. And eye for an eye seems to be the law of the land. This kind of behavior will at least make a bandit think about firing at an unarmed man being chased by 30 zombies for fear of becoming the target of the zombies afterward. If you want to camp new players at the grocery store in Elektro, or wherever, hope you are willing to fight some zombies in the process, majority will prolly just log out till that gets fixed though.
  3. Thanks! I am loving this game. I am trying to be a good person, but it is difficult. I love the rat race to get starter equipment after a fresh spawn. All I have ever dreamed of is getting up northwest and living off the land and exterminating zombies. It is a simple dream, but there is a lot that always goes wrong with that plan. I hadnt really thought to hard about the impact of starting with no morphine, until I got a broken leg up by Pustoshka. It was a bad situation, I had all the equipment I needed to hunt and cook finally. I was loaded down with a sniper rifle/ak74 Kobra/revolver. So not wanting to give up I crawled to Stary Sobor to scrounge around in the military tents. I found the morphine, but got greedy and hung around a little to long, in the end zombies ate me. My FPS was going real goofy and I basicly had zombies teleport all around me inside a tent, shit happens in alpha. So in the future, finding morphine is a must in the beginning alongside all the other important suvival tools. Also on my crawl, I managed to kill,gut, and cook a cow!