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Everything posted by shuriken39@hotmail.com

  1. shuriken39@hotmail.com

    The TANK Thread

    IF they were to add tanks and armored vehicles I would prefer they remain to the faction specifics that Cherno operated in ArmA II. This includes BRDM2, BMP2 ZSU 23-4 Shilka, Ural truck variants, UAZ, and T-72 among a few.
  2. shuriken39@hotmail.com

    Please, say NO to helicopters.

    Yeeeeeahh uhhh...your post mirrored my first thought regarding this thread. Maybe he means all the Battlefield kiddies. Anyway for helicopters....hmmmm....you know I honestly can't give you an opinion on them. I know I'd think they would be cool as there were many a time where I cruised over Cherno in a Helo when playing ArmA II, and had fun, but yes I can see how OP this would be with having such a fast transport. However we shall see and wait, like Orlok said, if they are added they will probably behave a lot differently than the mod, and I'm guessing they will be a bitch to pilot too. Furthermore, IF (this being the key word) there ever comes a time where BI decides to do the entire country of Chernarus as a playable map helos will be a blessing. Take a look at the full size of the country. What we currently have is the South Zagoria region outlined in the red square. Note Utes Island to the south.
  3. shuriken39@hotmail.com

    dropping your weapins when u log out should be a feature!

    so what you're saying is you want a dupe exploit in the game? I am seriously trying to understand the reasoning behind this but I am beginning to believe you are either A ) High or B ) you were dropped on your head too many times.
  4. shuriken39@hotmail.com

    DayZ Ultra Settings + sceneComplexity=3000000

    I generally try to run everything at max minus the anti-aliasing and glare. Though in about two weeks or so I will be able to run the game at full blast with little to no loss of fps :D
  5. shuriken39@hotmail.com


    Yeah no thanks to the skills either for this very reason and I will quote myself from a previous post. " Just look at War(Fail)Z where people can get a full 30rnd mag emptied into their head and they still live because of the perks they unlocked (extra hp, armor, damage reduction and etc...). No thank you! The best part about DayZ with the way it is now is the fact that even if you are geared up you can still get killed by a noob if they are skilled or lucky enough to get the drop on you or if you are just plain stupid. YOUR skill should always be a determining factor whether you live or die in this game, not some numbers and howmany points you spend into some skill tree."
  6. shuriken39@hotmail.com

    Having at least one real city in the map

    It's possible that one day it might happen as Chernogorsk is not the capital of the country. In fact what we have now is mostly the Eastern portion of Chernarus. The country itself is much bigger with Novigrad being the capital, so who knows maybe one day we will get the entire nation of Chernarus open for us to explore. Possibly even Takistan. :)
  7. shuriken39@hotmail.com

    Open cans without any tools

    Honestly no, it would NOT be a good perk. Just look at War(Fail)Z where people can get a full 30rnd mag emptied into their head and they still live because of the perks they unlocked (extra hp, armor, damage reduction and etc...). No thank you! The best part about DayZ with the way it is now is the fact that even if you are geared up you can still get killed by a noob if they are skilled or lucky enough to get the drop on you or if you are just plain stupid. Skill should always be a determining factor whether you live or die in this game, not some numbers and howmany points you spend into some skill tree. At least those are my two cents on the matter. As for OP, fine I can see people being able to do that, but it would have to have some heavy penalty like loss of 75% of the food or it would make items that function for that purpose obsolete..
  8. shuriken39@hotmail.com

    Protest against the new update for night/day being added

    Now that is an answer I am more willing to accept. Saying there should be servers that have different types of cycles is better than outright asking for them to shorten the day/night cycle in general. Aside from that saying that this is just a game doesn't mean it should automatically be dumbed down for people who don't like the realism aspect of it. I've said it before, this game is not for everyone. Just as it is with Call of Duty, Barbie Horse Adventures, Grand Theft Auto, Dark Souls, Assassin's Creed, Counterstrike. StarCraft, Elder Scrolls, WarZ and etc.. DayZ is catered for a specific target audience. There is no reason why the Devs should deveate from their vision of a game because a casual gamer finds it too hard and unenjoyable. You either like the game and play or you hate it and move on. Though I do hope that they at least come out with servers for those who can't play by hardcore rules so threads like this one cease to exist.
  9. shuriken39@hotmail.com

    Can the Standalone not be persuaded by EPOCH's bad features?

    I find myself agreeing with you on most of these suggestions, but the economy part I am not so sure about it. I have to agree with most people who say it would be unrealistic in an apocalyptic scenario where survival takes priority over everything else. Further more like with any MMO that has an economy I can see it being inflated by morons and it makes it also possible for gold farmers to plague this game and spam their crap. Hehehe that is why I have several sniper friends hiding somewhere that have a nice clear view of the trade location so that things like this don't happen. :P
  10. shuriken39@hotmail.com

    Protest against the new update for night/day being added

    You lost me after "I thought that having a nighttime in the game is a bad idea. Many of my friends are complaining about it too and stopped playing DayZ because of it." Sorry pal I can't say I agree with you because you can't handle the night cycle. If you can't handle the game it probably isn't for you. Either way the game is in Alpha so MANY features if not MOST are still missing from it. NVG goggles should fix the issue, as for the flashlight giving you away to everyone else, really? Color me surprised <rolls eyes>. So I say again either deal with it and wait for more of the game to come out or find a game that's easier for you. I hope the whole day/night cycles being faster will NEVER come to pass, or at least not on hardcore. Like some people suggested, play on servers that have day time. That's because most people are pansies who can't handle this game. People need to realize that this is not Call of Duty or Battlefield, it's more of a simuiator as opposed to FPS. Quite frankly it's based off ArmA II, which is far from being something like CoD/BF. You either handle it or move on because the game is not for you.
  11. shuriken39@hotmail.com

    Feeding poop

    ......WTF is wrong with you?
  12. shuriken39@hotmail.com

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    The first part of that statement is just stupid and makes you sound like you're just QQing because you can't sneak up on a player in a zombie infested area without being spotted. You might want to rephrase it otherwise you'll just look like a kid who wants DayZ Easy mode. You have to make choices on how to take down zombies, you either fire at them and give away your position, usually done when it's life or death, or you switch to axe to take them down quietly. If you don't like switching find a silencer and SD rounds (this is with the assumption they already implemented that). Oh and this game already has bayonetes. http://dayz.gamepedia.com/M9A1_Bayonet What I DO agree with is that zombies shouldn't respawn instantly and run to the area where you are unless alerted by other zombies that were already on to you. I'm fine with headshots only for causing lethal damage but if what you say is true then it's pretty ridiculous.